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Thread: scared all day yesterday

  1. #1
    Member cdcheryl's Avatar
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    I live on the south shore of Massachusetts

    scared all day yesterday

    I came on the forum yesterday morning and had to get off the computer real quick and told myself to get back on later and clear it out, well i left for work at 2pm and halway to work I realized I did not clear the computer I almost drove off the road because it was too late to turn around and come home . Well all day at work I expected a phone call from my wife asking what this web site was that I was looking at. Well I got real lucky and she did not go online yesterday but it was a long day of sweating it out. Here is my question and I dont know if this has been addressed here but what do you girls do at your house with all the info on the computer, when I get done I clear the history and delete the cookie but and here is where my wife is starting to ask questions if she goes online b4 me and looks at things and then I go on and clear all the history so she cant see what I have been looking at she keeps asking me why I do this, I tell her it is good for the computer and keeps the speed up by not bogging it down with a lot of cookies and stuff but I dont think she believes me and asked me if I have been looking at things I should not be looking at. Well she pretty much told me to stop clearing the history everytime so what can I do about this??? I need some fast answers because I cant stop coming on here SO PLEASE HELP

  2. #2
    Platinum Member
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    ok i got that aol thing year i know it sucks but thay have that thingy you can have the history thing deleated every time you log out or switch screan names ......but i have 2 and a half coumpters running and i don't bouther ant more to clear them...she (my wife) has her side (set up as users on win. xp and aol) and we have a few of our own......

  3. #3
    Dixie Darling Dixie Darling's Avatar
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    There are numerous options open to you. If you and your wife use different passwords to access your own personal desktop (log on to your computer), she can't access your copy of your browser to see where you've been UNLESS she has administrator priviliges. My guess is that you don't have seperate (password protected) log ons but use the same desktop. There is a free program called IE Privacy Keeper that does quite a few things in the area of security. It lets you SELECTIVELY delete the URLs you have visited (allowing you to keep those that you want to), clears selected Recent Documents files, empties the recycle bin, clears Windows temporary files and cookies, and a lot of other nifty little clean ups. It can be set to do this AUTOMATICALLY when the last IE window is closed, or at the time of shutdown, or you can do it manually.

    If you install it you can tell your wife that the reason your history (and the other files) is always cleaned out is because it does that automatically.

    Dixie -

  4. #4
    Leisure Lady Vivian Best's Avatar
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    Computers and such

    My wife has her own computer in her sewing room and I have mine in the family room office. My wife isn't computer savy enough to dig into any history or such located on the hard drive. What I had fears about over the years was when I would have to go to work late and stay late I would always worry that I left little things that would lead to a big blow up. Never happened but I sure worried many many times with irrational fear. She knows now so I don't worry.


  5. #5
    Junior Member Ariel_TV's Avatar
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    First get Mozilla firefox,

    Next in Firefox go to Tools -> Option -> Privacy

    Set the history setting to 0 . This will make sure that each time you quit firefox , your history will be cleared and not be kept. You can also set the cache to 1 kb so it cant keep anything in it .

    First the browser won't keep any history , second you can remove the shortcut to this browser so that your wife use IE and you use firefox . Continue to use IE for normal pages , that way you will have a non-suspicious history log on IE.

    Your chance of getting caught will be greatly diminished . Also in firefox you can have multiple tabs on different site wich permit you to switch quickly if someone comes in.
    Ariel Pinklover

  6. #6
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    My wife found I was looking at forums (she already knew I was a CD, however) by checking the history.

    So here's what you do. After deleting the history and cookies, go to a couple of web sites she goes to to reintroduce them back into history. Your wife probably likes to take the 'history' shortcut back to where she's been.

    Maybe add one of your favorite websites for good measure, since she knows you are online.

  7. #7
    Member cdcheryl's Avatar
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    I live on the south shore of Massachusetts
    thank you donna that was a good suggestion about putting her websites back on. thank you to all i will try some of those other suggestions.

  8. #8
    MistyCD MistyCD's Avatar
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    Hi, you didn't mention what operating system you were using. If you have win 2000 or XP you can set up user accounts and privileges. One account cannot see what the other is doing and vice versa unless the accounts are admin accounts.

    Recomendation, if using 2000 or XP create an account called " Backup " and give it a password that only you know. Make sure your wife does not know the administrator password. then turn the volume off and use that account for When you have finished posting or reading, log off of "backup" then log on your own account. Hit a few websites that you normally do.

    When ur wife signs on to her account, being it's not an admin account she will not be able to see anything in the other accounts. If she asks you why there is a backup account, tell her you heard about viruses and spyware attacking the registry files and you are running a system back up on that account every other day to protect your pc!!!


  9. #9
    Administrator Tamara Croft's Avatar
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    One question..... why can't you tell her you're a CD??

    Missing my Libra babe Sherlyn, I hope she's rocking up there with the angels
    Missing our Rianna, doesn't seem right, gone to early, hope she's partying with Sherlyn

  10. #10
    Girl in disguise Emily Ann Brown's Avatar
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    I have a free mailbox at Yahoo as you can see. I run everything through the Yahoo account when I read the forum and nothing shows up on either my home or work history...except that I was on Yahoo.....and I have sold it to her that Yahoo is the best news and search engine around. When you log out of a yahoo account all trace that she in her non-computer knowledge should find goes away that I can tell.

    Now one of you comp geeks give me nightmares.

    Emily Ann

  11. #11
    The Girl Next Door windycissy's Avatar
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    You know, leaving your computer logged on to this site all day, it almost sounds like subconsciously you were hoping you'd get caught....

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    why ?

    isn't it a shame we all have to do these things to "cover the tracks" I HATE IT !! i do the exact same thing..."oh s**t ! i forgot to clear the history" "did i put the lipstick back ?" " "did i leave any panties under the bed?" i could go on and on. as much as we all love to think what we do do is cool with the S/O ( in my case she says it's ok but has yet to see me dressed) there is always this underlying fear that we're gonna get busted !! just once i would like to not have to worry about what i do, when i do it and not have to take an hour to make sure things are where they should be before i leave the house !!!.....i feel much better now....
    luv ya....xoxoxo chris

  13. #13
    Oldie but Goodie Mitzi's Avatar
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    I use Netscape as my browser. One of the "buttons" on the navigation toolbar is "Go", which includes a "history" entry in the drop down menu. Hitting this displays the entire current history file. I can selectively delete entries.

    There must be a comparable menu item in IE as well, or a way to display an editable current history file.


    P.S. After posting this, I went to IE to see what I could find. On my browser window there is an unnamed icon on one of the toolbars, next to "Favorites", which will display the history file. Entries can be selectively deleted.
    Last edited by Mitzi; 07-22-2005 at 03:16 PM.

  14. #14
    Maturing Member JoAnnDallas's Avatar
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    Simple here. Wife and i have seperate accounts on the computer. Thus when she logons she get here stuff and when I logon, I get mine. Then too, I am a computer Engineer, so I know how to setup the computer so that she can not logon as me and she can not access my files, and stuff.

    Really, it is not that hard to setup seperate accounts, even easier if your using WiNXT.

    Wife asked me why one day, and I said I did it because otherwise, you would have ot sift thru all my icons to use hers. With serperate accounts she sees the icons she uses all the time and I see mine.

    Seperate accounts is like having completely different computers, seperate histories, cookies, everything.

  15. #15
    Jedi Penquin Stlalice's Avatar
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    Exclamation Computer privacy

    Setting up separate accounts on the computer for your S/O and yourself is a good start. Using the Firefox browser is a good move in any case as it will let you set things to get rid of history and cookies. Two other programs that I run are privacy oriented - both are from Webroot - they are Window Washer and My Personal Favorites. There are a couple of bugs with the settings for Winow Washer when used with Firefox but the people at Webroot are aware of and working on them. Used with Internet Exploiter there are no problems that I know of. My Personal Favorites lets you set up a separate password protected favorites file that only you can access. Used together they should be enough to keep your web browsing private.
    And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

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  16. #16
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    I have to say that I am with ~Tamara~ on this one. My wife knows that I like to wear lingerie and some other items. There are some things that she does not know. But I do not try to hide from her. She knows where the key is for my closet and she knows that if she goes snooping around in my computer, she may find some things that she does not want to know. So unless she is ready for what she may find, she pretty much stays clear of my stuff. And I do not worry.

  17. #17
    Member AnnaMaria's Avatar
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    Actually what you told your wife is right. I know this because I am a computer tech and I tell my customers all the time to do this as often as they can or as often as they think of it. The other thing that it does is to make sure that non of the cookies that are stored on your computer are able to help with tracking your internet usage.

    The other thing that can be done to make it so you don't have to worry about the history all the time is to go to internet options and set the history length to 0 on the first tab and then go tothe advanced tab and tell ie to dump the history each time ie closes. then you can honestly tell her that you havn't been dumping the history because you aren't it is being done automaticly.

    Or you can use Mozilla as mentioned before but for different reasons. Mozilla has the option of setting up accounts within the browser so that different people can have different settings and favorites without having to share the information with others. In this case the history is also seperated by user.

    hope this helps.

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  18. #18
    Senior Member Melissa A.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonnaT
    My wife found I was looking at forums (she already knew I was a CD, however) by checking the history.

    So here's what you do. After deleting the history and cookies, go to a couple of web sites she goes to to reintroduce them back into history. Your wife probably likes to take the 'history' shortcut back to where she's been.

    Maybe add one of your favorite websites for good measure, since she knows you are online.
    That's pretty sneaky, Donna. I like it.



  19. #19
    Senior Member Deanna2's Avatar
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    I agree with Raychel. My wife sees me wearing lingerie, platform slides, etc and she just thinks I'm strange (which I willingly admit to). She knows I look at odd things on the web (probably thinks it is porn, although generally it isn't).

    Although she is quite competent on the computer, I'm not sure she is au fait with history. My problem is that when an address is typed into the URL box, all the previous similar addresses drop down. So if she types in www.cro for an address she wants that starts with 'cro' then this web address shows up. Presumably, she'll just continue to think I'm strange.


  20. #20
    Member cdcheryl's Avatar
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    the only problem I would have now by making different acounts on the computer is then the flags would be flying in her head HE IS HIDING SOMETHING, and I dont know for sure but if 2 people log onto the same computer doesnt it still only make one history?? As far as wanting to get caught NO FRIGGIN WAY I tried to tell her about my cding b4 we were married and she freaked wanted to cancel the wedding all that stuff so I promised I would never do it again and believe me she meant it so I have no underlying thoughts about getting caught. Thanks to all for the suggestions maybe I should just buy myself a laptop and keep that hidden with my clothes.

  21. #21
    My daughter-in-law found out about me by using our computer. I forgot to clear my history out, she saw this site and others, and asked about it, so my wife told her everything. Oh well. It turned out to be a non-event, as she could care less about it and is quite cool with it. It's turned into another small step for me out of the closet.


  22. #22
    Member cdcheryl's Avatar
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    I live on the south shore of Massachusetts

    Whats worse

    If I am going to get caught (and I hope that day does not come) would I rather be caught dressed or caught looking at others dressed on the internet , hmmmmm thats a tough one

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