I came on the forum yesterday morning and had to get off the computer real quick and told myself to get back on later and clear it out, well i left for work at 2pm and halway to work I realized I did not clear the computer I almost drove off the road because it was too late to turn around and come home . Well all day at work I expected a phone call from my wife asking what this web site was that I was looking at. Well I got real lucky and she did not go online yesterday but it was a long day of sweating it out. Here is my question and I dont know if this has been addressed here but what do you girls do at your house with all the info on the computer, when I get done I clear the history and delete the cookie but and here is where my wife is starting to ask questions if she goes online b4 me and looks at things and then I go on and clear all the history so she cant see what I have been looking at she keeps asking me why I do this, I tell her it is good for the computer and keeps the speed up by not bogging it down with a lot of cookies and stuff but I dont think she believes me and asked me if I have been looking at things I should not be looking at. Well she pretty much told me to stop clearing the history everytime so what can I do about this??? I need some fast answers because I cant stop coming on here SO PLEASE HELP