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Thread: Do you see a therapist

  1. #1
    Senior Member Rebecca Jayne's Avatar
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    Do you see a therapist

    Ladies & Gentleman your attention please.

    I do not mean to step on anyone's toes with this thread, I am just curious.
    I do not see one, I have been happily married for 30 years, my wife knows but its don't see don't talk about it, my kids do not know, and I am OK about the status quo.

    My questions are:

    Do you see a therapist?

    If so, does your SO know about your cd activities?

    Has the therapist helped?

    Again I don't mean to pry but I do see therapist mentioned in a lot of responses.

    Love RJ
    A Rose by any other name.....[SIZE="2"][/SIZE]

    Love Rebecca Jayne

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member Cheryl James's Avatar
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    My wife accidentally discovered my "secret" 3 years ago and demanded that I see a therapist to rid myself of this horrible perversion. So, I did and it was a waste of time and money. The therapist really didn't seem to know much about our hobby. I think he was gay and probably didn't know why a guy would want to wear a dress. After three sessions, to his credit, he did say that he didn't really see anything wrong with me or wrong with wearing the clothes of my choice. This wasn't the outcome my wife wanted. So, I felt justified, she felt robbed of the money, and therapy ended. The best therapy that I have found is a bra, some panties, a cute dress, cute shoes, a mani and a pedi, lipstick, and a night out.

  3. #3
    Silver Member Teri Jean's Avatar
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    For me I do see a therapist and yes he has helped in not telling me what I already knew but confirming what I knew. You see my CDing was getting to the point I was not getting anything done and found I wanted more and did not know why. Through sessions and testing and group therapy I discovered where I was heading. The mental state I found myself in was that dressing wasn't going to be enough for me so now I'm in transition. Now that isn't for everyone but for me it was the natural progression. I hope if you have issues of gender identification you find someone who works in this envirorment and has the skills to help, not all therapists have those skills.

    JMO Teri

  4. #4
    Girl next door Cristi's Avatar
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    I've considered it at times, but for the most part am fairly comfortable with who I am and where I am in life.

    While I think that talking things out with somebody might be useful at times, money doesn't grow on trees so it is nothing that has ever been a high enough priority to budget for.
    In a society in which it is a moral offense to be different from your neighbor your only escape is never to let them find out.
    -- Robert Heinlein

  5. #5
    Aspiring Member
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    I am not seeing one right now. But I am in simular shoes as Teri Jean. I started out just cding but kept wanting more of it and its all I can think of doing. I want to get to a therapist soon. Money is the main issue. DyLen

  6. #6
    Gold Member Samantha B L's Avatar
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    Hi Rebecca Jayne,
    I've been under mental health treatment for reasons having nothing to do with LGBT and TG/TS/CD reasons and I have been for years. I'd rather not say why. Most therapists are honest and hard working and all that good stuff and there are many of them who can be of tremendous assistance regarding LGBT and TG/TS/CD stuff. There are some therapists who are very squeemish about those kinds of subjects and they'll change the subject or get kind or annoyed if that stuff is brought up for the simple reason that they figure it's not their cup of tea and it's your business anyway. Back in like the 30's and the 40's people were sometimes diagnosed as bonkers and confined to institutions because they were gay or they dressed. This didn't happen across the board but I think that a kind of anti-gender-variant twist made it's way into psychiatry and psychology in those days so wealthy families could dump Uncle Jack who liked lingerie and tights into a hospital in the event that he stood to inherit a lot of money and a bunch of family members were looking to find a nondescript way to get him out of the way. This didn't happen en masse but it did happen to a few people here and there! Drastic changes in the treatment and the care of the mentally ill which took place over time in the 50's,the 60's and the 70's put a slow but hopeful stop to those kind of practices. If it matters,Rebecca,my SO is passed away now but she knew ALL about my CD'ing years ago and she was my greatest mentor.

    Hugs, Salu, Samantha

  7. #7
    Queen of the Faery Realms Bethany_Anne_Fae's Avatar
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    Yes, i've been seeing therapist, for a long time. Yes my S/) knows about my Cding and supports me 100%.
    The therapy has helpe d agreat deal, but its never been about my dressing up.

    (Formerly known everywhere as Lady Zarabeth

  8. #8
    Samantha K Samantha Kelsey's Avatar
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    Hi there,

    Why should I want to see a therapist? Is there a suggestion that CDing is a problem? From my experience it's the therapists who are the problem.

    Samantha K
    It's so hard being me
    [SIZE="1"]Now I shout it from the highest hill,
    Even told the golden daffodil.
    At last my hearts an open door,
    And my secret love's no secret anymore.

    See Sams pics at;

  9. #9
    Member Electra's Avatar
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    Thanks for a succinct reply to the OP, Sam. You almost took the words out of my mouth.

  10. #10
    Oneesan Kinky with Ink's Avatar
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    The one therapist that I've seen about CD'ing was about 10 years ago when I was still in high school. He needless to say was a very biased right wing religious psycologist. The only thing he did for me was waste my parents money and make me feel like crap on the inside. Guess that's one of the reasons I'm still so apprehensive about how I feel about this. Would be nice to talk to one who actually knew what he was talking about.

    It's my opinion though that therapists can't help me at least. Personal experience and all that.
    Beware the pink fog..........oh what the hell enjoy it. I know I certainly am!

  11. #11
    New GG Member
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    My husband and I are just starting 'Relate' counselling in the hope that this will improve things. He saw a therapist for years before we met and it doesn't seem to have helped us where we are now.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Karen__Starr's Avatar
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    I see a therapist for part of the SRS requirements. I know who I am and the therapist agrees thank goodness.
    SRS January 27

  13. #13
    Member Darlene Rochelle's Avatar
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    I have seen a therapist,and she agreed that nothing is "wrong with me",it is who and what I am. My wife,on the other hand has her therapist,who doesn't see things the way mine does,so definately a problem issue between wife and me. Not sure where my Trans Journey will go from here.

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member
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    In MHO a therapist doesn't really provide you with any answers. He/she will try and get you to do the talking and while doing that, the patient will realize some sort of "break through" juts jabbering on about it.
    The other thing they'll do is try to medicate you. Aren't the MD's giving us enough drugs already?
    My suggestion is to sit down with your SO or a good friend and a bottle of wine. Start opening up.
    Wine is cheaper than therapy or prescription drugs and the worst you'll get from that is maybe a hangover.

    On top of all that, what's wrong with dressing?
    We aren't freaks or in any way mentally disturbed for wanting to just simply feel good.
    Quit thinking so much and enjoy the ride.

  15. #15
    Member Ashley_in_Texas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darlene Rochelle View Post
    I have seen a therapist,and she agreed that nothing is "wrong with me",it is who and what I am. My wife,on the other hand has her therapist,who doesn't see things the way mine does,so definately a problem issue between wife and me. Not sure where my Trans Journey will go from here.
    Maybe her therapist should see your therapist.

    As for me, I get my therapy here, because I know I will be understood.

  16. #16
    Member Sedona's Avatar
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    I think there are good therapists, and not so good therapists.

    I did some research and found a therapist who deals with gay and gender issues in my area. She's a lesbian, and works largely with transgendered men, and to a lesser extent, crossdressers. I guess I wanted to see a therapist who had at least some real experience with CDing/gender issues, rather than some dopey guy or gal who just sits there and nods (they're out there)

    I was at a point in my life where I had had a lot of failed relationships, and didn't want to feel guilty, or that something was wrong with me. I only saw her three times (she was out of my healthcare provider's network ), but I got a lot off my chest, dealt with some mom issues, and she really helped me focus in on feeling better about myself. Most importantly, I left feeling that I could in fact have a normal relationship where I didn't have to go around feeling guilty (and angry about it).

    Since then, I've come out to two SOs. It went over well with the first, took a while with the second, who I'm happily married to. The $250 or whatever it was, was money well spent.
    Last edited by Sedona; 10-20-2009 at 07:02 AM.

  17. #17
    Gold Member Kaitlyn Michele's Avatar
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    Seeing a therapist is usually a personal decision..for ts women it's a required part of transition, but hopefully you can find a therapist that is predisposed to help you with transition..people see therapists for all kinds of reasons, and many get alot of help...others can't stand having the intrusion of a 3rd party into their lives

    if you feel you can be helped by talking to a person that you are paying to advocate for you (especially if you are insured), why wouldnt you?

    of course, if you don't feel you can be helped, why would you?

    potatos, potatoes

  18. #18
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Nope... Since I totally accepted who I am a long time ago... I feel I don't have any unresolved issues... I do see a power skating specialist from time to time... To work on making my power starts more explosive and faster in turns.. But don't tell anyone!!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  19. #19
    Senior Member Rebecca Jayne's Avatar
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    Much appreciated Sincerity

    [SIZE="4"]Honest answers from all of you, that's what I love about this forum.

    Seems that the consensus is what I already knew, already felt.

    Don't worry, be happy

    And that's what I BELIEVE WE ALL ARE.

    May all your dreams come true.[/SIZE]
    A Rose by any other name.....[SIZE="2"][/SIZE]

    Love Rebecca Jayne

  20. #20
    Tamara Ann Valla tamarav's Avatar
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    [SIZE=4]I see a therapist everytime I work in one of the salons I work in. She works next door and drops over from time to time to have coffee and talk about life, usually hers... she has never asked about my dressing..[/SIZE]

    I am a licensed Cosmetologist (hair stylist, not cosmonaut), work as a hair and wig stylist, makeup artist and permanent makeup artist, dressed as you see in my avatar and albums.

    My web site

    I have over 2,500 pictures on my Flicker site located at

  21. #21
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    No. None needed.

  22. #22
    The Anima Corrupt Wen4cd's Avatar
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    I see a therapist.... the mirror, when I'm crossdressing
    And so we go, on with our lives...
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    Why go against tradition, when we can admit defeat,
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  23. #23
    Junior Member Nicole Smyth's Avatar
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    visited one once

    My wife nor kids know.
    I went to a therapist once to make sure I wasn't crazy.
    Will probably go again someday, but with the economy I figure my money could be better spent on an outfit.

  24. #24
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca Jayne
    Do you see a therapist?

    [SIZE="2"]In my small world, “therapy” is a dirty word, and I cringe when I hear it. You see, I was shepherded into speech therapy sessions when I was a boy, a place where I cried a river of tears and received no actual therapy. I resist being forced through any kind of mold as a result – there’s nothing wrong with me, so please leave me alone! Just let me be among others without being singled out for being less than perfect, and I’ll be OK – I’ll show you…

    When I was engaged a few years ago, my fiancée suggested we see a relationship therapist – she was concerned I wasn’t seeing things her way (about having a long engagement). We broke up soon after, not only because the word “therapy” conjures up bad childhood memories, but also because I don’t need a stranger telling me I'm too financially challenged to please her

    More than you need to know. Come to think of it, this post feels like a form of therapy! [/SIZE]

  25. #25
    Member Michaella's Avatar
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    Yes, I've been seeing a therapist for some time, as a means of helping with my stress and depression issues. Really, she's just someone I can talk to. I don't like to talk to friends sometimes about things, too much of a bringdown for them I suspect. I think it has helped me get through some difficult times.

    She's very accepting of my crossdressing, and I've been to sessions dressed a few times. That itself is a lift!

    My spouse knows about my seeing the therapist, but we don't talk about it.


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