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Thread: The BIG Halloween thread./POST ALL YOUR Halloween posts here!!

  1. #1
    Fashionista VeronicaMoonlit's Avatar
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    The BIG Halloween thread./POST ALL YOUR Halloween posts here!!

    It's coming up, what I have even called myself "The Crossdressers High Holy Day"and I know there'll be a freakin ton of posts and threads on it. So I'm taking the initiative to help reduce the number of redundant threads on Halloween related issues.

    If you want to post something Halloween related, do it in this thread. Questions, costume ideas, anecdotes of the past Halloween outings, cute costumes you've seen, whatever. Let's see if we can keep it all in one thread.

    I actually don't encourage people to do Halloween en femme, though I'm not opposed to it either. I think it's something that needs to be thought about seriously, because "experimentation changes you". It did me. I did an en femme Halloween in 2001, haven't done it since, in part because it feels like I'm being dishonest in a way.

    "Ha ha, I'm transgendered/TS who hasn't started transitioning, and you can't say anything because it's Halloween!"

    Here's the anecdote from 2001.

    Hi everyone, this is the adventure I had today. The day before Halloween I told my best male friend and his wife that I am a CD and guess what: it doesn't matter to them, I'm still their friend, and I'm still their kids "uncle" I did tell them that they might not want to bring the kids over because I might be dressed up, but they said it wouldn't matter to them.

    And yes, I did go out. Got off work at 9:00 AM (yes I have kooky hours, sometimes. Headed to Walmart to pick up a few things, headed to K-Mart to pick up some concealer and a foam axe (I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK) Went home, was going to try to balance my checkbook, couldn't find my checkbook. Took a half hour to find it, and write a couple of checks.

    Got bathroom ready, hopped in shower used my Victoria's Secret Heavenly body wash. Did the leg/arms/pits/etc.shaving thing (which is an every day thing for me). Toweled off, detangled my hair, used root volumizer, all over volumizer spray, and mousse. Blew it dry, doing the upside down thing to give it more lift.

    Did the face shaving, with an electric razor, then went over it again with a Mach 3 (the preferred choice of crossdressers)

    I went to my bedroom, moisturized with my Victoria's Secret Luxe creme, put on the various control garments, and hosiery,etc. Put on makeup, including subtle feathery fake lashes.

    The outfit I was going to wear, my black and white skirted suit, was out because the jacket had lost a button and I don't know how to sew them back on. (That's on my list of things to learn.) So I went with my second choice, a berry colored cowl neck sweater, black knee lenght skirt and black pointy toed, knee high high heeled boots. Sort of a fall "Mode Girl" look.

    Got my purse ready, putting ID, debit card, keys, lip gloss, mirror, brush, cell phone etc into it. Figured out I need a larger purse. Put on One Step press on nails, liked the way they looked but were too much hassle in trying to zip up boots and they were supposed to be a shorter length (they weren't). So I took them off.

    I got in the car, and pulled out of the driveway. Discovered that it's difficult to use the pedals in 3.5 inch heels.

    Headed to Fashion Bug, got out of the car and wind blew my hair around, fortunately the styling products kept my basic style going. I discovered the difficulty of walking in high heels for longer distances than I'm used to.

    Walked into the Bug, holding my head high. Headed straight towards the plus size section. realizing that I need to get me some femme glasses or contacts (I took off my male glasses and put them in my purse). Looked around as best I could in my half blind state. I had looked around a bit a couple of days before so I knew what I was interested in. It took longer to look because I took my time and savored the experience. I also remembered to walk slower and take smaller steps. The sales clerks came around and asked if I needed help, I said, "No thank you." in the softest voice I could do in a minutes notice. There were other shoppers around too.

    So I found a couple of sweaters I liked and took them to the counter. The clerk asked if I needed to try them on and I said yes. She led me to the regular dressing rooms. (I've tried on stuff in my normal male clothing there before, but I'm led to a unused bathroom in the back.) So I tried on the sweaters, first putting on my glasses. I only liked one of the sweaters so I put my own sweater back on and as I did I looked in the mirror as I was putting my glasses back in the case. I realized that I had done a pretty good job on my makeup and that I looked nice. I'm not saying I was totally gorgeous or anything, I could see a bit of blue undertone where I had shaved. But I realized that I didn' look half bad. So I took the sweater back out to the clerk and purchased it. I tried to keep my head up and look the clerks in the eyes which is difficult when you can't see.

    I left the Bug and my feet were a bit uncomfortable in the boots as it was warmer than usual on this day it hit 70 F. Plus I was getting a bit unsteady in my high heeled boots so I took them off and put a pair of mid heeled pumps on. (I was smart enough to bring them.)

    My mother is disabled and works at a sheltered workshop. I am her primary care giver for the most part and I usually pick her up from work. I felt so upbeat that I drove to her workplace. When I got there I started thinking that maybe I shouldn't do it. My sister also works there as a part of the staff. I had warned my Mother that I might show up en femm, and I thought I had warned my sister, but apparently I wasn't clear enough. I made a bad decision and went in.

    I'm familiar with the workplace and a familiar sight normally. I needed to use a restroom so I used one of their single occupancy ones. (they have locks on them) I came out of the bathroom and saw my Mother in the entry way. She was a bit surprised, but not angry. We were getting ready to leave when one of the staff saw me.

    "Oh my god I can't believe it, look at you." etc. Then the front office staff saw me. Oh my god, it's ...etc. I got lots of questions, "who did your makeup, did you borrow your sisters stuff, Is that a wig, turn around.)

    I answered truthfully, but then my sister came up and she was obviously angry (as she later told me), and I had to get store to get groceries, and home to prepare for trick or treaters, so I left.

    She later told me she was uncomfortable answering the questions asked of her, and it made her angry. I apolgized to her, I realized I shouldn't have showed up like that, at least without discussing it with her more fully. She did tell me that one of her best friends there didn't recognize me until I was pointed out to her. Her friend said that she was wondering who that woman was at the front counter. One of the front counter ladies said she didn't recognize me and wondered who I was until she heard me talking to the woman in the entryway. One other person said I had better legs than her.

    Eventually I made it to the grocery store. I was a bit nervous there, the lighing is good and there's lots of people, but nothing happened. I noticed a few things, like how one woman was walking slowly and gracefully so I tried to walk similarly while I pushed my cart. I remembered how to bend down properly in a skirt while picking up items on the bottom shelf.

    I also did the whole "woman searching through a crowded purse for money" thing. And I got maamed as the checker handed me back my discount saver card.

    Finally got home, and noticed my hosiery had a run in them, and I just taken them out of the package that morning. I was just getting ready to put on a different pair when my best friend shows up with kids. So I came out greeted him and the kids. They were nonplussed, (I had told my friend and wife, as I said earlier). His daughter said, "Uncle ..., you look like a girl." I said "Yes I do." She then hugged me.

    After they left I put on my drab, my feet were throbbing a bit, I ate (Ramen and a sandwich) and watched TV for a bit.

    Nope, no pics. I had my camera but I was too chicken to ask anyone to take them.

    I'm glad I did it, well except for making my sister angry. But I probably won't be doing it again in my home town, because even though I've said sometimes "I'm all dressed up and nowhere to go", I went out and guess what? There was STILL no fun places to go. My hometown is tiny, so next time I go out I'm heading to college town, they have a human rights ordinance and everything, even upscale department stores, and outlets.

    My sister and I did talk some things through and we both understood each others feelings better. I apologized to her for putting her on the spot. She even offered to help take photos, next time she gets some time off. She also mentioned how I didn't look like someone who had just dressed as a lark, my makeup was too good and that my clothes didn't look like the second hand stuff a regulary guy would use dressing up. She said she was proud of me for looking presentable and not like some Monty Python type parody. She said I carried myself differently than a person just crossdressing for fun on Halloween.

    She's right too. I'm rather shy and tend to look down. I find it hard to look at people. But when I was out, I held my head up straight and I don't usually do that.
    Picture of the actual ensemble, here:

    Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.
    Last edited by VeronicaMoonlit; 08-28-2009 at 11:51 PM.
    If you believe in it, makeup has a magic all it's own -- Sooner or Later (TV movie)
    We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?- Marianne Williamson
    Have I also not said that "This Thing of Ours" makes some of us a bit "Barefoot in the Head"? Well, it does.

  2. #2
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    What a fun tale Veronica!!! I'm sure it's nice to be able to revisit the experience so many years later. Your fashionista tendencies were even showing way back then

    As for me and Halloween, I have little interest from a TG perspective. This isn't intended to be a dig on Halloween and what it means to many in the TG community, especially those looking to get out for the first time. I've been there/done that three years in a row back in my college days and those experiences were priceless. But nowadays, Halloween doesn't carry an allure for me. If I were to go "conventional" (ie - guy simply dressed like a girl), I'd be a little too polished not to out myself. If I ever do a Halloween outing someday, it'd be in a costume that any other woman might choose. Pirate girl comes to mind!!!
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  3. #3
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    For ALL Your Halloween Threads

    Wonderful post !!
    And you are right there will be a million posts!!

    Ladies post All your Halloween threads here!! All your storys, what you will be doing! I love Halloween

    Have fun
    Last edited by Di; 08-29-2009 at 07:10 PM.
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    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  4. #4
    Tracy Schapes TSchapes's Avatar
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    Yea Halloween!

    Many moons ago I was trying to do an Elvira and instead I ended up with this look:

    This was in 1988! It looks more like a witch and/or sorceress? Nowadays you can get the real thing: wig, dress and all and I'm thinking of doing it again. Only the right way!

    What do you guys think? Or has Elvira been done to death?

    Everybody's normal until you get to know them. - Tracy Schapes

    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Blog: Tracy's Happy Place

  5. #5
    Senior Member kimmy p's Avatar
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    Snow White this year! My wife's idea because she wanted in on the fun that me a a friend have been having the last few Halloweens. She gets to be the evil Queen/stepmother. I can't wait. I even have plans of slapping a couple of big wet ones on her at our party. Just to shock and dismay some friends (and maybe surprise some others who won't realize that I'm male). My wife is sewing the costumes and is putting enough work into them that she even wants to wear them more than once, so she is suggesting that we not only go to our party which is a week before Halloween, but go out somewhere on Halloween itself. I'm a bit nervous about the bar scene dressed as a Disney Princess, but I'm sure we can find something to do. This would be my first time in a large public setting (other than friends) dressed en-femme, so I'm stoked.

  6. #6
    Silver Member Rhonda Jean's Avatar
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    A Little Differen For Me

    I dress publicly a lot, but Halloween is different. I don't really do a costume, unless a really short skirt and a low cut blouse is a costume. I almost never wear miniskirts. Halloween is the chance to dress a little (a lot!) sexier than I usually do.

    If it weren't for Halloween, judging by the reaction I get during my usual cding forays, I'd think I pass about 80% of the time. On Halloween, I find out it's nearly zero! On Halloween, people aren't shy about noticing/commenting on your "costume". It's a GREAT time to get useful advice about how to refine your look, even thogh the people advising you don't realize that's what they're doing.

    Example... Last year I was going through the checkout at Wal-Mart. The clerk said, "I knew right away you weren't a woman." I asked her how she knew, and she said, "The leopard print bra". I said, "How'd that give me away? It's obviously made for a woman!" She said," but not with that top."

    I'm sure there were many other cues, but she zeroed in on the leopard print bra. I wore that bra because it is the best "cleavage" bra I have. I didn't even realize it was visible through my blouse, although the blouse was rather sheer. I'd checked, and didn't see it in the mirror. It wasn't that the top of it was visible, either. Even though I was showing major (for me) cleavage, that part of the bra is black lace. I'd worn that same top and bra out shopping and to get my hair and nails done the week before and never got a comment, except, "Rhonda, I wee those boobies! They're growing!"

    Every year I ask several people who've obviously read me, how they knew. The answers are sometimes surprising.

    If you're sensitive about passing, Halloween is not the time to get your confidence boosted. It's the one really honest day of the year. People will not be shy about letting you know you've been read!

  7. #7
    Aspiring Member Melanie R's Avatar
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    On our Halloween enfemme cruise in 2007 my wife and I were matching kitty kats. Our plan is to be the matching kitty kats on our 2009 Halloween cruise. The photo below is from 2007.
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    I love being "gender gifted"!

  8. #8
    The Girl Next Door Sally24's Avatar
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    I enjoy Halloween very much! This will be my 3rd year going out as Sally on Halloween. Some CD's don't like to go out on Halloween because they don't think of dressing as "a costume". With me, I get dressed as Sally, then put on a fun costume (Sally isn't the costume, get the difference?)

    I did a Star Trek yoeman first, then a Playboy Bunny, now I'm going to try for a superheroine Batgirl. Let's hope I can pull it off.

  9. #9
    Not there yet Hinata's Avatar
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    Cinderella and the ugly stepsisters

    A very dear friend of mine (GG) asked me if I would be Cinderella this year. She and her friend dyed my hair for me awhile ago, they don't know I cd. They are going as the ugly stepsisters. She asked in a way that made me think about doing it. We joked about it for a little while, then I said "If you can find me a white prom dress with sequins, sure I'll do it!" Well the subject changed and now I don't know what I should do. Do I go along with her and just wear " my costume" or do I wear my dress? Also do I tell her I cd? In any case, I'm excited .
    You always tell me that it's impossible / To be respected and a girl / Why's it gotta be so complicated / Why you gotta tell me if I'm hated ?/ So please be carefull with me, I'm sensitive. /And I'd like to stay that way.


  10. #10
    Legs/N/Hose Lover AlysonCD's Avatar
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    I like that costume TSchapes. I think I have something similar to it. Might wear it instead of what I was planning on doing
    Last edited by Tamara Croft; 08-29-2009 at 09:50 PM. Reason: jeez, just use her name ffs, no need to quote posts!
    Never meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste great dipped in chocolate and covered with sprinkles

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  11. #11
    Not there yet Hinata's Avatar
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    My friend found someone else to be Cinderella...

    Now, I'll do what I do every Halloween, stay at home.

    From what I heard tonight, I don't think I'll tell her about my cd'ing.

    On the bright side, I have all of you !!
    You always tell me that it's impossible / To be respected and a girl / Why's it gotta be so complicated / Why you gotta tell me if I'm hated ?/ So please be carefull with me, I'm sensitive. /And I'd like to stay that way.


  12. #12
    Scene Girl at Heart chrissy_crossdresser's Avatar
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    me and my friend jenna are gonna do an alice in wonderland theme me being the queen of hearts and her being the mad hatter

    My costume is the first one, hers is the second

    Now playing: All Time Low - Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)
    via FoxyTunes
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    Last edited by chrissy_crossdresser; 08-29-2009 at 10:09 PM. Reason: attached images

  13. #13
    AKA Elizabeth, Latin Girl
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    Well, this was my Halloween costume from last year. A little bit of women, a little bit of monster and sewn all together. It was a fun costume, and the first time my sister and mother saw me wearing a skirt and walking in heels.

  14. #14
    Pantyhose forever! joann07's Avatar
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    These are some of my favorite costumes and dress themes from the past.

    Sexy Heidi Ho!

    Sexy school girl!

    Hooters girl!

    Naughty bad girl!


    I love to see a beautiful woman in a nice dress, but then again, I also want to wear that dress.

  15. #15
    Legs/N/Hose Lover AlysonCD's Avatar
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    Hey Latin, how long did it take you to make that costume?
    Never meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste great dipped in chocolate and covered with sprinkles

    I'm a RED member

  16. #16
    AKA Elizabeth, Latin Girl
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlysonCD View Post
    Hey Latin, how long did it take you to make that costume?
    It only took an hour and a half. Most of the time was getting the blood paint all over the place. Makeup and everything else only took around 40 minutes. I was told during the night, that if I went to a couple of clubs that had custome contest, that I would've won.

  17. #17
    Out and Proud Charla McBee's Avatar
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    Halloween has always been a troubling day for me in the past. I always saw it as an oppurtunity to buy a sexy costume without raising many eyebrows. I've seen plenty of guys out and about over the years, most of whom I do not beleive were real CDs. Of course, that was before I came here and thus I always chickened out and felt miserable.

    Now that I've bought a complete outfit with shoes and makeup at a local Walmart in broad daylight (thanks to the encouragement this place brings) without incident, this year should be different. I might even walk into a real clothing store and tell the sales people about the "costume" I want to put together.

    I'm not about to go to a party or anything though, I don't have many friends that I beleive would let it go without question.
    For years I hoped I was just a CDer but now I realize I am transgender and that's alright.

  18. #18
    Member Barbara918's Avatar
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    Random Halloween musings --

    1. TSchapes' Elvira look reminded me of this: Many years back I tried an Elvira-ish look, but on me it was more "Divira" (Elvira's clothes, Divine's body). I decided to start the day early, venturing to my usual diner for breakfast at about 7:30. When I walked in, my waitress (an adorable young woman, who's been serving me 6 mornings a week for several years) was standing near the door. I walked up to her and waited a moment to see if she'd recognize me. Interestingly, she didn't! So, in my normal male voice, I just said "trick or treat". Let's just say it was a good thing she hadn't been holding a load of plates -- they would've hit the floor as quickly as her jaw did!
    Even odder than that -- I'd decided tot ake the bus to the diner. While I stood as the bus stop, a car pulled up. The passenger window rolled down. A man I'd never seen before (or since) leaned out, looked at me, and said "Sarah?" I told him I wasn't and immediately started to feel bad for Sarah, whoever she was.

    2. The photo next to my postings was taken at a local karaoke bar. I think the woman who took it (whom I had never met before) may have just bought a new camera, because she was photographing everyone and everything. Three weeks later, I went to the bar (in men's clothes) and saw her there -- the photos had been developed, and she had them scattered on one of the tables so people could see. I asked her "May I see the one you took of me?" She stepped back, looked at me, and said, "I don't remember taking your picture. Were you here that night?" I reminded her about the blonde on the pool table. She found the picture, looked back and forth a few times between it and me, and finally said, "Get the f*** outta here!" in complete disbelief.

    3. This Halloween may be slightly disappointing. Some places in my neighborhood have parties on Halloween proper; others, on the nearest Saturday night. But this year Halloween is a Saturday, so I may have only one night to party. Oh, well.

  19. #19
    Gold Member TxKimberly's Avatar
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    I went to a party thrown by a co-worker about 7 years ago. While this pic was a different outing, it is the same outfit and hair and so is very close to what I would have looked like that night. The only difference being that my wife would have done my makeup back then and I would have looked a bit better:

    It turned out to be a hugely popular event and there was easily a hundred people there. My wife and I were talking to the hostess, and had been talking to her for about half an hour, when she gets a shocked look on her face and totally interrupts.
    "Oh my God! Your a man??!!" she said with this stunned look on her face. My wife and I both just busted out laughing.
    "I sure hope so!" I told her "You know since my wife and I have been married for 15 years and have a son and all!"
    I swear I'm not kidding, she grabbed my hand and started walking me from room to room, group to group.
    "Do you see this beautiful woman? It's a guy!" and off we would trot to the next group.

    The thing is, every one at work treated me different after that. Not better, not worse, just different. All in all, I kind of wish I hadn't done it.

  20. #20
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joann07 View Post
    These are some of my favorite costumes and dress themes from the past.

    Sexy Heidi Ho!

    Sexy school girl!

    Hooters girl!

    Naughty bad girl!
    Beyond cute Joann, all of them!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by latindancer View Post
    Well, this was my Halloween costume from last year. A little bit of women, a little bit of monster and sewn all together. It was a fun costume, and the first time my sister and mother saw me wearing a skirt and walking in heels.
    Not so cute, but definately cool!

    Quote Originally Posted by TxKimberly View Post
    I went to a party thrown by a co-worker about 7 years ago...The thing is, every one at work treated me different after that. Not better, not worse, just different. All in all, I kind of wish I hadn't done it.
    Precisely the reason I doubit I'd ever do a feminine Halloween costume with people who know me in my everyday existence, especially given the markers of my being transgendered which people are aware of but haven't likely made the connection yet. Were I to do Halloween, 2 + 2 starts to look a whole lot like 4.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  21. #21
    Is my slip showing? Rita D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxKimberly View Post
    I went to a party thrown by a co-worker about 7 years ago.
    The thing is, every one at work treated me different after that. Not better, not worse, just different. All in all, I kind of wish I hadn't done it.
    Kim's story reminded me of a Halloween Party at work where I dressed quite a while back. Her assessment that she was treated differently rang true with me. Here is my story copied from another recent thread with a pic from that party....

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita D View Post
    About 18 years ago, I got daring and dressed for a company Halloween party.
    Later in the evening in front of several other employees, a female co-worker walked up to me and almost hissed: "You make a better looking woman than you do a man!"
    turned on her heel, and walked away. No one said anything, but everyone looked at me. All I could manage was: "Bet you say that to all the boys!"
    Never was quite sure why she reacted the way she did, but it was weird because of the mixed feelings I had about it- part of me was flattered.... of course, I couldn't admit that, because everyone thought it was just a costume.
    Several months later a male friend of my boss "Bill" was visiting our offices. He noticed a picture someone had taken at that Halloween party of me sitting on Bill's lap that I had tacked to my bulletin board. "Who's SHE?" He asked. Bill pointed at me and said, "You're looking at her!" The guy got red and sputtered out a "nice to meet you" and he and Bill left.
    Of course Bill told everyone in the office about it, and it was all I heard about for months afterward. Again, very weird because of the mixed emotions it generated.
    Have often wondered if anyone had suspicions about me afterward....

    Just found another old photo, which brought back interesting memories. This was a year or 2 BEFORE the Office party. 2 TG friends and I went to a Restaurant/Bar on Halloween night where they were having a costume party. This would not on any other night have necessarily been a T-friendly place. But that night was AMAZING!
    The 3 of us had people buying us drinks- coming up to us (particularly GG's) asking questions such as "What are you wearing under that?" And "Can I touch your boobs?" And each of us was asked if we'd like to dance by several great-looking GG's. I will never forget that evening!
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    Last edited by Rita D; 08-30-2009 at 03:13 PM. Reason: Adding Text and new photo

  22. #22
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    I've always wanted to try crossdressing for Halloween but I be seen by someone who knows me, would going to somewhere out of town be a good idea? like San Francisco ?

  23. #23
    Denise DeMann denisecdfl's Avatar
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    You can go out dressed any night, but Halloween is the night to relive your youth and go out dressed in a costume and get away with it.
    Get yourself a red outfit and go to Vegas on the 24th for the Glamour Boutique Halloween Party. You can get a makeover at the store. Then go to SF on Halloween.
    I'll be traveling to Vegas again this year - was Mae West last year. Past costumes have been as a vampire nurse, Cleopatra, 50's poodle skirt, Buxom beauty queen, and Minnie Mouse. Still thinking about this year's outfit for home.
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    Denise DeMann

  24. #24
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    Vegas, Baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinata View Post
    My friend found someone else to be Cinderella...

    Now, I'll do what I do every Halloween, stay at home.

    From what I heard tonight, I don't think I'll tell her about my cd'ing.
    Aw, how sad.
    You should go out anyway. There must be something fun to do.

    On the plus side, anyone who is normally too shy to go out shopping for fem clothes can totally get away with it around Halloween, so go for it!

    One year I noticed that my long salt 'n' pepper hair looked suspiciously similar to a witch wig -- oh, cool. I've got a built-in costume. Last year I wore a Halloween t-shirt with a skeleton ribcage on it... I was a skinny chick!

  25. #25
    Time Lady JiveTurkeyOnRye's Avatar
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    Studio City, CA
    I was going to go in the women's starfleet uniform from the new Star Trek, but the costumes I'm finding online are close but not quite the same as the one gals like Uhura were wearing in the new movie. I found here a picture of the actual dress from the movie, compared to the costume being sold. I'm no where near talented enough to make the dress myself btw, which is why I was just planning on buying the costume.

    I like the one above from the actual movie because it kind of flares out a little bit and is cute, but the halloween costume version is just designed to be sexy so it's a form fitting mini dress instead of the slightly flared one. Given the choice between the two, I actually prefer the classic one.

    But sadly both dresses seem to only go up to a women's medium which is too small for me. Curse my upper body!

    EDIT: After posting this entry, I saw a commercial for target where there was a dress that I think *could* be good for my starfleet costume. I went to their website and found these two dresses and I think either of them when paired with the right turtle neck and a starfleet pin could have some potential. What do you ladies think? or
    Last edited by Tamara Croft; 09-18-2009 at 08:13 PM. Reason: Hotlinking is NOT allowed, read the forum rules!

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