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Thread: Gynecomastia & CD'ing

  1. #1
    Junior Member RWillow's Avatar
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    Gynecomastia & CD'ing

    In the thread "How often do you wear a bra?", Katheryn wondered if there was a connection between cd's and gynecomastia. I will explain my situation and pass on what I have learned and hope those interested will add their comments.

    To begin, I started cd'ing at about age 6 when I found a pair of my mother's old panties in the rag bag. As far back as I could remember I always wanted to be a girl, to the point that I paryed every night that when I woke in the morning I would be a girl, of course it never happened. About age 11 I started to grow very nice little breasts, I thought God was finally answering my prayers. I was very happy with this new growth until someone at school noticed and started to tease me. Even with all the teasing I still had the desire to be a gril and I still dressed using what little I had at the time.

    Fast forward to 9th grade at a new school in a more urban setting. If I thought the teasing in a small town school was bad, in the new school it was a 1,000 times worse. I was still dressing as much as I could with a lot more clothes than I had before and I was able to fill an A cup without any problem. I was also feeling worse about myself with each passing day. One day a group of 'jocks' grabbed me and took me behind the stairwell, ripped my shirt off and everybody got a free feel. I went home that day and when I found the house empty I got my father's .22 rifle, put a shell in, stuck the muzzle in my mouth and tried to push the trigger. I couldn't get my big toe into the trigger guard and I couldn't find anything that I could use to push the trigger. My mother came home from shopping and I was just able to put the rifle away before she came into my room.

    My 4 years in that school were pure hell, no friends, no girlfriends and no social life outside of church. I still dressed whenever possible and had built up a pretty good stash of clothes (why my mother and father never found out is beyond me). I tried to see a therapist but I couldn't get an appointment, they would not talk to a kid without a parent present. I did mention my boobs to our family doctor, he said it was gynecomastia and said it would go away in time. My mother dismissed the whole thing, that was something that wasn't talked about in the 50's. All of those years I still felt I would be much happier as a female, and only felt peace in my life when I was cd'ing. I got a bra that fit (I won't say how), that was the best feeling in the world to put it on and be able to fill it.

    I don't want to start listing everything that has happened over the years, it would take too much time and space.

    To get back to the connection between gynecomastia and cd'ing, doctors can not put a cause to gyne, some say it is hormones, other say it is just confusion in the development process. I don't know if I grew breasts because of my desire to be female, or if it came from my mother. I do know that once you got em, surgery is the only was to get rid of em. Now days I don't care what anyone else thinks or says, I've had the twins for over 60 years and I wouldn't get rid of em for anything. I was in my 40's when I finally accepted myself for what I am, the hard years are behind me, I am proud of my 36 C's and if someone doesn't like em, they don't have to look. In fact if I could take a pill to make em bigger I would buy a lifetime supply.

    Sorry this is so long, but I had to express my opinion. Any comments good or bad are more than welcome.

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
    Albert Einstein

  2. #2
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    It is a shame that children are not taught at a very young age to accept others that may be a bit different! There are many adults that have not let go of the nastiness that can inhabit children.

    I congrateulate you on your acceptance and willingness to share. I think you have made a few of us here wish we had that pill to take as well as to share.

    Keep the shiny side up!

    Let it Blossom - Let it grow

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    central Ontario - in Canada eh?
    I don't really know if there is a connection - but having gyno would certainly add a bit of legitimacy to CDing. I had to get a medical about 3 years ago because of what I noticed going on, and the diagnosis was gynecomastia. I was concerned although not really worried, plus it really hasn't done much in the long run anyways.


  4. #4
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Like women, some of whom are flat chested despite having all the correct hormones, there will be a wide variation of male breast development. Some of us have more, some less, and of course, we don't get to choose that. All of my male ancestors were lanky, slim types; none of the pictures I saw showed any female type breast development. Me, I started overeating about a month after the sexual abuse started, and have had a yo-yo weight gain and loss pattern my whole life since than, and by age ten had the beginning of breast budding, which strongly contributed to my gender identity confusion back then. But the doctors I have spoken to over the years attributed my somewhat female type breast development to that, all blood tests being normal.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    Hi Renyta,

    Sad to know what happened to you in your childhood. It might definately have had some impact in terms of your moving towards feminity. I also had gyno.. and the breasts were becoming difficult to handle. They used to come in between things I was doing and it was difficult to live with them .

    As with you , I also prayed to get boobs in childhood and I got them in teenage years. I was also felt sometimes and felt quite bad about it . The shameful part was not able to wear a tight shirt and to turn the chest away from a blowing fan. So even though I was happy in one way, I was not happy in another. But in college I decided that I do not want them anymore and had them removed. Was it good or not I don't know but it was a self esteem booster where my Guy side was dominant while I was supressing my womanhood.

    It is quite difficult to understand if the gyno.. condition was the reason for Cding. I do not think so because I am aware that I was dressing up before I made that prayer. Hence it might have added to the already existing feeling. But I say that removing them was also welcome because I was not able to live my life in a easy way. Looking back I feel I took the right decision but that is totally personal . My teenage years were full of confusion and absolutely no one to turn to . Those were horrible years and I would not want to revisit them .

    So i guess you are not alone in this condition and if my POV helped you , that is great


  6. #6
    Junior Member Gina_G's Avatar
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    Renyta, first I want to thank you for posting your story. I had never heard of gynecomastia until now. I has hit me so so hard that I may have had this condition as a teenager and never knew it.

    I too was harassed but in junior high gym class and I can certainly sympathise with the torture you went through. Gym was hell with all the harassment over my breasts and since I was fat also which just made it worse.

    I complained to my mother about gym and wanted her to get permission for me to not go. She, for whatever reason couldn't manage to get that approved. So my mother, a nurse, took me to a surgeon she knew and he performed surgery to reduced both my breasts. He turned it in to the insurance as benign cysts. Which I never thought I had, I had assumed I was just fat and that he claimed the cysts so insurance would pay. I am now wondering if I had the gynecomastia condition in addition to being fat.

    Renyta, thanks you so much for sharing, it somehow makes me feel better to know that others have been through this also.


  7. #7
    Junior Member Gina_G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinachristina View Post

    My teenage years were full of confusion and absolutely no one to turn to . Those were horrible years and I would not want to revisit them .
    That sure sums up my teenage years also. Nicely put.

  8. #8
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    I am over fifty years past being a teen, but I now want natural boobs so I will need to wear a bra full time. Can gynecomastia be induced?

  9. #9
    Girlygirl Tomboy Wannabee Toni_Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinachristina View Post
    My teenage years were full of confusion and absolutely no one to turn to . Those were horrible years and I would not want to revisit them .
    Quote Originally Posted by Gina_G View Post
    That sure sums up my teenage years also. Nicely put.
    I take a different view here. Yes, my teenage years were hell -- because of the way my mum abused me over my crossdressing, but not not because of my crossdressing. And yes, I did have gynecomastia. I saw it as validation of the way I was and the way I felt I felt inside. Validation of the girl within -- may I go so far as to say -- validation from God that I was right and my abusers - both at home and school -- were wrong!

    So, yes, I'd go back in a heartbeat, for those days were some of the happiest of life. I found myself. Certainly if I could go back with knowing what I know now -- well, things would have been even greater


    --I'm TN (transnationalist) - a Canadian born in an American's body! I stand on guard for thee!

  10. #10
    Junior Member RWillow's Avatar
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    To sfwarbonnet,

    From what the doctors have told me gyne can be induced, certain heart meds and cholestrol lowering meds can cause breast enlargement. Weather or not it is true gyne, who knows, but I can say for sure heart meds have made me bigger. Also some herbs can increase breast size but the risk factor is high, I wouldn't take anything without first checking with your doctor.

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
    Albert Einstein

  11. #11
    Member Nancy Richards's Avatar
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    Smile Been there, know the feeling

    I first discovered that I had the condition when I was a freshman in high school. The school that I attended then was a private school and, to the best of my memory, no one commented to my face about it. But the breast area really hurt . The doctor that examed me said the feeling and the growth would stop. And he was right, the feeling and growing stopped. But after sixty the growth started again. And at my last physical, last month, my doctor memtioned it again, said it was nothing to worry about, it is common in men that had the condition early in life for it to re-appear when the male hormones decrease. So! Needless to say the new development is nothing that I worry about, in fact I am enjoying it .


  12. #12
    am here Hali's Avatar
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    Tiny breast at around 12 years

    I read about Gynecomastia which got me thinking that i had some breast growth around my early teen age, i complained to my Dad then he told me everything was OK to comfirm he had to take me to see a doctor who assured me that it will go away after sometime. It wasnt a bad news to me having breast growth at that time it was fun and nobody made fun of me cos i knew it will go away and it did, i cant remember the exact time it went away but it did.

    Right from childhood i knew i was a bit not too masculine but masculine enough for an average male and i use to be very brave and sportish especially combat sports like Kung fu etc.

    I still dont feel or not sure whether that tiny breast growth has much to do with my CDing cos my sister played a part in my CDing.

  13. #13
    Member Jaydee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panhead67 View Post
    To sfwarbonnet,

    From what the doctors have told me gyne can be induced, certain heart meds and cholestrol lowering meds can cause breast enlargement. Weather or not it is true gyne, who knows, but I can say for sure heart meds have made me bigger. Also some herbs can increase breast size but the risk factor is high, I wouldn't take anything without first checking with your doctor.

    As I had posted in the other thread, I developed breasts as a young teen. Even though I gym class was hell, I survived. As an adult, there was very little need to remove my shirt.

    Now I am over 55. I have noticed that over the last year, my breasts seem to be growing again. I thought it was because I was on a better diet and losing weight (20 lbs so far) that as my belly disappeared, they just became more visible. I now wonder if it is the cholesterol drugs and supplements that I have been taking as part of my new diet. Food for thought, so to speak.


  14. #14
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    The following is lifted from my post on the question of "how often do you wear a bra". This is where it is better served, I think.

    This is a valid question but obviously difficult to answer. All of us wear bras when we dress en femme. It is, after all, an part of the look. Woman & breasts go hand in hand, as it were. The female breast is a central feature of womanhood, both as an emblem of femininity and object of attraction. Those of us who don't have to stuff a bra with anything but our natural selves are quite happy about this when dressing. I'm a 44 C/D myself. When en homme, many of us have to cover up because of social unease. You can't have a guy looking like a woman; what, are you some kind of pervert? Well, no, I'm not; I'm just lucky and that's how I live this life with these gifts.

    In answer to the gynecomastia question. The condition is not chosen; it's naturally occurring and mostly random. It's a blessing for a crossdresser and a pain for those who feel afflicted by it. Biological diversity is a wonderful thing, is it not?

    A lot of breast growth occurs as testosterone levels drop off as we age. Entirely normal & is comforting to many of us.
    Last edited by Patricia1; 05-18-2009 at 12:23 PM.

  15. #15
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    What you see in my Avatar is just me in my bra. Natural 40 B's with nothing else!

    I started developing breasts at about age 10. My Dad (Mom died when I was 7) took me to the doctor who said it was just natural tissue growth, not gynecomastia. When I was 14 my father died and an aunt and uncle took over raising me and my older sister. By age 15 I had bigger breasts then my sister, so my aunt took me to another doctor. He said basically the same thing as the first one, no gynecomastia, just tissue growth. As I have grown older, I have started using some herbal estrogen supplements to keep them as they are. I love them and am not at all ashamed of having feminine breasts! After all, I am a CROSSDRESSER!!!


    Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

  16. #16
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    I had true gynecomastia (ie. including glandular tissue, not just fat tissue). It came to a head when I was 15, and my little cousin (female) pointed to my bare chest at the pool and asked "what are those things on your chest". She was, I want to say, 4 or 5 at the time.

    So, I spoke to my parents, they spoke to their insurance, and I managed to get approved for and get the reduction completed just under the wire (ie. before my 16th birthday), because they refuse to pay for elective surgeries for adults 16+, and will only do it for children if it causes an "extremely negative self image" or whatever.

    For my part, though I know many would disagree with me in their own lives, I'm glad that I had the gynecomastia corrected.

  17. #17
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    gyno is caused by many things. Hormone inbalances and many drugs such as anti depressants and steroids can also cause this condition. It cannot be "willed" because u want them or caused by cross dressing. Also, true gyno is an enlargement of the glands in the breast area of men,. not fatty tissue.

  18. #18
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    When I was a young teen, I went through what I recently learned would be officially called "Tanner Stage I breast development" -- fibrous discs below the nipples that in a woman would be the first stage of full breast development.

    At the time, being young and having no idea that such things were natural, after a bit of time I showed my mother and she took me to the doctor. I was worried about... oh, probably at that age, worried that they were "lumps" indicating cancer or something that. The doctor examined them, said that it was a natural process that happened to some boys and that it would go away by itself. I don't recall how long they lasted: I stopped paying attention to them and I remember being surprised when one day after not thinking of it for a while, I checked and they were gone.

    If they had developed further... well, if they had been very small I probably would of put up with it, but anything "obvious" I probably would have been mortified. At that age, I knew for sure that I was not a woman. And I can't say that I'm proud of it in retrospect, but at about that age, girls were, for me, not to be associated with. It was partly a peer thing, as in the evening it wasn't uncommon for me to go next door and play cards with the girl there (but to insult her if my friends were around.) It was an age when I was still hurting a lot from not getting much respect from my peers... even just a relatively small number of friends would have made a big difference to me.

    Now, at this age, and having somehow become TG, I wouldn't be upset if some growth started and stayed. (e.g., I'd be thrilled to fill out a C or even a bit bigger.) My natural cup size did go up for a time earlier this year, perhaps in reaction to medication or perhaps cholesteral (I tested fairly high at the time); I've lost about 10 pounds since then and my cup size has gone down again. Dang.

    But at the time of the Tanner Stage 1 when I was entering puberty, I was definitely not ready for anything like that, and had definitely not thought about or prayed for such a thing. I didn't grow up TS; I still don't consider myself TS. But I can still ponder the "what might have been" of supposing there had been permanent growth back then... I can hope that I would have accepted and embraced it, but I suspect the truth is that I would have had a pretty hard time with it -- it would have been a really visible symbol that I Didn't Fit with the other kids, would have given them a real reason to pick on me; I got ignored and picked on enough as it was, just for being myself. More rejection, I'm not sure I could have handled back then.

  19. #19
    Dream Action Figure barbiekendall's Avatar
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    Doris gave a great basic description. I've had A B sized breasts since puberty. At that time, they itched terribly and the nipple/areola area became darker in color and chronically enlarged and puffed-up (just like those of a pubescent girl). Naturally, I was taken to my Pediatrician (who calmed my parents , but not me). I was privately thrilled but publicly humiliated (I was known as "Captain Nipples" all-through Middle School).

  20. #20
    Member Katheryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorisnycd View Post
    It cannot be "willed" because u want them or caused by cross dressing.
    My original post to the bra thread that inspired Rey to start this thread was to wonder if whatever it was that caused the gyno, ie. hormones, genes, whatever, also might have some part in the root of what inspired us to become crossdressers. Not that gyno was caused by dressing, or the other way 'round where gyno itself caused the dressing. Much more that both were the result of a common cause, be it hormonal or genetic or implanted by aliens....
    "No, I'm not hitting on you, Ma'am, when I said I wanted to get in your pants, I meant I wanted to try them on!"

  21. #21
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    According to WebMD, a primary cause of gynecomastia is that the ratio of female to male hormones is higher than is normal for a man. Thus, it seems that gynecomastia could be induced either by taking estrogen to increase the numerator, or through taking items that would decrease the denominator by suppressing androgens (i,e. decrease testerone). Are there any common or OTC candidates?

  22. #22
    New Member susansthere's Avatar
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    Dear 67,
    You are a brave soul and I admire you for that. Thanks for sharing about the gynecomastia. I wish I had some knockers like that, too! What CD wouldn't!!!


  23. #23
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    Born with boobs. It wasn’t so bad until fifth grade, that’s win the shit hit the fan. Gym was absolutely dreadful. I don’t think they do this any more, but back then you would have the shirts and the skins. One day I was chosen as a skin, not a good day. As soon as the shirt came off every guy around me had to take a look. Some of them even smacked them around to see them jiggle. That was bad, but as soon as we started running up and down the court the boys really had a good laugh. The following years I became competitive and strong so I was able to put some of them in there place. That earned me some respect and my boy boobs were no longer as big of an issue. Yet they did contribute to my dressing and still do. Now my boy boobs are girly/ man boobs, and I love them so does my so. Within the last month I started taking Breast Success with the hope that they would grow. So far they have grown one inch and that is just one month. With any luck the results will keep growing as the months go by.

  24. #24
    Junior Member Julia Rose's Avatar
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    Smile re/ref-2;

    "primary cause of gynecomastia is that the ratio of female to male hormones is higher than is normal for a man. Thus, it seems that gynecomastia could be induced either by taking estrogen to increase the numerator, or through taking items that would decrease the denominator by suppressing androgens (i,e. decrease testerone). Are there any common or OTC ""
    .................................................. .................................................. .....~~above by "sfwarbonnet"~~................................... .................................................. .................
    --I wish 2 thk U 4 this info/-& frm this site.----Im very gld-2 see this thread come up !--I found all replys very hellpful.-& again I now know IM not {the only 1}.
    ~~I Also whent though Much in the same in school- yet I was very thin-But it has made me strong~My Mom made me use A "T"-bra,at the age of 5 ~ I had sml' boobies' &"" mite have 2 use 1 all your life if the "VIT" pills dont work-""ALL Becuase ur father picked a boy-"-'{Well,he was wrong"} ~A Dike BI*%H came out ,AS me. ~~~I still look 4 ans./ so"THK_U_ALL"on this thread.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    I've got gynecomastia, I've got gynecomastia, I've got gynecomastia,

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