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Thread: Pierced ears

  1. #26
    Gold Member
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    I am a paranoid person in general. After growing my hair out, my wife and daughter gave me a gift certificate to get my ears pierced last December. All I could think about was "Long hair AND pierced ears? I will be outing myself!". I almost backed out and then went for it. I did get the ones that are a small hoop with the ball locked in it.

    I work at a very conservative company and didn't get one comment. All I got was a few cools from friends. So unless it is expressly forbidden at work (I suspect there are companies like that out there), I wouldn't worry about it. Even my very religious mother just smirked a little and then let it alone.

  2. #27
    Aspiring Member
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    Do what female athletes do.

    High school volleyball and basketball players have piercings done during their high school season as well as their club or AAU seasons. Ear piercings are illegal to be worn in a match or a game. When my daughter got her cartilage pierced, we bought her a clear plastic stud. It was undetectable by the officials. You can purchase them at your local tattoo/piercing studio or at those kiosks at the mall. I thought that I could find them as the stores where you get your ears pierced but the one's that I checked with did not carry them. They cost about $5 each and I suggest that you get more than two as they are very tiny and hard to handle with large fingers.

  3. #28
    Member CharlotteW's Avatar
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    My left ear has been pierced since I was much younger, perhaps 17 or 18.
    After going out en-femme a couple of evenings ago, and also being invited out to a crossdressers meeting, I have decided to get my right ear pierced too, probably today.
    I'll never pass as a woman, but I can try my best for such events. The little details like ear-rings, necklaces and bracelets will surely help a little. Anyway, thr shopping will be fun

  4. #29
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by tess-leigh View Post
    Any reason not to get my ears done at the local Claire's ?

    Theirs is not really the best method. Better would be a piercing shop, where they use needles instead of piercing guns. The piercing shops usually use rings, which heal faster because you can rotate them around to keep them clean, and the hole can breathe. My second holes healed completely in about two weeks.

    Which brings me to my next point -- the "six to eight weeks" thing. That's an all-encompassing figure that does not apply to everyone. Some people heal faster than others.

  5. #30
    Member ringedjohn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxKimberly View Post
    As I mentioned, I work for a fairly conservative company so I did not like the idea of wearing them to work. What I did was to get some clear nylon line (heavy gage fishing line), cut it about 1/4 inch, soften one end with a flame, and the tamped the one end flat. More or less, this created an almost invisible stud that was very unobtrusive. Note that I said "unobtrusive", not invisible - this would not be a way to hide them from your wife. I've heard that these days you can by something like this off the shelf
    I have had pierced ears for over 50 years and ended up with three healed piercings in each ear. The nylon line trick works well and so do plastic plugs - which are readily available.

  6. #31
    Aspiring Member Anna the Dub's Avatar
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    I had mine done years ago, and through inaction they more or less healed up. Recently, I tried to put my old studs in, the left ear went in no problem, the right I had to force a little bit but it went through. So, next day at work now sporting my studs again, asides from a couple of women, not one person commented. I asked a couple of the girls if they had noticed, and of course they had, they just hadn't commented. Most people will notice especially women, and 99% won't care or comment about it. Just do it. If anyone asks why, just say because I wanted to.

  7. #32
    Mostly Harmless...
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    I never wanted just two earrings, but three in each ear. So I skipped the hassle and got three earrings in each ear at the same time. So far only my mom has commented on them, but no one else has said anything about them. Not at work, not outside in public, just no where. Even my grand parents and great grandmother did not say anything about them, I was sure they'd say something, but no reaction at all.

    If you want the earrings, go get them. Whatever makes you feel better, is just good. Do not let other dictate what you can wear and what not. Be yourself, that is the only way to truly enjoy your life.
    I look like a Girl
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    A cute Kitty I am!

  8. #33
    Content and Happy
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    I had both ears pierced three times over 20 years ago. Even back then knowbody seemed to care. After wearing earrings for that length of time, it's obvious the are pierced. Do what makes you feel good and if you don't like them, leave the earrings out and the holes will close up.

  9. #34
    Member Katie Ellen's Avatar
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    Blame it on a mid life crisis. It's cheaper than a sports car or a divorce.

  10. #35
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    Donna, just go ahead and get your ears pierced! No one is is even going to notice. I am 60 years old and had my ears pierced three months ago. No one has made a comment on my pierced ears yet. Don't worry about trying to hide it! No one will even notice it. If someone asks you about it just say you want to to keep up with the latest fashion trends. This is not a big deal anymore, lots of guys have thier ears pierced these days. Just do it! You will not regret it.

  11. #36
    Member phoebe61's Avatar
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    Re earring

    My main problem is i'm in 1950's fashion male n fem so keepin up to latest
    fashion is zero exuse, but the plastic studs could be an answer.
    but i havent seen friends wering earings n i do have a friend of many years who is dead aganst it,but i may grip my teath and do it anyway but one whithin the next few weeks the other when i can leave that one out.
    ps thanks for the advise

  12. #37
    Member Kendra Irene's Avatar
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    Phase II Tattoos & Body Piercing, on Portage Ave was recommended to me by a family friend. Having said that, Claire's has a good reputation.


  13. #38
    formerly Jacie2b Jacquilynne's Avatar
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    Don't worry

    Ok this is my first post

    About piercing your ears, Don't worry, hun. I've had mine for at least 15 yrs I first started with one ear as that seemed to be the trend back then . . .then a couple of years later, I added the other.
    Once healed, I've taken the earrings out for months on end and then put them back with minor difficulty. Right now, mine have been gradually stretched to fit 2 gauge plugs, tunnels, hoops and spirals . . . very cool. . . No one really has been shocked -- actually, people just ask if it hurt! And I just say "a little, it was as gradual process."

    As for places to go. . . I'd say avoid the "cattle ear punchers" as I call them - that the mall shops use. They often cause stress to the ear lobes and some people are allergic to the ordinary and cheaper grade of steel metal used in those ear studs. I'd suggest you find a local body piercer that uses APP (Association of Professional Piercers) guidelines -- the same place you'd go for belly button rings and the like. They use high quality materials such as titanium and surgical stainless steel. . . all which are less likely to cause infection and irritation

    BTW- they do have a wide variety of small jewelry sizes as well and most even have gold jewelry too


  14. #39
    Senior Member suzy's Avatar
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    Listen hon, I'm like you apparently....and we're out numbered.. I come from the "old school" and I can't bring myself to get my ears pierced. None of my family would understand or accept it. It is an open invitation to be outted in my world. Just like I can't grow my hair long.

    I don't know of any way to conceal the holes. I am going with clip on's and there are adapters so that you can wear clip on with the more available and fashionable pierced ones.

    So, while having them pierced is ideal, it's not the end of the world if you chose not to!

  15. #40
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kendra Irene View Post
    Phase II Tattoos & Body Piercing, on Portage Ave was recommended to me by a family friend.
    What I ended up doing was looking up old postings (2004) in the local (city-wide) chat group, about reputable piercers. The highly recommended place was too far in this cold, the second most recommended place has apparently closed now, so I called the third place listed. And then I was stuck, as they said, "Sure, no problem, come over any time this afternoon!". So what could I do but get fully Dressed and head over to Electric Babylon, seeing as I had run out of excuses?

    It cost $C 20 plus tax per ear, including the ring. They gave the standard 6 to 8 weeks healing time. They said that for a standard lobe piercing, to not use antisceptics, as those would kill the "good bacteria" that help the ear heal; they said just to use sea salt and water to wash away the crust.

    Did it hurt? A bit, for a moment, but the pain pretty much went away fairly quickly. It hurt distinctly more than taking a couple of vials of blood (but I have "good veins"), but it hurt much less than (say) a good solid nipple tweak. And the piercing pain was considerably less bothersome than the back-aches that I wake up with far too often these days. Not even as bad as a solid "toe stubbing". It wasn't more than 1 to 2 minutes before the pain was effectively gone.

    The pain was different for the two ears, as the lobes on my two ears are a little different in shape and to have the earrings hang down properly the piercings were done at slightly different locations.

  16. #41
    Junior Member KarynDavis's Avatar
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    Donna - just get 'em both pierced! Not a big deal anymore. I had both of mine pierced when my sons got theirs pierced. I wore little 3mm silver balls for several months until the piercings became permanent. Cleanliness is very important to fight off infection and ending up with red ear lobes. Very few people will notice.
    Take Care

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by tess-leigh View Post
    Any reason not to get my ears done at the local Claire's ?
    Well, I haven't had mine done yet (considering taking the plunge next month or so), but from my research leading up to it, the general consensus on the internet seems to be "Don't get your ears pierced at Claire's," for basically three reasons.

    First, since the piercing guns they use have plastic bodies, they're impossible to properly sterilize—the heat necessary for that would simply melt the device—and so there's typically blood and other material from prior customers on them. Secondly, even though the studs may appear sharp, the gun actually relies on the sheer force of impact to push the stud through the ear. And third, Claire's employees are typically given minimal training in operating the gun; in particular, most of them don't know what to do if the devices malfunctions in some way—the earring doesn't go all the way through, for example. All three of these points introduce an unnecessary risk of infection or other unexpected damage to the ear tissue.

    The Association of Professional Piercers maintains a list of their members, which you can search by state (or country, for those not in the US). It's probably best to have the procedure done by one of them, or possibly your local tattoo parlor, if there isn't an APP member in your area. Claire's, or any similar shops, should be a last resort.

  18. #43
    formerly Jacie2b Jacquilynne's Avatar
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    Great further explanation of what I was trying to say in my post above!

    Exactly what I heard . . .

    I wish I'd heard of this years ago . . . as I first went to a Claire -type place in a mall

    But i've learned a bunch more since then . . .and have been visiting a local APP piercing shop in the area


  19. #44
    New Member aprilhearn's Avatar
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    My sister in law has been trying to talk me into getting mine done. I feel the same was how to hide at work, earrings I can't wear do to I work around production plant that makes food. So I would need to find something to keep hidden for the 6 weeks while hole is healing.

  20. #45
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    wish I could

    I thought Id ask my wife if I could get mine done for my birthday this year and she became angry and told me to drop the subject. She saids she understands my feelings but I dont know if she will ever really accept them--wendy

  21. #46
    Wanton Brazen Hussy Anne-Marie's Avatar
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    I did mine myself the old fashioned way (hot needle and a cork) though I wouldn't advocate this. Didn't need to wear posts as my ears were seared. This was about 10 years ago and I'm a bit wiser now though I still wouldn't relish going into a shop to get this done. An ex woman friend (I use the term Lady with reserve and she didn't reach that standard) noticed I had an ear pierced one night in bed which resulted in an inquest and teasing and I once turned up with earrings in (which I had forgotten to remove) when visiting mum, that went down like a lead balloon

    If you do get them done it's very important to keep things clean, use the fluid twice a day, you don't want blood poisening which can be fatal and is never nice. As mentioned you need to keep the studs in for 6 to 8 weeks and the wear posts for about 6 months but this isn't a problem as most modern syles are this type now though I prefer french hooks.

    Re you question of how to hide the holes, not sure that you can esp at the early stage (which is when you are most likley to get questioned, folks will get used to the idea over time so less questions) as you risk infection and as I said blood poisening isn't nice.

    As for me I love my ears being pierced, despite the occasional embaracment so I'd say go get em done and be happy.

  22. #47
    Member brittdoll's Avatar
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    I have had both my ears pierced for almost 17 years now. I had them done while in college. Actually, I have two holes in one of my ears. I don't really wear earrings on a daily basis because I don't feel it is appropriate for my employment. However, nobody at work has ever said anything about the holes in my ears. I usually put in earrings once a week, or of course while dressing, just to make sure the holes never close up. Earrings on men is really not a big deal. Just get them done and smile.

  23. #48
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    This might just be the right time to get my ears pierced

    Retireing the end of Feburary and will be going on a six to eight
    week cross country trip in our motorhome. My wife is not against it
    then again she is not all for it either--- but the dog is ok with it
    so it's two against one---------Will advise.

  24. #49
    rAiNbOw_BaLlErInA KirstyChibiMoon's Avatar
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    Thumbs down why i was told NOT to goto claires

    Quote Originally Posted by tess-leigh View Post
    Any reason not to get my ears done at the local Claire's ?
    I'm in the entertainmentmusic industry and know alot of people with an awfull lot of piercings....
    when i asked some of them about it they told me the following things bad about places like Claire's that use the Gun.

    1) The gun can't feel obstructions.... A human with a needle can feel if something is in the way.

    2) The gun is difficult to fully steralize.

    3) How much training can a person working at Claires at min. wage possibly have?

    well thats the main reasons... hope that helps
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  25. #50
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morford View Post
    First, since the piercing guns they use have plastic bodies, they're impossible to properly sterilize—the heat necessary for that would simply melt the device—and so there's typically blood and other material from prior customers on them.
    Thanks, Morford. That's pretty much what the piercing + tattoo place that I did go to told me when I asked about their "no piercing guns" symbol (red circle with the slash) after I finished with mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by anne-marie"
    If you do get them done it's very important to keep things clean, use the fluid twice a day
    That disagrees with the instructions I got. I will quote from the brochure I was handed:

    Quote Originally Posted by electric babylon winnipeg

    1. Only clean your piercing once a day, preferably in the morning when you wake up. Use a mild antibacterial liquid soap (stay away from bars, they tend to collect things) and gently clean the area around your piercing. THERE'S NO REASON TO TIST OR TURN YOUR JEWELRY AT ALL!! (soap is not meant to go inside of us.) Rinse well afterwards.

    2. Throughout the day don't touch it, move it, pick at it, or play with it! Forget your piercing is even there.

    3. The evening is the best time to do a hot sea salt soak. (*see recipe on back side of pamphlet*) Be sure to soak your piercing for at least 10 minutes! but longer is better!

    4. Be sure to keep your jewelry in for the initial healing period of 4-6 weeks . Or 6-8 weeks for cartilage piercings.


    o Alcohol, peroxide, antibiotic ointments and creams, ear piercingsolution, and bactine spray. These products are way too strong and could cause more harm than good for your piercing!

    o Other peoples bodily fluids (that means kissing too!)

    o Swimming in lakes, pools, hot tubs for at least 2 weeks.

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