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Thread: Tramp vs Classy

  1. #26
    Member Samantha Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post
    so I don't dress wrong what exactly does a tramp look like?

    Who makes this decision?
    I'm with Lorileah
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] x o x o x o Samantha Girl!!! * remember girls, sexiness is a state of mind!!!

  2. #27
    (not a whale)
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    yet i do reside in the ocean
    yes, most crossdressers dress like tramps

  3. #28
    Claire Claire Cook's Avatar
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    I don't know about "classy", but I do know that the last thing I want to do is attract attention from men -- or attract a lot of attention in any case. So I tend to dress comfortably, and wear what other girls are wearing. Hopefiully that means "nice".
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Proud member of the Lacey Leigh Fan Club

  4. #29
    Aspiring Member Jenny Gurl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EveMarie View Post
    I'm still trying to make sure what my real identity is, which I'm pretty sure I've done at this point.

    You girls are understanding, loving, nurturing, and (at least not a lot) competitive at all. This site is like a safe house for those of us who just want to talk, get answers, and ask questions about our lifestyle.

    OK I'm getting teary eyed, group hug
    I guess I fall in the classy group. I just want to blend. I like this site because it is full of girls who actually understand each other. Lots of good information here from girls who have been through it all and are willing to share with each other.

  5. #30
    Member KarenHiller's Avatar
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    I dress to please myself and to fit in. Luckily both are the same. I dress like the girls I knew back in the 60's. My mother never wore pants or shorts, so I guess I'm a bit like her. I wish women's styles had been locked into the 60's fashion. Back then it was so easy to find lacy lingerie and cute dresses. I never felt out of place when I went out in a dress and heels back then.

    Ah, the "good old days"

  6. #31
    Silver Member
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    I aim for CLASSY (Hopefully my aim is good). It is tough enough to sneak by unnoticed when I really try to blend that I don't need to bring more attention then is necessary. I was talking to a store manager at a mail order place for our community and he said that sure there are some of us who are in between but most of his clients either want classy and elegant or the other extreme and that is how they choose thier stock.

  7. #32
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    I dress on the classy side most of the time I do trash it up from time to time.I don't go out dressed so is hot an issue as far as some one seeing me and thinking badly of us.I know what your saying hun.And do think that image could hurt the way some think of us. It will most likely always be that a few put the negative to all of us.

  8. #33
    Member drushin703's Avatar
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    I seem to look better when ime in a short, tight, pants here
    in this wordrobe.dana

  9. #34
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    I am still trying to get what is classy. Classy to me would be a full Christian Dior gown, clutch purse, strappy heels and your hair in an up do. Think Audrey Hepburn. I think what every one here means is "Classic" which still has way more meanings than looking like a school marm or June Cleaver. You cannot even say stylish because styles change so much and mini and short skirts are the in "Style" area now.

    Let's say you dress conservative. No that doesn't work either because conservative dress is slacks or slack suit (think Hillary). Since we are tagging styles I'll call it frumpy and boring.

    Once again there will never be a consensus over what we should wear. The OP was making the point that this site does not allow vulgarity. That is a lot different than trashy (when I think that I think Daisy Dukes, crop tank top, overly done blue eye shadow and out of date wedge heels...but maybe there is someone here who that is "their" look...) It is a good point that this site caters to helping people and supporting people (no matter how they like to dress) but doesn't allow overtly sexual posts or pictures. Unfortunately those are the people who are setting our representation in the world. I will stress once again as long as the majority of TG's decide to blend or hide, the sexual deviates on the other sites win. If you don't like be branded as one of "them" get out and be one of "you."
    Last edited by Lorileah; 12-07-2009 at 11:21 AM.
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  10. #35
    Aspiring Lady
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    Styles and ideas change trashy today exotic tommorrow. And in the eye of the beholder? In my "other" life I wouldnt let my daughter out of the house in some of the things I LIKE to wear..... ummmm different subject! Any way we all should be free to express who we are!

  11. #36
    a tomboy no more abigailf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samantha Girl View Post
    I represent me. I don't dress up like a lady, I dress like a tramp... deal with it!
    Samantha, I checked out your pics. They don't come off trampy to me. Sexy, yes and you pull it off well.

    I think dressing trampy and classy vs this site and that site are different threads.

    This site tends to be classier than some others I have seen. Yet, the member styles seem to be very broad.
    - AF

    Look girl, act girl, feel girl ... be girl.

  12. #37
    Gold Member
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    I tend to go with the classy look.
    I dress and go out in public, I guess it just helps to try to blend in if one is dressed on the classy side. I don't mean like some ball gown or wedding dress. But for me, a nice top and slacks or knee length skirt is me. Well the rare occasion I wear a skirt instead of slacks.

    For seeing other CD's dressed scantily, I could care less. I dont care what someone else wants to wear.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  13. #38
    PennyW Penny's Avatar
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    I am your basic conservative. I believe in the US Constitution, life, libery and
    the persuit of happiness. Appearance is a personal preference as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Tollerance of others is the key here.
    Acceptance as a person and not necessarily as a CD should be our goal. Trashy or classy doesn't change who we are; behavoir does.

    "Lady Fingers"

  14. #39
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    "Classy" and "Trashy" are yet another pair of labels that no one can define, except to and for themselves. However, we each have our own internal idea of what each of those looks consist of.

    Myself, I would say that I am securely in the "classy" side of the camp. Why? Not because I think that those that dress "trashy." as I personally define it, are bad and I shun that label in horror, but because those that have seen my pictures say that my style is classy. OK, the consensus seems to be that I dress classy. Yeah, I can live with that.

    What about trashy? Do I have clothes that I consider trashy? Mmmmmmmm, nope. Not really. Why? Because in my mind, clothes like that, although they may make some feel good, would invite attention that I really don't want to receive. As you know, though I dress very rarely , I tend to go out in public when I dress. I would feel seriously icky if a guy were to hit on me, so maybe that's why I dress a little dowdier, I guess.

    And, since I'm sure you noticed I brought up the "gay" card, let me issue my standard disclaimer. I am not coming down on you if that is the sort of attention that you are after. If you'll notice, everything in here used the words "I" or "me." I do not judge. I do not generalize. So let's not even go there.

    Basically, some dress to be noticed, some to be ignored. Color me ignored, and I'm happy.


  15. #40
    Duchess of Eyeliner Erica2Sweet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by txrobinm View Post
    Society in general is hopefully becoming more tolerant of us because they see trans people (I use that term loosely) blending instead of looking like every night is Halloween.

    ...If you want folks to stop harassing us, based on the goodness of their hearts and not in fear of the law (what law there is), it behooves you to dress appropriately for the venue. This is common sense. We are already on the fringe, let's not make it worse by looking over-sexed, as the British would put it.

    That said, we do all have the right to wear what we want when we want. As with free speech, however, there may be consequences to that speech (not from the government, but from the general populace with whom we interact)...
    I'm in total agreement.

    I live in cornfield country, USA and I've learned very quickly if you want to mingle with John Q. Public and not draw negative attention, you basically have to dress for the venue and that means exercising some restraint in terms of provocative attire.

    In contrast, what one wears in private is a different matter entirely. For the purpose of this topic, I don't think it's really relevant as long as what goes on behind closed doors remains private.

  16. #41
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissKara
    Ok, I try and dress with class. No panties/thongs showing above my dress, a good looking top and a knee length of longer skirt, Nice hair and normal makeup. What are your thoughts on this subject?
    [SIZE="2"]The way I dress is based on things I’ve seen over the years – women wearing certain styles of clothing in a certain way that have made an impression on me one way or another. The key words for me are elegance and restraint, so everything else doesn’t get much of a look. I’m after a feeling more than anything, so my clothes reflect an inwardness at all times. My emotions are pulled tightly around me for comfort, and I revel in the vulnerability I feel – this is a very personal and intimate space that I enter, so more extroverted attire would be completely out of place…[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathi Lake
    What about trashy? Do I have clothes that I consider trashy? Mmmmmmmm, nope. Not really. Why? Because in my mind, clothes like that, although they may make some feel good, would invite attention that I really don't want to receive.
    [SIZE="2"]Yes, I agree – I do not wish to draw attention to myself with the clothes I have chosen to wear. It’s a balancing act, and I’ve been known to hover near the “costume” area at times, but, in the end, my wardrobe reflects an unwillingness to be pinned down. I have no “trashy” clothes, either. I’m always pleased to see one of my more demure sisters dressed nicely, happy to show themselves off – this is the gentle part of crossdressing that few get to see, but it inspires me…[/SIZE]

  17. #42
    Climb your mountain TabbyJames's Avatar
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    Classy, all the way

    I personally enjoy the classy side of it with the exception of intimate time. I wouldn't post pics of the intimate side but have no issues with sharing the classy side. All my cloths (and the ones I borrow from my wife) are knee length or longer skirts and dresses, its whats underneath thats a bit riske

  18. #43
    A hairy dude in a dress Nigella23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post
    ..... The OP was making the point that this site does not allow vulgarity. That is a lot different than trashy (when I think that I think Daisy Dukes, crop tank top, overly done blue eye shadow and out of date wedge heels...but maybe there is someone here who that is "their" look...) It is a good point that this site caters to helping people and supporting people (no matter how they like to dress) but doesn't allow overtly sexual posts or pictures. Unfortunately those are the people who are setting our representation in the world. I will stress once again as long as the majority of TG's decide to blend or hide, the sexual deviates on the other sites win. If you don't like be branded as one of "them" get out and be one of "you."
    to the above.

    I don't think it's neccessary to try and divide the crossdressing community on matters of clothing choice or reasoning behind wearing them. The media will always pick up on the trashy and exploit it for selling papers etc. Look at the fuss in the UK with Alex Reid, (Jordan's cage fighting on/off SO), and his supposed c/d tendencies.
    Personally not an outfit I'd choose to wear, or many other people judging from the posts on here, but he has every right in the world to wear what he wants when he wants. Let's keep a bit of perspective here, it's the media and general public who are giving the transgender community a bad image by perpetuating this stereotype, in much the same way as they did for the gay community by only portraying gay men as effiminate queens and lesbians as butch dungaree wearers. Both can be found within there respective communities but in no way represent them as a 'standard'.
    I like this site because it has mature, and accepting members of all the various forms and denominations of crossdressing behaviour, It would sadden me to think people were being judgemental or hypocritical of others because of their choice of a pink thong or gold lame!
    If you don't like the fact that a bloke wearing gold lame is the public's view of you and your community, then change it.

  19. #44
    Member Kate17's Avatar
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    I like to dress like a respectable woman and look my best if I am eating out or at the mall but when I go out to some of the clubs that lets say cater to the "undeworld " then I like to look a little less demure. Now I do not dress like a 4th street hooker but I do enjoy clothes that are very sexy in a subtle way. For example I have a very nice pink skirt that is just above my knees and I like to wear a pair of tall black high heel boots and a cute top. I did this the other night and a couple of the guys were all over me - and guess what- I enjoyed it immensly. I am older and I know my time is short for this kind of fun so I throw away the rule books and do what pleases me.

  20. #45
    Member Misty G's Avatar
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    I have been dressing and going out in public for several years and I don't remember ever wearing a skirt or dress that came to my knees much less below them.

    You are talking classy and trashy. I have as to yet decided just what is considered trashy or classy. If wearing a little to much make up makes you trashy then what if you are dressed for a formal event in an evening gown go to Mac for a make over. The way the Mac Associates do it would that not also be trashy.

    For me I will continue the way i always have with skirts above the knee and make-up the way that I like it.

    I agree that there is a lot of neg. stuff on the internet but most people seeing it could care if you dress trashy or classy. You can differentiate between those sites.

  21. #46
    Member Samantha Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abigailf View Post
    Samantha, I checked out your pics. They don't come off trampy to me. Sexy, yes and you pull it off well.

    I think dressing trampy and classy vs this site and that site are different threads.

    This site tends to be classier than some others I have seen. Yet, the member styles seem to be very broad.

    Thanks so much abigailf! I try, I try really hard!

    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    I am your basic conservative. I believe in the US Constitution, life, libery and
    the persuit of happiness. Appearance is a personal preference as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Tollerance of others is the key here.
    Acceptance as a person and not necessarily as a CD should be our goal. Trashy or classy doesn't change who we are; behavoir does.

    Nicely put Penny

    Lorileah... I want to be you when I grow up!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] x o x o x o Samantha Girl!!! * remember girls, sexiness is a state of mind!!!

  22. #47
    English Rose Stephanie81's Avatar
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    Hmm.. interesting discussion..

    On the one hand, this site is an oasis of yumminess in the veritable ocean of crappy CD sites out there..

    On the other, I DO like to feel sexy when I go out, so I have been known to wear Mini-skirts, super-high heels, fishnets, etc when I go clubbing.. is that Trashy? .. obviously, if i'm shopping or doing the housework or something, i just wear everyday-wear or similar..
    When Life Gives You Lemons, Throw them Back and Ask For Chocolate!!

  23. #48
    Aspiring Member SarahLynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kate17 View Post
    I like to dress like a respectable woman and look my best if I am eating out or at the mall but when I go out to some of the clubs ... then I like to look a little less demure. Now I do not dress like a 4th street hooker ...
    "a respectable woman"

    I think this is what is meant by those of us who use the word classy for our style of dress.

    For me, i try to dress as i would if i were a lady and going shopping with my mother. While she may have had some trampy clothes i never saw them, or her wearing them.

    "Now I do not dress like a 4th street hooker ..."

    As for trampy i should think anyone who dresses in the above fashion is indeed going for the tramp look. I'm not saying that is bad but does it really give the impression you want to present in the mall or on the street where you live?? (assuming you don't live where all the hookers hang out on 4th street.)

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  24. #49
    sunny with a high of 75!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie81 View Post
    Hmm.. interesting discussion..

    On the one hand, this site is an oasis of yumminess in the veritable ocean of crappy CD sites out there..

    On the other, I DO like to feel sexy when I go out, so I have been known to wear Mini-skirts, super-high heels, fishnets, etc when I go clubbing.. is that Trashy? .. obviously, if i'm shopping or doing the housework or something, i just wear everyday-wear or similar..
    .... perfect for the venue, Stephanie!

  25. #50
    New Member
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    Red face time for both

    sometimes its hot to see trasand then other times
    its nice to see classsy

    depends on the mood and time...


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