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Thread: I was the prettiest girl in the world until...

  1. #26
    Gold Member TxKimberly's Avatar
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    Austin Texas area
    I am SO sorry to hear of this. I can only imagine how badly that must have hurt your self confidence, and for no good reason at all. As others have said, the problem was with the managers actions and not yours.

  2. #27
    Vicky VictoriaP's Avatar
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    That is HORRIBLE!!!!! That should never have happened. Although I understand your feeing the way you did and wanting this all to just go away, you should register a complaint. After all the Law is the Law. Lets make it work for US! And you ARE still the prettiest girl in the world sweetheart!

  3. #28
    left site permanently aggi123's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry this happened to you! There's one store I'll make sure NEVER to shop in ever. You should file a complaint! I might for your sake just to let them know how I feel!

  4. #29
    Silver Member Barbara Dugan's Avatar
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    I am so sorry , you werent doing anything wrong. I remember one time a T-girl sued a gay club in NY because she wouldnt let in, this situation looks even more discriminatory.

  5. #30
    Bending the truth Juliana Hart's Avatar
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    Christy - I'm also very sorry that you were hurt today. That type of behavior is not acceptable, especially considering this is 2010. That person needs to answer up for that behavior. Stay strong.

    A fellow Washington T-Gurl,


  6. #31
    Gold Member
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    Ross is about a sorry excuse for a store, it seems quite often we read complaints about them on this forum.
    I know a few other stores get mentioned but Ross seems to come up most.
    So our money isn't good?

    What I emailed Ross was similar to above but in a more civil tone.

    Hey for those who have never been in a Ross -
    Quite frankly, the clothes they have there are usually pretty crappy to begin with, hince the low prices.
    I used to stop in one from time to time and it is basically a junk store, so really don't even waste your time shopping there if you have any fashion sense.
    Last edited by Nicole Erin; 11-09-2010 at 08:01 PM.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  7. #32
    left site permanently aggi123's Avatar
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    I sent a complaint because I was so mad! Even if they just know how we feel, it might be nice to receive an "I read your e-mail and am taking it seriously" reply

  8. #33
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    Man! This is exactly what we want to NOT happen. That manager was completely in the wrong. It is not in hers nor her company's best interests to make a scene out of nothing, humiliate her clientele, and allow customers to leave the store without purchasing the cart full of clothing that would have made a nice sale for them.

    But hey, don't let this get to you too much. It's not on you, after all. You're not the narrow-minded bigot here. She is.

    Any money found in the laundry is MINE!

    "This is no social crisis....this is me having fun!"

  9. #34
    Curmudgeon Member donnalee's Avatar
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    That's just AWFUL!
    Ross has stores all over the West Coast - I don't know how many they have further East - maybe using a different name but owned by the same people. From this day forward they won't get a DIME from me! I want to boycott them; tell family, friends & anyone who'll listen that this is a store that discriminates against people and should not be patronized by ANYONE!
    And you're STILL the prettiest girl!
    ALWAYS plan for the worst, then you can be pleasantly surprised if something else happens!

    "The important thing about the bear is not how well she dances, but that she dances at all." - Old Russian Proverb (with a gender change)

  10. #35
    Aspiring Member Michelle James's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Awww..... I hate Ross!!! Just one more reason not to shop there!!!
    Just what would happen to that manager if we all sent in a complaint with our intention to boycot Ross stores everywhere? Then maybe we should burn our bras!! LOL
    I believe therefore I can [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  11. #36
    Aspiring Member Christy_M's Avatar
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    You all are so sweet. I really appreciate your support and compliments. I can't seem to settle down from this. I keep thinking about it and it makes me break down. It is one of the most awful things that has happened to me in my life and I am sure it has set back my self confidence quite a bit. Feeling the love from this community is so touching. I can't say enough about how you better my life.

    The worst part of this is that I was on a pretty good high from earlier today when I was at a local Fred Meyer (Northwest Super K-Mart type store) and they treated me with dignity and respect. I tried on and bought numerous items. Even the woman at the self checkout helped me check out. I thought everything was coming up roses for me today and then a big fat helping of reality was served up - cold I might add...

    My fear is that my typical reaction to emotional isues when in drab is to disengage and withdraw from the people I love. I am trying to force myself to let the emotions flow so I can keep Christy's presence in other aspects of my life. Specifically, by making me more emotionally available to my wife and children. It is just so difficult to have this rush come and go like massive waves hitting me on the beach. I just want to curl up and sleep through the next 100 years or so until people don't act like this anymore...

  12. #37
    Silver Member Amy Lynn3's Avatar
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    Christy, we love and support you and as others have said we are sorry that it happened at all. How would that sales manager feel if she were in some mens clothing store, buying for her son and was ask to leave? You did great, but I'm afraid I would not have been as nice to that manager. If it makes you feel better and I hope it does....I was about to go into one of their stores and look around, however, please, know I will never buy anything from their store now.

  13. #38
    Silver Member
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    I will never shop there ever.

    But listen, this is NOT one of the most awful things that has happened to you. You ran into an absolute JERK, that's for sure. But you will always run into jerks in this life. Know that you did NOTHING wrong and in the face of horrible behavior from another human being you held yourself high and acted like the intelligent and civilized person that you really are. Congratulations. You proved to a store full of people (and then to us) what a wonderful person YOU are. Don't feel bad about this. Celebrate it. You won, big time!


  14. #39
    the happy camper
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    Please follow up, and let us know how they respond. I will be boycotting their stores until I hear that they apologized.

  15. #40
    Member Tanya83's Avatar
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    I find it really shocking that this happened to you in this day. You should make a lot of noise over at that store. Call the main office, send letters and get that "Person" fired. Completely unacceptable behavior. I don't go to dressing rooms with the things I buy but now I will. Just to see how I'm treated.
    Life's too short to not do the things that make you happy.

  16. #41
    fearless transowman juno's Avatar
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    Washington State has transgender protection laws. This action was probably illegal.

    We should all go to that store dressed very unpassable and insist on using the women's dressing room. The next time I am in the Seattle, I will make a point of it. But, I won't actually buy anything.

    I go into women's dressing rooms all the time en homme to assist my partly disabled wife. Nobody has ever complained, SAs or customers.
    Juno Michelle Krahn

    Normal people are weird. Stealth is another word for "in the closet".

  17. #42
    Member LeannL's Avatar
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    One thing I would suggest is to follow the advice of others who have cited the Washington state law against discrimination against us. This is not about revenge but taking control of your life. You have the right to expect to be treated as every other person expects to be treated with respect.

    A quote comes to mind from someone I do not normally relate to, George Will. He said something along the lines of: "Some people say we can't legislate morality but we can. The civil rights laws legislated the open accomidations laws which substituted the rights of one group (the owners of hotels) to choose their clients with the rights of another group (afro-americans) to treated like every other american in their public accomodations."

    The state of Washington has chosen to do the same for the LGBT community. So if you so choose, you have the opportunity to assert your rights as they are are yours to enjoy and not to have abridged by some jerk.

    Good luck and hold your head high.


    Enjoy who you are but stay safe.

  18. #43
    </3 CatAttack's Avatar
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    Cristy, I am so sorry to hear this! That is like every transperson's nightmare! Just reading it made me mad!! If that happened to me I would've definitely given the manager a piece of my mind.

    But don't let this get you down!

  19. #44
    Join Date
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    I can't believe that someone can be so cruel and insensitive to another person. I am so sorry that this happened to you.

  20. #45
    Junior Member Cherie's Avatar
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    I agree with a lot of the others a complaint to management telling of your treatment and you have let a lot of people know a lose of clientelle will help to change the SA atitude . Hope it works out for u .
    Last edited by Cherie; 11-09-2010 at 10:54 PM.

  21. #46
    Junior Member leliani's Avatar
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    That's disgusting. That lady needs to be fired, sent to training or something. No-one deserves to be treated like that.

  22. #47
    Silver Member Loni's Avatar
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    in the hills of central california
    one harvard study found out one bad word from a disgruntled customer cost the store $10K in pro ad's to replace the bad.
    let the store corp people and the main manger of said store know what happened and i bet next time you go there that woman will not be employed there any more.
    money is money and in these times the b.o.d. want as much as they can get.
    that manager is the problem...not you.
    she is just a very narrow minded *****.
    Last edited by Loni; 11-09-2010 at 11:01 PM. Reason: tyop

  23. #48
    Aspiring Member
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    As an action against Ross Stores, I think all the Active sister groups on here should send a letter to the corporate offices and quote the above laws. They need to inform them that a sisters civil liberty was broken at that washington store and an open public apologie as well as a reprimand of the the employee are in order.

  24. #49
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Christy, I feel BAD for u! I'm ANGRY that this happened to such a nice person!

    I know a few girls who would have decked that b-----!

    However, there may be messages in your experience for other CD/TGs that go out dressed!

    1. I'm glad that what happened to u doesn't happen more often!

    2. U could go out dressed every day of your life and NEVER have this happen to u!

    3. U could go out dressed and have this happen to u TOMORROW!

    Christy, PLEASE don't let ONE ROTTEN APPLE ruin your life style! Remember how many GOOD PEOPLE you've met and have YET to meet!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  25. #50
    Tonya, the SHOE monster! rocketscientist's Avatar
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    Angry I sent a complaint in too.

    This is what I sent to

    I just read this story of a trangender customer at your store in Lynwood,WA being treated horribly by the store manager. As the story goes, this customer was shown into the dressing room by a Ross employee, then, while in the dressing room, was accosted by the store manager and told to "get out". This person was doing nothing wrong and not harming anyone, only there to use the dressing room for its' intended purpose. Furthermore, this harmless transgender customer was loudly ousted in front of other customers in a most undignified manner. Is this how Ross treats their customers? Frankly, I am shocked at the ignorance and intolerance shown by the manager. As you may or may not know, the State of Washington outlaws this type of discrimination. This is would very easily be a slam dunk for any lawyer with half a brain. This person who was victimized at one of your stores should sue for damages. I, for one, will be boycotting all Ross stores as a result and will be informing others via internet blogs and emailings so they can do the same.

    You should see a lawyer as fast as you can and find out what your options are. This behavior should not be tolerated by anybody. Hugs, Tonya
    "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" = Oscar Wilde

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