Took a bunch of clothes to the cleaners yesterday. ( I mean a BUNCH ) of stuff. 8 blouses, 2 dresses, 1 wool sweater, 9 pair of dress trousers, my grandson's suit, and 2 skirts. Yowsa, did that dig deep into my purse.

Now, I had some time to, at least put on a skirt, before I went and did my errands. Went to Home Depot for some epoxy, a new staple gun, and a few more work gloves, ( the nylon, nitrile coated ones are really good to protect your hands ). No strange looks, that I noticed, in fact a compliment from one of the ladies there about my shoes, ( loafers with 3/4 inch platform sole and a 2" heel ). Left there and headed to cleaners. Walked in carrying all of it still on some hangers. Easier to transport from car to counter. The lady at the counter starts counting to items and putting them in the correct bag. we chat a bit about weather and I compliment the seamstress for the nice job on my grandson's suit pant and the hemming job she did. By this time the item count is finished and she's adding up the final tally. I know it ain't gonna be cheap, and that's OK with me. Too lazy to do the Woolite thing and besides I like a bit of starch in my blouses, and I can't iron clothes well, never learned how to do it right. So, I have to pay the price.
She gives my the receipt, I look at it and give a slight whistle and a "hoo boy" thing.
I hadn't noticed the next customer come in and stand behind me. She says, "It cost money to be pretty, doesn't it?" Turning around I look at her and without missing a beat I reply, "It's all part of the cost of enjoyment"
No comment about a GUY wearing a skirt or anything else, just a matter of fact observation. Wished them both a nice day and left to finish my errands

FREEDOM feels so good