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Thread: Busted, Rejected........Screwed

  1. #1
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    Busted, Rejected........Screwed

    Hey y’all. I’m brand new to this forum. I have only started posting here in the last day or so, but I have been a faithful reader of all your comments for about 4 years now. I appreciate the bond I feel to all of you as you have shared your thoughts openly and candidly. I never felt the need to talk to anyone about my desire to crossdress until now. I was content to just keep my little hobby quiet and live the life of the closet crossdresser, keeping the secret from wife through 12 years of marriage. Well that worked great until a couple of weeks ago when the wheels fell off. Now I just need a place to vent my feelings. I truly have no one to talk to about this. This post might be a little long so be forewarned. I’m not looking for sympathy, I just thought that writing my thoughts might be somewhat cathartic and I might feel a little peace amidst my turmoil.

    I should’ve known when my wife called to say we needed to talk that I was in trouble. I have been very careful over the years as I looked on the web at sites like this one-careful to always delete the browser history. My online shopping went through my PO Box. Well one day I forgot to delete after spending a few minutes with you all. When my wife found the site she freaked out to say the least. I always wanted to tell her about it but was afraid of her reaction. Well let’s just say I underestimated how bad it would be. As she asked me about it I didn’t have a clue how to respond. I thought seriously about lying, saying it was something I was just curious about. But then she gave me a glimmer of hope. She told me “Look, I don’t care if that’s what you’re into, I just want to know.” I really should’ve seen that ambush before I jumped into it, but I foolishly hoped she could see my desire to dress for what it is. Just a fantastic hobby that I love.

    But alas, it was a trap. “I don’t care if that’s what you’re into” roughly translated into “I care bigtime and no matter what you say going forward I’m going to use this as leverage and blackmail to hold over your head forever.”

    I jumped in hoping for acceptance-even a little bit. I told her the truth. I told her about how these desires had started when I was 4 or 5 years old. I loved the feel of my mom’s satin slips- I’d wrap them around my waist under my shirt and just walk around loving the silky feel. How every once in a while all through my teenage years, I’d sneak a slip out of her drawer and hide in the bathroom wearing it and loving how good it felt. I talked about my teenage years when the sexual feelings started while I was dressed. How I stole a pair of my sister’s nylon pantyhose and instantly fell in love with how good it felt to wear those under a satin slip. I admitted to masturbating a lot when I was a teenager (who didn’t), sometimes when I was dressed but not always.

    I shared my internal struggle to figure out who or what I was during those hard teenage years. How I’d heard repeatedly that only perverts and homos engaged in such a disgusting behavior. And how if I liked dressing in women’s clothes then I must be gay or want to become a woman. But I knew a couple of things for certain. I didn’t feel like a pervert, I just loved wearing silky things. After accepting the “fact” that if I liked to dress then I had to be gay. I came to realize there was one problem with this “fact”. I was incredibly attracted to girls and never felt any attraction to males. So then I must want to become a girl. Another problem. I loved being a guy. I loved all the things that guys did. I love football, basketball, hunting, fishing, John Wayne movies, etc. I knew I was man plain and simple. With, of course, our little secret, that I love being able to slide into a silky pair of pantyhose and shimmy into a soft satin slip.

    I told her how I started to buy my own things after I moved out of my parents home. I started wearing panties and a long satin nightgown to bed everynight. I thought that once I got married things would change. They did. After I met and fell in love with my wife, I lost interest in dressing and for the first 6 or 7 years of marriage I was content to just be in close relationship and proximity to someone who got to wear the things I love. During that time I never dressed once. But I could never shake how good it felt, how good I felt when I dressed up. So in secret I started again. Started to slowly build my wardrobe. At first it just started with a full slip and nylons but then I thought “what the hell let’s try it all.” A skirt, then a blouse, then a dress. Great, great, and great. I knew I had to try a garter belt and stockings. What a rush that was! I’m 6’6” 240 with size 14 shoes so I never even thought they made women’s shoes in my size. I was excited to find some on ebay. So I bought some black pumps and even some black knee high boots. I just felt awesome the more and more I got into playing dress up. I had never worn a bra before so I bought one. Then two, then three. Stuffing socks in my bra never felt right so a pair of breastforms were ordered. Good choice. Over the next few years I would buy 2 or 3 items per year. I would only dress up when my wife and 3 kids were away visiting relatives or when I traveled on business. Sometimes late at night after everyone was asleep I would go downstairs, slip into a silky nightie and watch TV for a while.

    I didn’t think all of this was a big deal. How could I bring it up to my wife. I thought after six years of marriage that the desire had left me. I was wrong. I still love dressing up. Who was getting hurt? I never dressed when the boys were around. Being the size I am I knew I could never pass on the outside as a female so I was always discreet about it at home or while travelling. Our house is in the country so the chances of me being seen by neighbors was extremely remote. Over time it has lost the sexual excitement it had many years ago. To me it seemed like a harmless hobby, like golf, an escape from a mundane life. (Although not a hobby I share with my buddies) I would get dressed 8 or 10 times a year. Spend $100-$200 a year on clothes. I really didn’t think it was a huge deal. My wife thought differently.
    After I told her some of this history (I didn’t go into nearly as much detail as I’ve shared here) she went ballistic. Asked me if I was gay. No matter how I present the truth about me not being gay she still doesn’t believe me. Or the fact that I have zero interest in transitioning to female or try to pass in public. She either doesn’t believe it or can’t see past the stereotypes. I was told that I need to see a therapist to cure me of this evil sexual addiction. She then accused me of a porn addiction. I never really got into porn, my time spent online I shopped! I never looked at porn online. She wouldn’t believe this one either. Or that I wasn’t involved in some online affair with someone. Up until the last day or so I had never made a post on a forum like this one before. My entire interest in crossdressing is just to be able to dress up once in a while cause it feels great. Why does it have to be made into a major thing?

    Well, she holds all the cards now. Heaven knows who in her family knows my secret. I don’t think she’s told anyone in the community yet. In a extremely religious small community like ours rumors would have been like wildfire by now but that hasn’t happened yet. My neighbors would view crossdressing as one step above (or below) necrophilia. But unless I agree to get “cured” of this sexual deviance then she’s kicking me out. And threatening to use this secret to take my boys away from me. And ruin my career.

    My marriage was going along just fine, I thought. We weren’t blissfully happy or anything. But we were content. I was devoted as husband and father. Dressing never got in the way of other more important things. It’s funny how a decade and a half of fulfilling my responsibilities at work, home, in the community mean absolutely ZERO in light of my desire to wear women’s clothes from time to time.

    I still fail to see a big issue here. Other than offending everyone’s delicate sensibilities about the subject-is it that big of a deal? They are just clothes. Clothes that 50% of the population get to wear no questions asked. (Which, by the way, really pisses me off to hear women complain about having to wear dresses and bras and pantyhose and heels. I want to wear them and can’t.) I’m not asking my wife to accept my dressing anytime, anyplace no questions asked. But in the great scheme of things, I just don’t understand it being a huge issue. I mean really, should the reality of my life and marriage change just by having the truth of this out there instead of simply hidden. I’m still me. Or does the label “crossdresser" now erase every good thing I’ve done in my life and marriage? Will my accomplishments be viewed through people’s extremely narrowminded lens from now on? Like I said---Screwed.

    I love to wear pantyhose and other silky things. So sue me.

  2. #2
    Member ziggie's Avatar
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    I don't really know what to say except that this is still a very fresh issue between you and your wife and things can change when there has been time to process information. I hope they change for the better.

  3. #3
    Fab Karen Fab Karen's Avatar
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    You could ask her if she'd see a therapist with you to discuss it. She may say no,"you need to "cured" " but you can ask. Then talk to a lawyer about the situation.
    [SIZE="3"]Gender is a state of mind[/SIZE]
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  4. #4
    Aspiring Member Amanda22's Avatar
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    SO sorry to hear this, Samantha, but two things jump out at me. First, going to see a therapist might be the best thing that ever happened to you. I strongly advise having her choose the therapist, so she can't claim you set her up when the therapist (hopefully) explains that this is a harmless behavior, and doesn't mean you're cheating or deviant or anything else. Also, I wonder how good your marriage was before you were caught. Would you say you were both in love? I wonder how she could fly off the handle like this if she loves you. That doesn't seem logical. I'm not trying to make you feel worse than you already do, but your relationship sounds adversarial, as though she was just waiting for "evidence" to let the everything break loose.

  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    Well Samantha, if you have been lurking for 4 years, I am sure you have seen the many threads about telling your wife/SO. She is feeling betrayed and lied to at the moment. She finds it unimaginable that you did not share this with her sooner. She is embarrassed. You should also understand that she may not share this with anyone even her family at this point.

    With a lot of hard work your marriage might even be able to survive this. Give her some time to understand this and she may come to realize it is not as bad as she thinks it is right now.

    P.S. Going to see a therapist would be advisable
    Last edited by Jorja; 01-25-2011 at 07:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member Eryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samantha X View Post
    ...I was told that I need to see a therapist to cure me of this evil sexual addiction....
    I think that this is a good idea. Make sure that she goes along with you. Unless the therapist is really out there he is likely to say to your wife "Why are you making so much of this?"

    It's very unlikely to fix the overall problem, but at least it would put it in proper perspective.

    I feel for you.


  7. #7
    Psyco Roller Derby Doll. Katesback's Avatar
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    I have a perspective one that a TS has to go through and if she is succesful will find inner peace.

    I suggest you be STRONG and say flat out this is who I am to her. I suggest you NEVER show shame and NOT hide nor justify who you are.

    See a lot of trans people that fall into this position dont realize that they betray a perspective of shame which others will feed off of. If you are proud of who you are and have the take it or leave it mentality you will be far better off.

    Thats my two cents.

  8. #8
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Letting her choose the therapist could be a problem, if she chooses a therapist associated with a more fundamentalist branch of a religion. There are still "Christian therapists" out there who believe strongly that this is something to be "cured" and who ignore the large body of evidence that the "cures" don't work very well and are often psychologically harmful. You need the pool of therapists to choose from to be the neutral therapists.

  9. #9
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I always hate hearing stories like this Samantha. Others are right. She feels betrayed, lied to and that you have kept a very big secret from her. She now wonders what else you have kept from her. Hopefully, if the marriage is strong and the both of you sincerely love one another, you can slowly begin talking about it in a calmer mood. Give her time to think, to reflect on the marriage and all you two have been through together with raising the kids and all. I am one of those that does believe love can conquer all. But it's gonna take a lot of patience on your part. Give her time and space. But every chance you can, remind her how much you love her and how much you appreciate her in your life.

    I do wish you and your wife the best and hope time, communication and love will keep you together.

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member SamanthaS's Avatar
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    I'm sorry your going through this. You are so right, what you do in your home is NOT Illeagal! They are just clothes. I'm not in your shoes, but feel your pain and hope better things are in store for you. If this were me I'd tell her to tell whoever you want I'm a crossdressers; because I'm still the same person and if people I know want to look at me differently, then they were never really my friends in the first place! Be ready to take back control and power from her, or lay still for the steam-roller she's driving. And she may want to bear something else in mind; THERE ARE CROSSDRESSERS IN EVERY FAMILY! Just like gays have hidden in the closet all these years, there is a secret "sissy" in many familes

  11. #11
    Member Tanya83's Avatar
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    It amazes me how some of the reactions are so bad when it is found out. That must be a tough thing to deal with, jeeze I can't believe she would threaten you with your kids! That's not very smart of her. Compromises must be made here.
    I can't say I've experienced this because I shared my secret early in the relationship. I'm sure it's more about having a "Secret" than it is about wearing panties.
    Good luck.
    Life's too short to not do the things that make you happy.

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    Hi and welcome ,

    Support is needed from both sides lets not forget, you have been lurking as you said on this site for four years..I am sure you began searching for both support and information as to why you are dressing.

    I can understand the desire to dress is hard to share and enbarrassing, but lets not forget all that you have learned about yourself. Now lets take that knowledge and help your wife get some understanding... I would give her time to let it soak in then when it brought up explain the best you can about it to her in a calm and careing way.

    Try not in anyway to get offended and be confident in who you are, who you have always been and ensure her she is losing no one ..Slowly and only when asked explain to her that this isn't nothing you just choose to do and is as natural as breathing . We can not choose to be WHO WE ARE.. We can choose to be who we are not.

    Most of all support her if you choose to remain a couple, from the sounds of it you do not wish to live your life full time dressed and is some what compared as a shall I say a "hobby" .You do not sound selfish and will put your family first ..

    I wish you luck , you do have some control in what is left of your marriage depends on how well she is willing to understand the Cder's world..Most of all you are the same guy she met and fell in love with except she knows a little more about you...
    I do not!! Claim to be an expert on any topic, when I post a new thread or reply on any thread my imput is strickly that of a crossdresser. Not to offend Gay people , Transexuals or any other life style, I am only commenting on one of my own.

  13. #13
    Member Misty G's Avatar
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    I can feel your pain as this sounds exactly what I went through several years ago. My I let my ex choose a therapist and I insisted that she go with me. She went until the therapist said that she was the one with the problem not me and that there was no magic cure. That it was something we had to learn to deal with and accept. Needless to say that wasn't what she wanted to hear. We ended up getting a divorce after a few months. She did all she could to destroy my reputation but after a little while most people payed little or no attention to what they were hearing. After grieving over the divorce for a short time I began to live life to its fullest and discovered that if you would hold your head high no one cared.

    Now I have a wife that is not only accepting but very supportive. I see my ex every few weeks and she seems to no longer have any problems with it. I will not drag this out. But what I am saying is it is not the end of the world because she found out even if there is a D in the making. There is a whole world out there just waiting on you.

  14. #14
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    After twelve years of marriage your wife finds out that you've been hiding a fairly large aspect of your personality from her. If she did the same to you, would you not feel angry and betrayed? That this is "just" crossdressing doesn't really matter. You've been living a lie - not necessarily one of deception, but one of omission. Wouldn't that be difficult for any partner to accept under any circumstances?

    You may be busted and rejected, but you're not screwed unless you choose to be. It may be hard to see it this way now, but this revelation may be an opportunity to be more open and free in your life after years of hiding.

    Start by seeing a therapist who is knowedgeble of TG issues and go with your wife. If she won't go, then go without her. If you see a therapist who insists you can be cured or converted then see a proper therapist with a real education and real ethics. In any about it, don't avoid it further.

    If your marriage is fundamentally sound, then crossdressing is hardly the thing to wreck it.

  15. #15
    Junior Member gwenbeth's Avatar
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    I really feel for you. I got a very similar reaction from my wife when I came out to her. After I told her we went to the therapist both of us had been seeing and when I told the therapist she has a stunned bunny look on her face. she had no experience dealing with cross-dressers and recommended that we find someone with more experience. The therapist we found has been helping me come to terms with my issues, of which crossdressing was just one. And it has been by embracing my feminine side that is helping me deal with my depression.

    I do understand how it hurts to hear your wife throw wild accusations at you. My wife doesn't understand why I want to do this. She throws out snide remarks about my crossdressing. She has accused me of having affairs. She has said that she never would have married me if she knew I was a crossdresser. Now our marriage was not in good shape before and I feel like it is falling apart around me. Hopefully yours was in a better place to start with.

    But I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this and that there are people out there who will accept you for what you are.


  16. #16
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    1. If she really loves you she will get over it. If she not get over it she will just use it as an excuse for her own uncomfy lifesituation. I cant see how crossdressing would be the major factor of why a couple gets a divorce. I mean a divorce is a big thing and nothing you do just because of clothes. Women are very good to find these "problems" that give them the excuse to "run away" from a relation.

    2. Why are she sneaking on you? I wouldnt like at all if someone check my browser history.

    3. You should use Firefox.

  17. #17
    Gender adventurer JamieG's Avatar
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    Samantha, I just wanted to add my voice of support. You and your wife are going through a difficult time right now, but with some work, I think things can get better between you. I agree that you should see a therapist (but be sure the therapist has credentials, and isn't some nutjob that thinks you can be cured). I agree that you should not act guilty for crossdressing, but perhaps you should atone for keeping the secret from her. It's important at this time not to withdraw emotionally from your wife. Try to keep the lines of communication open, and if she seems receptive to some education then point her to a few websites or books. Heck, you might even consider "accidentally" leaving a copy of "My Husband Wears my Clothes" somewhere she could find it. I wish both of you all the best.

  18. #18
    A Brave Freestyler JohnH's Avatar
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    I think where you did wrong was to keep your crossdressing a secret from your wife. When the dust settles, and hopefully your marriage stays intact, don't hide a thing from your wife about your crossdressing.

    Of course this kind of admonition does not help you right now. Be kind to her but do not act ashamed as others have advised.

    A warning for others who continue to keep their crossdressing activities a secret - you better come clean with your significant other before she discovers those activities.

    I keep my feminine clothes and shoes in plain view in the master bedroom closet and I wear my femme clothes around the house. Sometimes I go for walks wearing dresses and there are times that my wife comes along, wearing pants or shorts.

    My wife did look at my activities on, and now a lot of the time she calls me Johanna.

    Last edited by JohnH; 01-25-2011 at 10:33 PM.
    John (Legal name)

    Preferred pronouns: he, his, him

  19. #19
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    I feel for you! Been there done that and it still bothers me to talk about it. That was twenty some years ago! I agree with every one else get help with her if at all possible! I didn't have anyone to talk to back then and ended up with only the blouse on my back! I wish I had a computer back then. But my ordeal is not whats important here. Yours is and if she loves you she will not leave over this! Give her time to cool down what ever time it takes! Then I say, tell, don't ask her that we are going to a Therapist! I hope the best for you! And don't be a stranger to this site PLEASEEEE!

  20. #20
    erica lynn stone erica12b's Avatar
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    my hart go's out to you , im sorry , i hope she see the light and truth of how it can and will hurt you , and excepts you ,
    I like my femself; it makes me feel more civilized, i think girltime should be a requirment for all kids.

  21. #21
    Aspiring Member WandaRae2009's Avatar
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    As many have said before. I feel your pain. I came out after nearly 25 years, and it didn't go that well. I thought it was all over until we met with a therapist. After that meeting she understood more and knows this isn't likely going away. By no means is she accepting, but I would say tolerant. We have agreed to a lot of limits and the kids do not know or anyone else. Make sure that you find a therapist experienced in gender issues, not one that thinks they are going to fix you. Good luck and best wishes our prayers are with your and hope you succeed at reparing your relationship.

  22. #22
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    You're the same person she fell in love with and married 12 yrs ago . There was some quality about you that she liked and cared about. I would suggest that you continue to be that person and stress to her you are her husband and care about her. As was pointed out, the emotions are making meaningful talks difficult. Not many persons who marry for the right reasons, will throw away a relationship that has endured as long as yours. She is hurt and has more questions bouncing around her head than you may imagine. Reinforce the positives from the past 12 yrs. and hopefully she will come to some sense of understanding. Acceptance and tolerance may be out of the question as many others on this forum experience with their SOs. However. you might get lucky. The best to you.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fab Karen View Post
    You could ask her if she'd see a therapist with you to discuss it.
    ABSOLUTELY! See a therapist, both of you... NOW!

  24. #24
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    I agree with many of the other posts that it is somewhat understandable that your wife would react in this manner. Her trust in you has been broken. In her eyes you have deceived her, not just once, but consonantly for the past 12 years. It may take a while for her to start believing you when you tell her that you're not gay, that you don't want to transition, that you're not into porn. And yes, when a bomb like this is dropped, all of the good things that you've been in that 12 years becomes a bit harder to see, a bit more fuzzy. That's human nature.

    In addition to that, you' have, in a brief conversation, changed her image of the man that she has known for the past 12 years. You've been painting this picture, "I loved being a guy. I loved all the things that guys did. I love football, basketball, hunting, fishing, John Wayne movies, etc.", of yourself, and it is what she has come to know as you. Now that image is being shaken and changed, and she's may be frightened by what she thinks may be reveled. Anger is a common and understandable, if not irrational, reaction to fear. I suspect that her looking for a cure is her way of saying, "Give me back the John Wayne husband that I've known for the past 12 years."

    I suspect, too, that she was not intentionally laying a trap for you with her "I don't care if that's what you're into" comment. I suspect that with the understanding of the situation that she had at that moment, it probably was not a big deal to her. But, as soon as she realized that it was much more than what she initially realized, it became a big deal. All of a sudden this was not just a whim, it was something that you had been doing your entire life, and hiding from her for 12 years.

    I also think that the advise of seeing a professional is valid, although if you go with the attitude that it will show her the light and force her to accept you, it will probably fail. It sound like there is, in the current state of the relationship, a lack of communication. She's not listening to you, and you're not quite understanding her reaction. A therapist will help you work through this by helping to open the lines of communication.

    "Talking is sharing. Listening is caring."

  25. #25
    Silver Member giuseppina's Avatar
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    Hello Samantha X

    There's a lot of good advice posted.

    Your wife is feeling betrayed, and is making it very plain by her actions. I think her feelings are justified, but threats and abuse are not necessary to make this plain.

    If she wants to find a therapist, fine, as long as you have veto rights. The therapist must be duly educated and licensed as a therapist, not a member of the clergy as they don't have significant training in this regard, and must have experience with gender variance beyond judging and derogation. If she refuses and doesn't back off on her threats and judgements, my inclination would be to see a lawyer.

    My feelings about judging therapists is they are unable to help their clients in the long term.

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