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Thread: A more fem body

  1. #1
    New Member corvon's Avatar
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    Question A more fem body

    Now what im worryed about most of alll right now is how can I get a more fem looking body without haveing to take any drugs

  2. #2
    Bianca66 bianca66's Avatar
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    Padding...Lots of padding:
    Last edited by bianca66; 06-27-2010 at 11:48 AM.

  3. #3
    New Member corvon's Avatar
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    Thats not what I was hopeing to hear. I got a few tips in my femboy group but I would like to know more.

  4. #4
    Bianca66 bianca66's Avatar
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    Other then exercise and keeping these abs tight, I still look like a stick :giggle: I do own a couple pairs of jeans that do look better because of the cut and a little padding gives it a bit of shape...Low rider jeans look hotter and does takes the eye away from the stickishness...

    Would like to hear what you have learn't

  5. #5
    New Member corvon's Avatar
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    Well I have a more filled out body I just need to shape my body a little. I've only been hearing that I need to watch what I eat and drink and to work out my belly. Soneone once told me yoga can help but I dontknow it thats true or not but yeah as you can see from my pic im not twiggy so I might can get a good body

  6. #6
    Fun loving Florida girl! tammygirl79's Avatar
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    Like Bianca said....of course padding or a body shaper will give you a more female shape, but of course it's not natural. Excercise is one of the keys to a natural female shape but you need to watch what kind of excercises you do. if you want that natural female form, you want to choose a work out that is just gonna tighten your body/muscles up, not build bulk muscles. I find that crunches, bike riding, swimming, and walking are all great ways to tighten up your muscles without building bigger muscles. Depending on how far you wanna go with achieving a female body, you can take Saw Palmetto which is an herb. You can get it in a liquid tincture form, or in a dried herbal form and brew tea out of it....that will soften your breast tissue and actually give you small breasts (man boobs in essance) in time. Saw Palmeto is what men take if they have prostate problems, softening of the breast tissue is a side effect. of course you wanna be sure that you definatly want to go that far to look like a lady....other wise you will be stuck as a man with man I know you don't want to take drugs but i thought i would throw that out there as another possibility that you may not have thought of. Some people who don't like or want to take drugs, will take herbs.

    But definatly, the certain types of excercises is always your best bet! and remember, watch what kind of cloths you wear, sometime alls it takes is the right dress, blouse or skirt to give you the appearance of a girly figure. Cloths can be a great disguise and tool to achieve this.

    Good luck!
    As a man I may look like I belong, but I don't feel like I belong...As a woman I may not look like I belong, but I feel like I belong!

  7. #7
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    You might look into the "core exercises" area of fitness. Yoga and pilates target the region known as the core muscle group; hips, waist, butt, abs and thighs. I have a tape made by a company called Arcadia and it's very good. Some of the exercises require alot of flexibility though.
    mj (Cassie)

  8. #8
    New Member corvon's Avatar
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    Yes I found out cloths is a big part of it after spining a hour or so trying on outfits mix and matching, and as for breat that dose sound fun but I plain to stop CDing when I reach a point in my life that my age starts to show. Older guys do seem to look better then older girls for some reson, but then again you never know and I may still keep at it even then and if not I will try to teach the younger CD's the things I lerned over the years so they can spin there youngest years looking as good as they can. For work outs someone once tole me that doing work outs were you end up haveing to twist and swing your waste helps a lot to.

    Quote Originally Posted by MsMjSerene View Post
    You might look into the "core exercises" area of fitness. Yoga and pilates target the region known as the core muscle group; hips, waist, butt, abs and thighs. I have a tape made by a company called Arcadia and it's very good. Some of the exercises require alot of flexibility though.
    mj (Cassie)
    So then Yoga is really a great way to get your body to look more fem? Well thats awesome. I tryed yoga.. Its a lot harder then I tought

    Its just that im not trying to hide the facted im a guy im just trying my best to look good in girls cloths
    Last edited by az_azeel; 06-27-2010 at 02:32 PM. Reason: merged posts.. please use your edit buton.. multi posting is not allowed

  9. #9
    I'm just peachy! TerryTerri's Avatar
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    This is just my observation. WEIGHT!!!

    For a girl to look 'femme' she must have less body fat than a guy. So, if you desire to look 'femme' loss weight until by 'manly' standards you're too skiny. But, by 'womanly' standards you'll look as you should for a girl.

    my observation and 2 cents.
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  10. #10
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    This is where the art form part comes in. In lieu of natural charms, imagination and the art of illusion and misdirection comes in pretty handy.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  11. #11
    Silver Member linnea's Avatar
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    I think that Denise and TerryTerri are very well on target:

    "This is just my observation. WEIGHT!!!

    For a girl to look 'femme' she must have less body fat than a guy. So, if you desire to look 'femme' loss weight until by 'manly' standards you're too skiny. But, by 'womanly' standards you'll look as you should for a girl."

    AND (from Denise):

    " . . . imagination and the art of illusion and misdirection comes in pretty handy."

    I'm working on both of these.
    warmly, Linnea

  12. #12
    Wanna-Be Girl Jenna Lynne's Avatar
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    I'd go with the advice about weight. (Coincidentally, I just posted a blog entry at that's about losing weight.) Get plenty of exercise to burn off excess calories, but don't try to build up those biceps!

    Part of it, too, is how you hold your body. Spend some time in public spaces watching how men and women stand, sit, and move. You'll find some fascinating details. There's a stance that I've seen women use -- not often, but more than a few times -- in which the ankles are actually crossed. They're standing up, but the left foot is placed to the right of the right foot.

    My theory about this is that women tend to want to take up less social space. Men, on the other hand, will stand with their feet apart in a ready-for-a-fight stance.

    Watch how women tilt their heads, how they flip their hair, how they use their hands. All this stuff won't help if you're built like a pro wrestler ... you'll just look gay. But if you're svelte to begin with, how you hold yourself will add to the impression of femininity.

    *** Jenna ***

  13. #13
    The Girl Next Door windycissy's Avatar
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    Swimming builds beautiful bodies, leans out all those muscles. There are herbs that have magical properties, for example lotion with the ingrediants tea tree oil + lavender actually stimulates breast production in males...

  14. #14
    Member Dee2U's Avatar
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    Ditto on getting as slender as you can and working on your gracefulness...Dee

  15. #15
    New Member corvon's Avatar
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    Loseing any waight right now thats not my waste isnt something I can do. Im big boned for one and I never liked really skiny girls. I like seeing that girls that know how to move the body fat around to shape there body to look good. Dont like boney girls and like I said im big boned so I can only get so skiny anyways.

    I like what Tammy is saying. They seem to be more dead on Thats what I hear a lot of times anyways it to work out and train the right mussles
    Last edited by corvon; 06-27-2010 at 05:30 PM.

  16. #16
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    what do you want to shape? I am working on real breasts right now, with a pump

    it is really fascinating that the tits are mine and not a form

  17. #17
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    I'm lost here; why lose weight to look more feminine? There are a lot of big girls out there, I don't think they would like to hear that losing weight makes them look more feminine...

    Does the image include heels, pantyhose, make-up, blond hair and big boobs? Sounds more like a description of the most commonly accepted female "role" model of our society.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] ~Michelle~

    I have welcomed new members, I have help people with issues, I have complimented people, have never tried to be the center of attention, yet except for 2 members I have never received any appreciation either by message or friend request. Members who don't have a photo to show, have never received similar appreciation either. Nobody has ever welcomed me, helped me or complimented me except for 2. I'm disappointed, I have no other choice but to leave.

  18. #18
    Junior Member Annalise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Michelle~ View Post
    I'm lost here; why lose weight to look more feminine? There are a lot of big girls out there, I don't think they would like to hear that losing weight makes them look more feminine...

    Does the image include heels, pantyhose, make-up, blond hair and big boobs? Sounds more like a description of the most commonly accepted female "role" model of our society.

    I agree. I consider myself one of the "big girls" mentioned above. I always thought it gave me more shape to be femme. honestly the only perk I would see in being so thin is finding more clothes that fit lol Being a little bigger gave me my legs my butt and my natural B cups. Even though I flaunt the larger bust mostly. Its hard for me to find clothes that fit but its worth having the curves. As a male the bigger thicker girls are honestly what I go for. anyways...

    Yes its great to stay in shape and it does help you look good in your target clothes but thats all depending on your own personal opinion and/or feeling in those clothes. The advice I would give is padding, stay in shape work out those legs and butt and if you ARE looking to go all hot and what not keep your core in proportion with your lower body if not smaller to create the illusion that you do have size in the lower body like the legs and the butt. As for the chest.. pretty much what happened to me is after years of benching and push ups and what not I stopped working out and it got soft. You could look into working out those pecs and gaining as much mass as you can and then letting it go. You keep the size just not the hardness of the muscle so its like a real chest. My SO is shocked/impressed with my natural bust as the result of this.

    Everyone is beautiful in their own way, you just need to find out how it is for you and OWN it as much as you can. And the result I am sure will be breath taking to all


  19. #19
    New Member MichelleBrantin's Avatar
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    It is tru about the weight thing dropping the weight does help, Im naturally skinny but straight as a board with no curves what so ever. So one day I was looking for answers on the internet to the same question, and came upon web sites with girls saying the same thing. What it basically was saying was to exercise the muscles for the right areas. For example to create more curvy hips exercise the musle on the outside of the theigh. This exercise is achieved by getting down on your hands and knees and lifting your leg up straight to the side all the way up till it is parallel with the ground hold it for 2-3 sec then back down kinda like a male dog peeing. Do this for ten times on each side. Trust me you will feel the musle burn in no time. Same for the butt and stomach you just got to find the right exercise.

    And remember go with reps and not weight. Weight builds bulk, reps build lean muscle.
    Last edited by Ze; 06-30-2010 at 03:26 PM. Reason: Merging posts. Please use edit button.

  20. #20
    Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    I do yoga as often as possible, am a vegan, ride my bike nearly every day to work, swim as often as possible using the breaststroke, and a few months ago added many reps of 20#s. It seems to be working, as I've lost twenty pounds and somehow haven't lost my natural A/B breasts and my halfway decent butt (all the males in my family have, quote George Carlin, "no azz")

  21. #21
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Corvon, does MY figure look fem?

    Even tho I've lost weight to look better in my girl's things, I STILL need to wear girdles and/or corsets to have a proper FEM shape!

    I do MANY crunches EVERY morning! And NOTHING ELSE!
    The flabbier my arms and legs, the more FEM they look!

    I did yoga for YEARS! In MY experience, terrific for flexibility! Pointless for body shaping!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  22. #22
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    Great advice from previous posts! You are not alone in your quest to have a curvy shape without drugs! Many GGs have the same goal. There is not any quick natural way to look more feminine other than adding "padding" or the right fitted clothes to your body. Stick with your diet, continue doing GG exercises (without heavy weights) to tone your body and practicing GG movements (walking, sitting, standing, bending). In time you may begin to get some of the "natural curves" you desire.

  23. #23
    Wanna-Be Girl Jenna Lynne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Michelle~ View Post
    I'm lost here; why lose weight to look more feminine? There are a lot of big girls out there, I don't think they would like to hear that losing weight makes them look more feminine....
    More feminine, no. More attractive, yes.

    If you want to have a convincingly female presentation, every little bit helps. There are a lot of women with varying amounts of upper lip hair too! That's not a reason to skip shaving well and using foundation.

    Also, men's fat deposits are not typically in the same places as women's (using the terms "men" and "women" here to refer to XY and XX people). Male fat tends to go to the gut, female fat to the thighs and so forth. For this reason alone, an XY who has the same proportion of body fat as an XX won't look the same, and the clothing won't fit the same.

    If you like your weight, you're fine -- you don't need me or anyone else to convince you otherwise. But a "feminine shape" has certain proportions of bust to waist to hips. If you don't believe me, look at a few women's clothing sizing charts. My body shape is not on any of them, I can tell you that! If you've got a gut, you'll have to build an awful lot of bust to make your waist look proportional, and then you're going to look like a tank truck.

    That's my opinion, anyway. And I'd rather not look like a tank truck.

    *** Jenna ***

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Michelle~ View Post
    I'm lost here; why lose weight to look more feminine? There are a lot of big girls out there, I don't think they would like to hear that losing weight makes them look more feminine
    A GG will look feminine no matter what her body fat levels are because female bodies usually store excess fat differently than male bodies.

    A skinny GM looks more like a skinny GG than an overweight GM looks like an overweight GG. For many of us who don't want to touch hormone therapy, moving ourselves in this direction is a good option.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that a big girl shouldn't be considered any less feminine. (GG, TG, or CD) But when a girl is given something like a male body and wants to appear as female as possible, she just has to play the hand she was dealt as she sees fit.

  25. #25
    Old Man in a Suit skirtsuit's Avatar
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    A skinny GM looks more like a skinny GG than an overweight GM looks like an overweight GG
    Very true. And as a corrollary, it's far easier to add shape in the right places than it is to subtract in the wrong ones.

    Here's a few tips -

    - Bicycle as much as possible.
    - Don't drink alchohol or sodas.
    - Go Vegetarian.
    - Avoid clingy form fitting knits that show off what's underneath too much.
    - Buy clothes that have shape and are made of fabrics that hold the shape like linen, wool and silk.

    The last item is one of the most important. I can achieve a nice fem figure on my stick-figure body by wearing skirts suits with short fitted jackets and A-line skirts or dresses that are fitted through the bodice and flair at the hips. In my experience, many of the clothes designed to hide a womens ample thighs and posterior are often the best for giving the illusion of actually having hips and an ass without any padding.

    What are you trying to achieve?

    Ann / SS

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