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Thread: Is Hallloween stressful or exciting for you?

  1. #1
    It is what it is! Cami desiree's Avatar
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    Is Hallloween stressful or exciting for you?

    So Halloween is only 11 days away and I'm in such a dilemma as to what to wear, what parties to go to, do I go enfemme to parties that I will know people, stuff like that. Amazingly, it's not stressful to me but rather exciting. It's like my time to be myself and the preparation is part of the fun and excitement! I find myself trying different clothes on, looking at newspapers and on line for parties and convincing myself to just dress as I want and who cares what they say or think. I actually pass fairly well. Last year, I went in a very sexy outfit and some friends could not believe I wasn't a woman and that it was me. It was a blast.
    So my question to all of you is, is Halloween a big deal for you and how do you feel about it? Are you as excited as I am? Do you hate it? Got any great stories to share about prior years?
    Cami Desiree

  2. #2
    Silver Member Rhonda Jean's Avatar
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    I ought to just stay home, but i'm always compelled to use Halloween as a test. Try this little personal challenge, if you will.

    Do your damnedest to pass. Not necessarily to impress. Just strictly to pass. You don't have to go for the spandex mini. Do jeans and heels if that's what helps. Anything goes. Just transform yourself to the point to where when you walk out the door you don't see any possible way that anyone would ever suspect that you're not a natural born female.

    Then go to Home Depot. Then Walmart. Then the cosmetics section at the department store of your choice.

    Halloween is the one time of year when people who would usually be too polite or even afraid to say anything about you being crossdressed will have some sort of obvious reaction to your "costume". It might be a very positive reaction. They may say you look great, that you're very pretty. They may ask if you do this all the time. They may just smile in a knowing way. Threy may say they didn't even know until they heard your voice. But girls, if you can get through that and honestly think that no one read you, you better check. You probably have a vagina!

    I'll keep on testing, but so far I've found all my parts to be securely intact. Kinda depressing.

  3. #3
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    None of the above... For me it fattening!!! I just don't have the will power to stay out of the candy! I wish my wife would buy stuff I don't like. Come to think of it I don't know any candy I don't like. Lol
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  4. #4
    Member Engendered's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, Halloween for me may be a bit of a letdown. It's the easiest time of year to go out, and I have no parties to go to at all. This makes me a sad panda.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Kimberly Alice's Avatar
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    For me, it is very exciting. Last year I was able to become a Southern Belle. Had a blast handing out candy and then went to a friends house for adult drinks and stuff. This year there is the Pretty in Pink affaire in Vegas. This will be the first time having a complete weekend for Kimberly. I have a very pretty pink dress, pink jewelry and of course getting my nails done in pink. The entire weekend will be for getting out and having fun.

    Life is tooooo short so enjoy when the opportunity presents itself.


  6. #6
    Silver Member Marissa's Avatar
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    I would have to say exciting but this will only be my second time out for Halloween dressed. Last year was alot of fun, seeing everyone dressed in many different costumes. Only this year it was a bit more exciting since my daughters and I have interacted with each other on getting our costumes together. Shopping together and giving tips, etc. We wont be going to the same parties but still its a nice memory. I expect it to be an even better party that I attend this year.


    "You better look hard and look twice, that me, baby or just a brilliant disguise?"- The Boss

  7. #7
    Woman and loving it LitaKelley's Avatar
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    This Halloween was supposed to be exciting and packed with fun as I planned on going to Salem, Ma to spend time with friends and introduce Lita to several of my friends, etc, but my car is junk and now I can't go.. I'm so upset over it... I can't do anything without my car.

  8. #8
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    I have been looking forward to it this year because the meetup group that I run in Denver is having a halloween party with about 50+ people coming. It should be a blast to have everyone there.

  9. #9
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, I can't go out dressed on Halloween!

    The ONE nite of the year I could go practically ANYWHERE with a mask on!

    But, with my teen daughter still living at home, I can only dress in GUY costumes on H!

    However, Halloween is BOTH stressful and exciting for me! I always try to come up with some brand new LOOKS! THAT'S exciting!

    However, those always seem to require UNIQUE DETAILS!
    Like; making/finding certain hard to find props, putting on MAKEUP, etc, etc!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  10. #10
    Woman at heart Veronica 1's Avatar
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    The past two years I went dressed to private parties but this year a GG co-worker and I will be hitting the bars. She will be Frankensteins bride and I am going as Glenda the good witch, should be a blast if I dont freeze in my skimpy costume.
    Sister will you…
    Make believe…
    Play dress up…
    Let me be the Princess…
    Tell me stories in the dark…
    Always be my friend?

  11. #11
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    I luuuurve Halloween! I never know what I'm going to be until the last minute though. I plan to go hang out on Fremont Street in Vegas, get tipsy, and watch people. Especially all you beautiful CDs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Engendered View Post
    I have no parties to go to at all. This makes me a sad panda.
    You should search your local paper or the web for fun things to do. If it's not too personal, whereabouts are you located? Maybe someone here has a fun idea.
    Last edited by Andy66; 10-20-2010 at 09:11 PM. Reason: add something

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Karen__Starr's Avatar
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    I would say stressful for me in deciding what to wear LOL. I generally dress formal/sexy and hit at least one party followed by going out to a club to end the evening.
    SRS January 27

  13. #13
    Member Cassi3's Avatar
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    I usually enjoy halloween. If I don't go out I usually sit on the porch and watch the trick or treaters and take the time to chat and say howdy to the neighbors.

    In the great words of Popeye: "I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam,"

  14. #14
    Shy,very very shy Loveday's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Rhonda Jean;2297644]Try this little personal challenge, if you will.

    Do your damnedest to pass. Not necessarily to impress. Just strictly to pass. You don't have to go for the spandex mini. Do jeans and heels if that's what helps. Anything goes. Just transform yourself to the point to where when you walk out the door you don't see any possible way that anyone would ever suspect that you're not a natural born female.

    Then go to Home Depot. Then Walmart. Then the cosmetics section at the department store of your choice.

    Halloween is the one time of year when people who would usually be too polite or even afraid to say anything about you being crossdressed will have some sort of obvious reaction to your "costume". It might be a very positive reaction. They may say you look great, that you're very pretty. They may ask if you do this all the time. They may just smile in a knowing way. Threy may say they didn't even know until they heard your voice.

    That's a good idea, I am going to try it if I am not on the road. I will have the perfedt excuse!
    Thank - you Rhonda Jean

    Last edited by Loveday; 10-20-2010 at 11:34 PM.

  15. #15
    Aspiring Member Danni Bear's Avatar
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    stressful and exciting all at the same time.

    sitting on the porch,rugrats underfoot, more traipsing through the yard. Just another in a long line of family halloweens. It is more for the grandkids now the day they get to be whoever they wish hero/heroine, monster or whatever.


  16. #16
    Silver Member Loni's Avatar
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    just another day in life.

  17. #17
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    My first time out.

    Halloween was the first time I was ever cding in public.

    It was a blast. I could go anywhere and be accepted. I use it as a way to go out to those places a little to stuffy for me to go while cding.

    It is was the time when I got comfortable dressing at thirft shops. "I was doing it for Halloween outfit". My got lots of clothes then and comfortable shopping for feminine things. Now I have no problem. I may try them on at home but I willl buy them now.

  18. #18
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    Before I we t full time, Halloween was the one day I could count on dressing no questions asked. Although I do remember my wife saying "a woman again?" a couple years ago. Plus my wife always got the short end of the stick - I would dress like a cute girl and she would be the guy of the couple. These have been some of my costumes Cher (to her Sonny), cheerleader (to her football player), Olive Oil (to her Popeye). This year I am going as a big hair 80s metal ****ty groupie chick. My wife isn't sure if she is coming out this year, but has a Slash costume just in case she decides to go as my bf one more time.

  19. #19
    Gold Member
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    I have yet to be dressed on Halloween. Something always seems to come up. I try not to stress about it as stress is a self induced pain to me. This year is the same. But the reason is that I get to spend it with my grandsons for the first time. I win!

  20. #20
    Chickie Chickhe's Avatar
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    stress because of making arrangements for a sitter, party tickets, finding friends to go and not knowing exactly how your friends will react or if my wife will be in a party mood... excitement, because damn I look good in my costume!

  21. #21
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    I love dressing up for Halloween though I haven't done so for a few years. Our kids are just reaching the age where they want to go out with friends more than us their parents.
    This Halloween will be the second year in a row that I'll be working 12 hour nights and won't be able to go anywhere fun. Well.... we have fun at work because we always find something to laugh and joke about.
    Here's a short story from many years ago.
    I was in the Navy in San Diego and had the Duty on Halloween. I managed to get the Duty Section Leader to let me leave the ship and go to a party on the condition that I make it back to the ship for the midwatch (0000-0400). So I left the ship in uniform and went to a shipmates house and changed into a gypsy girl and went the party. Now days I would think the outfit was terrible but at the time, and what I had to work with, I liked it.
    The Master Chief, who was having the party, made a punch bowl of MoJo (P.I. receipe). It went down so easy but does it ever pack a punch. Needless to say, I didn't make it back to the ship until the next day. I was so worried that I was going to get busted but the Section Leader just laughed and said he really didn't expect me to be back anyway so not to worry about it.
    I loved being the gypsy girl and no one gave me a hard time about it.
    So... I guess you could say I don't find Halloween stressful for me.

  22. #22
    Senior Member jjjjohanne's Avatar
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    I read about half of the responses when I had to speak up. Halloween is on Sunday. That means that dress up day at work for anyone who will dress in costume will most likely be on Friday. Saturday is when a lot of kids will trick or treat. Sunday is actually Halloween. If I am right, that means there are three occasions that a person could be in costume and say it is for Halloween. For me, I am planning on doing some dressing Friday during the work day. I won't do it at work. I'm excited.

  23. #23
    Silver Member Tina B.'s Avatar
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    Both exciting, and stressful, I will spend the days leading up to All hollows Eve, decorating the house with skeletons and monsters, lights and sounds to match, then on that night I will dress is something scary to hand out treats to the older kids, while the wife will hand out treats to the little ones that won't come near me. It's a lot of work, but also a lot of fun for one and all.
    Tina B.

  24. #24
    So Cal Nicole Bishop's Avatar
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    Cant wait even though i have been out a bunch in public the last time was in may in Vancouver Canada .I will be in a one piece white turtleneck cable knit sweater dress with shorter sleaves an two leopard buttons on them above the elbow. A thick carmel colored leather belt and 5 inch carmel ankle boots to match. I will post pics later for sure as I tried it on last night ...Very hot!
    George Zimmerman says "youll like the way you look" and he is right I do!

  25. #25
    Aussie girl Tasha McIntyre's Avatar
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    Halloween is not really much of an event here in Australia. You get a few kids trick or treating, but that's about all. I do spend a lot of the evening thinking about my American "sisters" having a great excuse to dress up though . Not without some degree of envy / jealousy either.

    Have fun y'all

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