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Thread: When NOT to wear pretty shoes - an advice, shopping, and flying thread.

  1. #1
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    When NOT to wear pretty shoes - an advice, shopping, and flying thread.

    I am sighing explosively right now. I tell you this just so you know my frame of mind.

    What a day!!
    First off, for those of you expecting a shopping thread, this may not be your cup of caffeinated-beverage-of-choice. Yes, there was shopping involved, but with a flight to catch, it was a bit hard to do my normal "try on clothes until my eyes bleed" kind of day. Ah well, I'll get there as 2011 sure looks filled with promise so far!

    My day started by finishing my packing for Vegas, kissing my wife goodbye, and dropping my daughter off at school (am I the only one relieved that school is back in session?! Phew! Between family-time out the wazoo (about as painful as it sounds) and my wife's ever-increasing honey-do list due to our recent move, I'm looking forward to going back to work to relax. ).

    Anyway, I then went to Ulta to see a friend. I had helped her last week with recording, editing, and production of a DVD audition for The Amazing Race. She was sweet. She knew I was looking at a Too Faced product, and had brought it to me in a little gift bag as a bonus for helping her. I asked her if she would mind doing my makeup since my wife was at home the morning I was leaving, and her pendulum has swung back to not tolerating me as well. Pity, but I can certainly understand her point of view and will do whatever it takes to follow her guidelines of "keeping it out of her face."

    Anyway, I walked in right after opening, and said my hellos to the ladies there. I asked her if I should change first, and she asked me what I was wearing. When I mentioned my white top, she crinkled her nose and said, "Maybe you'd better change after. I'm not having much luck with white today" and showed me her white top under her sweater - with a blob of foundation down the front.

    So, after asking me what look I was going for today (my reply? ". . . this is probably not what you hear from most guys - make me pretty!" ). We found some eyeshadow colors she had been waiting to try on me, and a new blush from Stila. We used my normal Smashbox Camera-Ready foundation, with a new primer - Smashbox's Photo Finish Targeted Pore & Line Primer. It, along with my recent laser work, had the girls there "ooohing" and "ahhhing" at my newly-pretty smooth skin.

    As always, it was fun watching the various people come into the store (of course, for the best light, I was in the chair by and facing the front door) and talking with customers and the employees there. Other than a few slight smiles/snickers from a few older ladies, everyone treated me with respect and courtesy. One lady kept circling me like a shark. My friend asked her at various times if she needed any help, but the lady refused. Finally, during one of her laps, I mentioned that I loved her boots. That seemed to break the ice with her and she then started in on "The Questions" You know the ones - "Is this for a bet?" "So, you actually like dressing as a woman?" "How long have you been doing this?" "Does your wife help you?" and more. She said I had gorgeous eyes, was jealous of my lashes, and was amazed at how beautiful I was when the makeover was finished (I told her that my friend was the one to thank - not me).

    Finished with the makeup, I went into the bathroom to change. I attached my forms, put on all my clothes, and brushed my wig out (It looks much better after taking it to my wig lady and asking her to save it if she could. She truly does do magic!). I slipped on my shoes, applied a coat of gloss, packed up all of my boring guy clothes, and clicked on out to show the world.

    My first stop was the salon area, because my wig was driving me crazy! One group of hair just didn't want to play nicely with others. Where the rest of my wig was one gorgeous fall of well-behaved hair, this errant strand wanted to be right between my eyes. I asked the salon manager if she could, "help a girl out." She smiled and directed me to a chair. As usual for her, she had it looking "showroom-perfect" in a matter of moments. She asked me if I was in my new house, where I was going looking so pretty, and told me that, to her, it seemed that I got prettier and more feminine each time I stopped in. Awwwwww. aren't friends - especially the little white lie-telling ones - great?!

    I walked up to the front where one of them said, "That's it! Get this girl a name tag. She's hired!" I'm sure it was more due to the fact that I was wearing their colors (black and white) than anything else. We chatted and giggled a bit more, and my friend blurted out, "Oh yeah! You can't go out there just looking like a pretty girl. You have to smell like a pretty girl, too!" That started a firestorm of smelling each one's favorites. We settled on Pure by DKNY. It's a light, but unmistakably feminine fragrance. Hey, kinda like me! Well, the "light" part, anyway.

    After the usual good-hearted insults on my appearance ("Look at you in that tiny skirt! Those legs! You do realize that you suck and that we all hate you, right?) I then left to go to Salt Lake, and my biggest adventure yet - flying pretty, as our hero Kimberly calls it. Of course, I stopped by my bank, as I love the tellers there. One of them, Summer, is a gorgeous early twentysomething with a sense of style that I wish I could pull off. Imagine someone with cheerleader-level good looks - and a fauxhawk! Her clothes are always hip, fresh, and unreachably young - for me, at least. I happened to get the new teller, who had only heard about me. Since she didn't know me well, she asked for ID. She smiled at me, and said that she really liked the difference, and said that if I had the choice, I should dress this way much more often as it "really suited me." I thanked them, and hurried to my next stop - my optometrist. It was time for Kathi to get a pair of glasses. I already have some prescription women's sunglasses that I bought there a few months ago, but needed a pair for when it wasn't so bright.

    I walked in (almost falling in the door as the UPS man yanked the handle to open it from the inside for me) and the girl (I say girl because she is around 22 or so) said, "Hello, how can I, . . . heyyyyyyyy!! You look awesome!!" (She was the one that had helped me with my girly sunglasses, and had seen pictures of me). We chatted a bit while she fixed the missing screw on my sunglasses, and I said that I needed a pair of regular glasses. She said, "Women's, right?" and seemed pleased when I said yes. We tried on about two dozen, and finally settled on a pair that looked cute on me as a woman, but could do double-duty when I was in male mode.

    We chatted for a bit, and another worker joined us. I could tell that she didn't know quite what to make of me sitting there in a skirt and stilettos, with my makeup and padding and everything just so. Pity, because she looked the type that I would love to get to know better - at least to borrow clothes from, as she looked like she was also a size 0.

    I then drove to White House | Black Market for their 60% off sale. I'll leave that and more for a later post, as I don't know how many more words I can fit into this post. Plus, I'm not just tired (hence the explosive sighs), but I'm hungry! I only had a bowl of Corn Chex this morning, and a pack of peanuts and a Coke later in the day. This freaky body needs food!!

    Last edited by Kathi Lake; 01-05-2011 at 12:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Silver Member renee k's Avatar
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    WOW Kathy, what an action packed day! I always enjoy reading your posts, and I'm amazed at the acceptance you've garnered, in of all places Utah. But aside from that. I'm waiting patiently for the "flying pretty" part of your adventure.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] [SIZE="2"]Huggs, Renee [/SIZE]

  3. #3
    Gold Member
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    Kathi...I just love these posts. It always amazes me how confident you are out in public and how well people treat you. How about a few pics to let us see how HOT you looked after all that activity??? Have fun gf.........

  4. #4
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Yummy!! I just had - while not the best Reuben of my life, one that was definitely in the top three. While I digest this huge mound of perfectly spiced corned beef, let's continue our tale;

    You know how sometimes you're going at the speed of traffic and blissfully unaware of the speed limit? Unaware, that is, until you see flashing lights behind you and suddenly realize what the brake lights were for about a half-mile back? Yeah. That was me. I pulled into a cul-de-sac to get us out of traffic, and fished my driver's license out of my purse. He walked up to the window and said, Ma'am, do you know what the speed limit is on this road? You were doing 52 in a 40 MPH zone." I professed ignorance (not hard, for me), and he took my license back to his car. He quickly came back, ticket book in hand, and said, "Ma'am, did you also know that your registration was overdue?" I told him that my wife had reminded me of it about a week ago, but, you know, . . . He said he was going to give me a break, and just write me up for 5 MPH over. I thanked him and he said, "You drive carefully, sir - Sorry. I mean Ma'am!" I said that either way was fine with me and drove off a few dollars poorer.

    I then parked right next to White House | Black Market this time - a good thing when there's snow and ice on the ground, and you're in cute little high heels. My favorite pregnant pixie wasn't there today. Bummer! She's due in early february. They did say that she still was working, but was off that day. They also said that due to her pregnancy that she was even more adorable than usual - if possible.

    I could tell that they were in full "Get this girl's room full of pretty stuff so we can make some big bucks" mode, but I told them that I already knew what I was looking for, thanks to their catalog and website. I grabbed a petty pointelle turtleneck in my almost-trademark fire engine red, and a necklace that was also on sale. I asked about the dress I tried on last time, but unfortunately, it sold out fast (sorry Sara and Veronica!). Pity. I did a quick look-through of the store. I must come back as they have so much cute new stuff in for Spring! Unfortunately, I had a plane to catch, and I had just gotten a ticket, so I had to forego my usual tryon session. Sigh.

    I left there and went to the airport. Knowing that I had a bit of time, I drove to the Skycap first, hauled out my suitcase (which seemed almost too heavy for me - must be the skirt and heels sapping my strength - Samson-style! ), and got in line. It was my first experience with lots of eyes on me. On the way there, I stopped at a gas station where two young women (sisters, from the look of them) were filling up and chatting. They looked at me, smiled, and went on pumping and chatting. I honestly think they had no idea of my true self. Odd, and a testament to the makeup skills of my friend! Anyway, I made it to the Skycap desk, and handed over my boarding pass and driver's license. His eyes got a bit big when he made the connection, but his smile seemed genuine. Other people in line seemed to give me no undue attention whatsoever. Once I got my bag checked in I got back in my car. He was smiling and talking to the woman that was in line behind me. I knew exactly what he was talking and smiling about as they both glanced my direction. Hey, let 'em talk! They just saw an incredibly attractive guy in a very stylish outfit (if I don't say so myself ) - not something you see every day in the nether regions of Utah.

    I drove to the extended-parking lot where, since I had time, I was going to attach a set of glue-on French-tip nails. I just didn't feel like it, though. My normal nails were passable enough, I thought (hey, when your own son tells you they're getting long, maybe they are a bit extreme). I waited for the bus in the drafty cold (made worse with the skirt) and hopped on with my laptop and purse, and off we went. The shuttle was the first instance where people really took a good look at me. I'd like to think that I was looking so good that they were mentally doing a coin-flip on my gender, but even I'm not that delusional. Most people smiled at me, some just looked at me. Some looked, and looked, and looked at me. I just smiled back, brushed the hair out of my eyes, and grabbed the handrail to keep from flying all over the place. The bus dropped me off and I started off towards security. Most people didn't even notice me, it seemed. I did get a few people doing the double-take, and one young guy with his friends gave me a "Daaaaamn! Lookin' good, there!" but again, nothing out of the ordinary.

    In the security line is where I felt the most vulnerable as it wasn't people passing me quickly, but time for people to really look at me and know that I wasn't a woman. I was in line behind a woman and her toddler son. Poor thing was really having a hard time. I smiled at him and at least distracted him long enough for her to quiet him down. She smiled at me and thanked me as I helped her with her luggage by moving it forwards in line so she could hold him. As I removed my shoes, she complimented me on them, and said I must wear heels a lot to be able to wear such high ones. She claimed that she couldn't walk in ones higher than an inch or so. I told her my standard answer that if a guy like me could, then she certainly could. She said that I certainly had the legs for it, and said when she first saw me, she looked at my shoes, then my legs, got jealous, looked up and wondered if I was a man or a woman. She said she finally decided that I was a man, but a very pretty one. I laughed at that and it was our turn to go through the metal detector.

    I was already extra self-conscious as I had to remove my sweater, leaving me in a very form-fitting turtleneck and short skirt, leaving very little to the imagination of any onlooker. Still, I pushed forwards through any fear and went on through security. I joined the lady as we put ourselves back together and got everything back on. As she watched me put my necklace back on and fix my hair, she said, "Wow! You've done this a lot, haven't you? You really have the feminine mannerisms and attitude down. Good for you! This world needs more people willing to do what they think is right, and not others." I thanked her and said that I was just me, and it was the only person I knew how to be. She went onto her gate, and I trudged on to mine. Unfortunately, after walking to the shuttle stop, and then through security, and then from one concourse to the far end of another, my feet were getting tired! Maybe I should have rethunk the whole " . . . but the outfit looks so pretty with the high heels!" thing. My dogs were barking up a storm. They must be getting old (the shoes, not my dogs) as I can normally go an entire day traipsing around a tile-floored mall with nary a peep out of my feet. They're BCBG 4-inch stilettos. Though it may sound odd, they are honestly the most comfortable pair of shoes I own - and I'm counting my sneakers as well!

    Well, I made it to the gate - with only a few hours to spare. It seemed that my flight was delayed (I can see Kimberly smiling at that - something she knows all to well, no doubt). I sat across from a family with a teenage son, a teenage daughter, and a girl of about 10-11. The youngest was the first to look at me quizzically. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. It was like that smile was all it took to remove doubt from her. Her big sister was next. She looked at me. I smiled at her, and she smiled right back. Problem solved! Isn't the power of a smile an amazing thing? The mom seemed to have no problems with me, and after smiling at me and nudging her husband (to no doubt tell him "Hey! Look at the guy over there. Yes, it's a guy. Trust me") she took a nap. The teenage son? Oblivious. Which, having two teenage sons, I can tell you - it's their normal mode of operation.

    Finally, we boarded. I was near the back of the plane in a window seat. A young newlywed couple (you can just tell) sat with her next to me, and her husband across the aisle. She pulled out some gum, asking her husband, and then me if I wanted a piece. We both accepted. Realizing that they probably wanted to sit together (hey, I was a newlywed once )I was going to suggest switching places. Before I could ask them, a passenger in his row asked. So, she got up, and a very large, very French guy was sitting next to me. I smiled at him, kicked off my heels, and went to sleep until we took off. Then I slept again. I woke in time for the beverage service, and went to the bathroom. We were experiencing a bit of turbulence. That, in combination with the heels, made me a bit unsteady - odd, as I usually get my "sea legs" rather quickly.

    On the way back to my seat, I heard a "Miss!" directed at me. I turned, smile at the ready, and raised my eyebrows in a questioning "How can I help you?" The lady said, "Never mind. Thank you!" and turned to her friend and said "Told you!" Her friend just said, "wowwww." I laughed and returned to my seat. It's odd, I find that I can handle that much more than the stares and glances. Someone confronting me verbally at least gives me a chance to defuse the situation with humor or niceness. Someone just staring at me disapprovingly? Not so much.

    Anyway, after landing, I waited awhile for most people to deplane and then sauntered off nonchalantly - not an easy task when your feet hurt. I tried to just get into the rhythm, and watch other women so I could match their pace and movements. I made it to baggage claim, where a nice gentleman got my suitcase off for me when I had tried and failed. I then got on the rental car shuttle. It was nice for the driver to load my bag (like it was nothing!) and offer a hand up the stairs. He must've seen I was fading fast in those heels! I selected my car. No girly cars this time like the VW Bug I had last year. Bummer! Instead I found a convertible Sebring that I thought should do (even though it's about 45 and overcast). I pulled up to the kiosk and gave the attendant my papers and drivers livense. After about 20 seconds, and a glance or two at me, she said, "Whoa!!" I said with a smile, "Let me guess, I don't exactly match my picture today?" She said, "Oh honey, this is Vegas, and believe me - you're looking fine!" I thanked her and pulled out. In the car I found that I had lost one of my lenses on my driving glasses. Arrgh! I also lost an earring in the car as well. Double-arrgh!!

    I drove to the hotel and pulled into the valet check-in. I started getting the standard spiel on calling the switchboard which would relay to the valet desk when I wanted my car, and it might take 20 minutes or so - standard until I pulled out a ten. She then wrote the direct number of the valet shack on my ticket and said "Day or night, gorgeous! Call this number and we'll have it for you right away!" I just love expense accounts!

    After checking in (a confusing miasma of ma'am/sir/ma'am/sir - poor guy. He must be new to Vegas), I went up to my room. I am at the Wynn. When I opened my door and hit the light switch, the curtains opened, the lights came up, and music started playing (No, I wasn't in the Pron Suite ). Big, beautiful room, large tub, and a vanity that I can wait to try - what a place! I was going to meet SamanthaS from here and maybe do something, but the combination of sore feet and a sore back (I'm not used to having boobs all day. They're heavy!) and a long day made me grudgingly take my pretty clothes and makeup off, and find something to eat.

    And, since that brings us to now, I'll end this post - for now. I'll be in Vegas all week, and have plans to have a little fun while I'm here. Who knows, maybe Friday or Saturday night we could do something?

    So, thanks for those of you that made it this far, and read through all of my drivel. I know that I end to "spew" in these posts - details that many of you just don't care about. What can I say, I'm a person with a detailed memory, and a need for writing it all down. Call it a fault, I guess.

    Pictures are forthcoming, Miranda. I packed my card reader - and then unpacked it last night to get some picures off of my camcorder, forgetting to repack it. I will find a cheap one here at CES, no doubt, and post them here for those interested. As to my "hotness" - Miranda, you kill me! Nite, everybody!

    Last edited by Kathi Lake; 01-04-2011 at 02:19 AM.

  5. #5
    Member katrinakat's Avatar
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    Sounds like such a FAB experience!!! I've been out and feel comfy in femme, but flying.........maybe soon. I'm jealous!! Go girl!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Christie ann's Avatar
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    As usual, I need a nap after reading a Kathi post. Wow, I am exhausted just reading about your day. Just want to say thanks, not only for posting, but for being out there and breaking ground for the rest of us and future CDers. Flying pretty is certainly on my list for a future event.

  7. #7
    A Lucky Girl Kim_Bitzflick's Avatar
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    WOW! What a day. I'm glad you had a good time (mostly) and I'm proud of you for showing people what nice people we crossdressers can be.

    "I just gotta be me"

  8. #8
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christie ann View Post
    As usual, I need a nap after reading a Kathi post. Wow, I am exhausted just reading about your day.
    I hear ya! I dropped off to sleep soon after my nice, hot bath last night. It was a full day. On the flying thing, you should definitely try it - but only after being comfortable with being out. Overall, it was about a medium on the "comfort scale." See, when you're going through security, and waiting at the gate, and on the plane, you can't go anywhere. You are stuck being observed - sometimes in minute, critical detail. If you're shopping and someone gives you the evil eye, you can move on to another department or store if you want to avoid a confrontation. Can you move somewhere else at 40,000 feet? Not so much.

    So, it was definitely an experience that I'll do again. It was fun! This time due to my inexperience, I kind of shrunk into myself, and other than smiling with people, and the lady at security, didn't really interact with anyone. That's not like me. I'd love to get out there next time and show the world that they have nothing to fear from us. We're just normal folk - who happen to love to dress a bit differently.


  9. #9
    Aspiring Member helena.gcd's Avatar
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    wow, thanks, kathi, for such a detailed post. I read it all and really enjoyed it. And that's just your trip till you arrived to las Vegas!!!! i can't wait to read what it is to come after a whole week.
    I'm longing for the day that i find the nuts to be my femme self and start behaving like i want to...... posts like yours make me realize that there is a whole world of experiences that i'm loosing, just for caring to much about other people opinions and not doing what i want.

    as for the part that you say that you feel a bit 'inhibited' (is this an english word?) during the fly and that you want to have that experience but more relaxed and being the nice person you are, i think that you will only have to wait one week, till your flight back home.... so just get ready to show the world the true Kathi at 40,000 ft.

  10. #10
    Senior Member DeniseNJ's Avatar
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    WOW what a thrill, I am headed to Vegas on Thursday and only dream of flying pretty. The wife won't have no parts . I loved the story it was as if I was in your heels, Speaking of heels describe them. Were you nail done also . Would love to see a Pic of you in Pretty mode Lucky (U)

  11. #11
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by helena.gcd View Post
    I'm longing for the day that i find the nuts to be my femme self and start behaving like i want to...
    Helena, that day is now! None of us are getting any younger (or prettier). If you put it off to "later" then trust me - later never happens! You do have the nuts, so to speak, to be the woman you always wanted to be. Man up and get pretty!

    Quote Originally Posted by helena.gcd View Post
    as for the part that you say that you feel a bit 'inhibited' (is this an english word?)
    Being a new experience, it just kind of threw me for a loop. Usually when I go shopping, it's mostly women. This time, it was women, and children, and men. I'm used to the looks I get from women, and they're usually looks of respect, tolerance, and sometimes admiration (I'm sure women appreciate effort). I'm not used to the glances I get from guys. I'm not sure how to parse them. Sure, they'll look at my chest (in the top I was wearing, there wasn't much choice! ), but they'll also look at my face, my body, and I wonder what they're thinking. Actually, from some of their expressions, I don't think I want to know what they were thinking.

    Basically, it was just a new experience. I'm sure I'll do better next time!

    Quote Originally Posted by DeniseNJ View Post
    Speaking of heels describe them.
    Ah, a heel person, eh?

    They're a simple pair of BCBG classic pumps. I love them because they're not too pointy, not too rounded. They're a pebbled black (I never really liked patent), and have about a 4-inch stiletto heel. They're my main go-to shoes as they go with about any look from casual under jeans to my dressy skirts and dresses.

    As I said, pictures are coming! I plan on an errand to Fry's today to get a card reader.


  12. #12
    Senior Member DeniseNJ's Avatar
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    Nice, I am not into the pointy heel or the too rounded ones. I have a thing for peep toes and love to show off a pretty pedicure

  13. #13
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    So you're the reason why this site crashed this a.m.???

    Barely got through the first chapter and noticed the next installment will take me much longer than the remainder of my lunch will allow. Something to look forward to later!!!
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  14. #14
    between worlds... steftoday's Avatar
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    another great travel tale! you and Kim rock! thanks for sharing with us; the poor, unwashed....

  15. #15
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sara Jessica View Post
    So you're the reason why this site crashed this a.m.???
    Yup. It was me. I packed so many words into the post that the site just couldn't handle it!

    Wow, long day setting up ours and Intel's booths. Now I only have four words - Double Double Animal Style. If this sounds like a riddle to you, ask a Californian - they'll know just what I mean. Sometimes you just need it. After that, I'll post some pictures! If you like, that is.


  16. #16
    Girl underconstruction Paulette's Avatar
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    Sweetie a double double is nice but after a long day of booth un-packing I would recommend a 4X4 animal style to quench the testosterone and it will also help you get into a real size like the rest of us. BTW a 0 is not a size o=nothing 4 through 24 now those are real sizes.

  17. #17
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    Okay, no quoting. I have to get to bed sometime.

    I saw you were at Vegas but didn't realize you did the flying. While I am not at all surprised, I still have one thing to say......YEA!!! Although I would have to admit (and maybe because I don't wear them), but I would be too scared to nap in a wig. Couldn't it get knocked around?

    You gotta love Summer (the teller not the season, well okay, the season too). She is just adorable and the queen of accessorizing. I don't think she has anything that isn't for a specific outfit.

    So is this trip going to wet your whistle for DLV?

    And....are we going to get a story of Kathi strutting around the CES floor? I don't know if time would allow, but I would have to think that would be interesting at least.

  18. #18
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulette View Post
    BTW a 0 is not a size. 0 = nothing. 4 through 24 - now those are real sizes.
    Well, I never claimed to be a real girl, so why should I be a real size?

    Still, the double double was enough for me. That and the chili cheese dog and double Big Gulp for an afternoon snack gave me enough energy to go to Fry's and get a card reader. Of course, since I didn't bring a knife (Thanks, TSA!), I got about seven hernias trying to open the blister pack with nothing but a nail file. Still, I'm a resourceful girl, and without further ado, here are some of the pictures I promised.

    The first picture is one at the optometrist's office that one of the girls took (the nice and accepting one. I almost asked "Miss Gorgeous/yet Unapproachable Pants" to take it - if only for the "fun factor" but decided that I'd probably get my quota for annoying people later in the day anyway without needing to start early.

    The next picture is me in my hotel suite. A girl in the bright lights of Vegas. Does it get any more cliché than that?

    Next is a picture of me in my travel outfit minus the cover-up sweater. As I said, the sweater was very form-fitting, and the girls seemed to draw some interesting glances - even as small as they are!

    Finally, the question has to be asked; Overall, was this a good day, and was Kathi a happy girl? See for yourself:

    Last edited by Kathi Lake; 01-11-2011 at 01:51 PM.

  19. #19
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Look at those smiley pictures, gorgeous...I love it!!! You truly look happy Kathi, kind of like the cat who ate the canary ...or should I say the double-double-animal-style . Yep, this California girl knows what you're talking about even if she has never partaken in one. A boring single usually does the trick for me.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  20. #20
    Gold Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Chicago area
    Wow look fantastic. Your smile says it all......having a great day. Have fun and stay safe!

  21. #21
    happy to be her Sarah Doepner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Utah, north of West Jordan, south of North Salt Lake & west of South Salt Lake
    You don't know how long we've all been waiting for a new extravaganza from you Kathi. And you didn't disappoint. Be careful in Vegas, there is enough there to wear you out if you don't pace yourself. It would be a shame to read "I got up, went to the CES for a few hours. I realized how tired I am, so I got a bite to eat and went back to my room to sleep."
    Being transgender isn't a lifestyle choice. How you deal with it is.

  22. #22
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Central Canada
    I've flown in mixed-gender mode within Canada several times. The only part that nags at me about it is going in to the multi-user men's washroom while wearing an obvious skirt and top (and forms). And even that part I get accustomed to. These days it is just "straight" nightclub mens washrooms that I get concerned about. (Well, that and ones in places where no-one would be around if I needed to scream.)

    But going through security and walking through the concourse and boarding and sitting on the plane while mixed gender, I don't have any problem with. The last time that it happened to be a male sitting next to me, he didn't even seem to notice. (Yes, people really can be that self-absorbed.)

    Now I fly mixed gender except when someone who doesn't know is going to be meeting me pretty much right off the plane. I will, though, fly mixed gender if I know that I'll have a chance to change before I get to the meeting area. And if I'm making my own way from the airport to where-ever, I'll just stay mixed gender.

    Yes, of course, there is a little bit of anxiety associated with doing something unusual and public, but on the other hand, flying in forms (at least!) and obvious female clothes (when possible) relaxes me during the flight. Which is no small thing for someone who has had serious panic disorder. (Let's see... I can take four anti-panic pills, or I can take one pill and put on a skirt. Gee, that's a tough one -- what if someone else on the flight is wearing the same skirt?!)

  23. #23
    Gold Member Maria in heels's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    NY & PA
    All I have to say after reading about your trio to LV is wow! I am glad to hear that you had a great trip, a safe one, and you didn't encounter anyunpleasantries. Wish that i were like you and Kimberly

  24. #24
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by Miranda09 View Post
    Your smile says it all...
    Thanks! I have to say, as much as I love dressing and looking this way, how can I not smile?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah Charles View Post
    It would be a shame to read "I got up, went to the CES for a few hours. I realized how tired I am, so I got a bite to eat and went back to my room to sleep."
    Well, how 'bout this: I got up, went to CES for a few hours (if your definition of "a few" is more like 16 hours - it's so much raw, unadulterated fun swapping out a kernel and Samba on a device that is supposed to be "production-ready" two weeks ago ), I got a bite to eat, and am now in my room so I can do it again in about 6 hours. And I do this why? Oh yeah - I'm a geek.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maria in heels View Post
    Wish that i were like you and Kimberly
    Well, stop wishing and start flying! It's not as hard as people think. Sure, there is a bit of discomfort, but that is life. Never be the person that says later in life, "if only . . ."


  25. #25
    Aspiring Member helena.gcd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    i have seen the pics and you really cute, as you always do.

    and although i also have a strong geek side, i'm not asking anything about CES, just keep posting about your girly days!!!

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