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Thread: Cogiati test

  1. #1
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Cogiati test

    I just took this - and was shocked at my score....165. I wasn't consciously trying to bias it...but suspect I may have. Have any of you taken this test and did you feel that it accurately reflected your place on the transgender spectrum?

  2. #2
    Silver Member Kathryn Martin's Avatar
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    I have taken the test several times with significant periods in between. I always score in the class 4, between 265 and 300. The problem with the test is that it is neither scientific, nor in any way reliable. It helps to have a starting point for a more thorough examination of oneself with or without help from professionals. The author of the test is well meaning and put a lot of caveats on it. The validity of it is like a "what kind of guy do you like" in Cosmo.

    "Never forget the many ways there are to be human" (The Transsexual Taboo)

  3. #3
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    Not surprisingly I get the number that corresponds to Androgen (3 I think).

  4. #4
    Member Nick2Nikki's Avatar
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    I got a score of -120, which places me within class 3, Androgen. The questions didn't seem to cover all that much, just whether you preferred math or poetry, and whether or not you like hugging people. Even so, I think that it classified me fairly accurately.

  5. #5
    Just finding my way.... StaceyJane's Avatar
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    The test is fun to take but has many problems with the validity of the score.
    I think the biggest problem is that it tries to put a number to something you really can't put a number too.
    Also it relies on stereotypes to figure out your brain sex.

    I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.

  6. #6
    Silver Member giuseppina's Avatar
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    That test has no scientific validity, in part because it is uses stereotypes. It's primary value is entertainment. If you want a proper assessment, you'll have to see a gender therapist.

  7. #7
    Aspiring Member Christy_M's Avatar
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    I have taken this test twice: 93 and 125...I have also taken the BEM test which is also widely available. as mentioned numerous times, these are more for entertainment value than anything scientific. There may be some value for self reflection but depending on what time of day and what clothes you were wearing, etc. there may only be value in looking at the inputs more than the outcome.

  8. #8
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    I just took it and scored a -110, Androgen, class something! For me the description was partially correct, but I actually am very comfortable with my male side and thought that I might score closer to the male center of the spectrum. It was fun and maybe I need to take it again on a few months and see if anything changes and trend my progress from me to Allie.

  9. #9
    The village Idiot Asako's Avatar
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    I took it for fun. Yay, I'm "possibly a transsexual".

    Your COGIATI result value is: 155 Which means that you fall within the following category:
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  10. #10
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    Tests like this have no merit-for me anyway,your not going to answer the questions the same every time,Indeed some of the questions I couldn't say were answered with any degree of Confidence on my part e.g. the driving Questions.for the record my score was 120
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  11. #11
    Aspiring Member RachelPortugal's Avatar
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    Scored 10, class 3 androgynous. No surprises, the class description seemed about right to me.

    As a crossdresser my personality has several facets. Therefore, I suppose I can be forgiven for being facetious.

  12. #12
    Member alyssaenglefield's Avatar
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    -75: pretty accurate

  13. #13
    Not sure where I am yet Jay Cee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathryn Martin View Post
    ...The validity of it is like a "what kind of guy do you like" in Cosmo.

    Wait a minute... do you mean to imply that the tests in Cosmo are not accurate?

  14. #14
    Junior Member
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    Your COGIATI result value is: -65 Which means that you fall within the following category:
    COGIATI classification THREE, ANDROGYNE
    What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither. In some cultures in history, you would be considered to be a third sex, independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine. Your gender issues are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.

  15. #15
    New Member Ryank's Avatar
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    I scored -85 category 3. Seems accurate to me but relies heavily on stereo types!

  16. #16
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    The scores definitely seem to rely on stereotypes, ad to take a fairly broad brush approach. Just for the fun of it, I retook this test today (nearly a year since the last time). I only scored 351 Seems I'm only probably a transsexual -
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  17. #17
    Aspiring Member EllieOPKS's Avatar
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    I accurately described myself and it accurately predicted my inner feelings. My results said Hello DR. Jeykel, meet Mr. Hyde.

    Even though, some of the questions could have had another option or two to choose from.

  18. #18
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    Well for those that keep saying the test relies on stereotypes, what mind function test, or personality type test does not rely on stereotypes.

    Remember stereotypes are based off a predominant behavior. Many times they are inaccurate, but sometimes they are right on.

    Here is an example I have had to deal with. All red heads have a fiery temper. I have noticed that this is true. However this sterotype does not take into account the reason for that. Every red head I have known, including myself, were taunted and in some cases beaten up for having said hair color. Usually girls did not face this, thought the ones in my school did (and there were only 3 boys and 2 girls with this feature) Hmmm. could there be a correlation between merciless taunting and temper? Perhaps.

    Other stereotypes are based off of complete and utter non-sense and missinformation. Here is a familiar one. All cross dressers are gay.

  19. #19
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    340 for what its worth. Ive scored in the same range before, but so long ago I dont remember, and I agree with most who say its unscientific. But, I am taking the one good piece of advice in that I am alredy seeing a counselor.

  20. #20
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    I ended up with...

    Your COGIATI result value is: 315 Which means that you fall within the following category:

  21. #21
    Just a part time woman? Tina Francis's Avatar
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    165=probably transexual

    It's with each test like these, it is not scientificly reliable. The results are based on the quality how honest you fill in the questions. When you follow the question and the kind of answers, it's easy to determine the result.

    The main question, with each result or an analysis is, what you want to do with the result.

    Everthing is your decision and this determines the direction of your next steps.

    A test indicates maybe a status quo.

    ............I did it honest and for fun and enjoyed it. I didn't made the next day a date for an SRS

  22. #22
    Aspiring Member EllieOPKS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    Here is an example I have had to deal with. All red heads have a fiery temper. I have noticed that this is true. However this sterotype does not take into account the reason for that. Every red head I have known, including myself, were taunted and in some cases beaten up for having said hair color. Usually girls did not face this, thought the ones in my school did (and there were only 3 boys and 2 girls with this feature) Hmmm. could there be a correlation between merciless taunting and temper? Perhaps.

    I agree with you about most redheads being hot heads. Also agree they probably all were taunted in school. Redheaded women however, are just plain hot!

  23. #23
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    thanks for all the responses. A number of people questioned the validity, and honestly, I didn't look deeply into the source material for this. Does anyone know who put it together and whether or not it has been subjected to any type of validation?

    I've taken things like the MMPI in the past, and thought a lot of the questions were odd or subjective, but in the case of the MMPI, there's a good base of science behind it. I have no idea what/who Cogati might be or if this test is valid.

  24. #24
    CamilleLeon's SO Shananigans's Avatar
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    lol I actually took the test out of curiosity. (I'm a GG, btw). There weren't too many questions that dealt with crossdressing head-on, but if there were...I just scored it as zero. I ended up with a score of -90 Class Three, Androgen. Which...was actually kind of interesting. I wonder how many GGs would actually end up on the more "feminine" side of the spectrum, or how many would be kind of in the middle...or completely on the more "masculine" side. I thought the test was kind of silly and sexist. Believe it or not, women can park cars and I get rather uncomfortable when people are over emotional. That one question where the boss walks in and everyone in the meeting is asked to go around and hug each other...and, the question asked how you would feel about it. Well. that actually happened to me in real life. I was in a lab meeting and there was a lot of tension with the coworkers, so the guy who ran the lab said, "Why don't we just say how we are feeling right at this point." I excused myself to the bathroom. Also, some women are scientists and can visualize things well. I don't really see these traits so easily separated as inherently male or inherently female. Just my two cents.

    Interesting though...either way.
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  25. #25
    Silver Member Kathryn Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shananigans View Post
    I don't really see these traits so easily separated as inherently male or inherently female.

    Interesting though...either way.
    Shananigans, I am with you completely on this one. There are many women who are excellent at orienting themselves in an unknown environment, get cars zipped in backwards and around the corner etc. What I find most interesting about the test is actually the attempt to create an inventory that would allow some from of determination early on. Since I first took the test I have learned that my need to determine if I am a transgendered or transsexual person has no easy answer. The creation of typologies such as the test does is really quite dangerous in my view. Blanchard, the guy who created the hypothesis on autogynephilia, which is now in danger of finding it's way into the DSM 5 in it's revised form (his disciple Zucker was made head of the working group that will determine transgenderism) types us all as deviants and paraphiliacs. He says that all transgendered people, unless they are attracted to their birth gender, are sexually aroused by and romatically involved with their inner image of themselves as females, hence auto-gyne-philiacs. His paper "the Concept of Autogynephilia and the Typology of Male Gender Dysphoria" states: ...that nonhomosexual type of gender identity disorder is characterized by an abnormal tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought of being a woman". Those of the test subjects that reported evidence that did not fit into the expected outcome of the study were simply called liars: [these] were consciously motivated by the desire for sex reassignment to deny all sexual behavior, whether or not this was accurate". While clearly on a different level, this study, like the cogiati test attempts to occasion a result through the framing of the questions which then lead to an anticipated result. They are in a word pseudo- or bogus science.

    I am of the view that the only way to fathom the phenomenon of transgenderism is in fact to develop a phenomenology of gender, which in my view would yield an understanding that gender is not a dichotomy and deviation from the assigned gender roles not an illness; but rather that gender is a continuum and the location of the individual on this continuum describes their gender without resorting to typing, or the misunderstood dichotomy we consider the norm in our society.

    I am glad you said what you said, thank you

    Last edited by Kathryn Martin; 09-23-2010 at 09:10 PM.
    "Never forget the many ways there are to be human" (The Transsexual Taboo)

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