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Thread: I think I know what my issue is

  1. #26
    Member JustineFallow's Avatar
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    It's clear that no one who's posted wants you to leave. I'm no exception!

  2. #27
    Kirra Scythe crusadergirl's Avatar
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    I feel the same way as many others i don't want you to leave.
    Good bye i'm at wacko taco .com now

  3. #28
    Aussie girl Tasha McIntyre's Avatar
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    Hi Pythos...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany Marie View Post
    Pythos, I don't comment in your threads very often, but I do read them and enjoy them. You generate a lot of thought-provoking posts, both when you're the OP, and when you're simply commenting.

    It'd be a shame if you left the forum. Don't let us get you down, like any community it takes all kinds to make it tick.
    I echo Bethany's thoughts exactly. I don't post much these days but am an avid reader of the threads, and have enjoyed reading your contributions.

    We've all heard the old saying "You'll be a long time waiting if you are after universal acceptance" but I think you have way more admirers than detractors around here - as demonstrated by the posts in this thread.

    Keep your chin up, and keep moving forward


  4. #29
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I think your wording at times leaves a chance to be so misunderstood, but some of us understand where you are coming from. stick around, you would be missed.

  5. #30
    Gold Member erickka's Avatar
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    Pythos, It would be a terrible thing if you decided to leave us. I for one, share MANY of your views , and fully respect and cherish your opinions and views, as well as every one else's on this forum. Your are very thoughtful and insightful in your postings, and if read closely and thoroughly, can provoke a lot of thought. It takes all kinds of people to make up this world, and if we weren't different, this place would be boring as hell. Each and every one of us has an opinion, and the first amendment assures us that we can freely express them, even on this forum.

    As stated by Reine "You're not terminally unique, although you do tend to look at things in absolute terms", this is your right. You just look at things a little differently than a lot of folks, but that is who you are. Any how, take care and I hope to be able to read many more of your postings in the near future.

  6. #31
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexi X View Post
    Off subject but if I have a male AND female side, does that mean I'm using 20% of my mental capacity?
    No, I think the PFF (Pink Fog Factor) comes into play and it becomes a negative. I'm guessing the net is about 5%...

  7. #32
    Member ThiHi's Avatar
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    Yes Pythos, stay. I think many of us aren't women, we're people in clothes.
    Last edited by ThiHi; 02-01-2011 at 08:05 AM. Reason: Spelling

  8. #33
    Shy,very very shy Loveday's Avatar
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    Pythos I really hope you do not leave. I always try to read your posts or threads. You have a dfferent take on many things and that is good. That is what makes you, YOU. You are not like the suit & tie wearing jerk that does so just to fit in, to feel safe because it is the easy route. Many of those people are so dead on the inside ( walking zombies ). You are a unique individual and choose to express it and that is what draws me to read your posts. Just look at all the good things that people have posted here in reponse to this thread. If you leave I believe you will be surely missed.

  9. #34
    Pausing To Femme-flect melissacd's Avatar
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    What you say makes great sense.
    What stop do I get off at? Hmmm...

  10. #35
    Aspiring Member morgan51's Avatar
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    I fail to see anything wrong with your posts just keep it up I'd hate to see you depart. Your style is yours alone others opinions shouldn't be given any power over your decisions. We are always in flux all of us. Have a great day. Morgan

  11. #36
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    "The race of men, while sheep in credulity, are wolves for conformity."

    After reading your post, Carl Van Doren's observation came to mind: "The race of men, while sheep in credulity, are wolves for conformity."

    This site, I hope, is open and accepting of all cross dressing individuals, regardless of their individual motivations, needs, orientations, etc. etc etc. You have a right to express yourselfe as a male who rejects the conventions of society as manifested in clothing. That may not be everyone's cup of tea, but its as valid as a man wanting to express femininity in some manner of dress, or a person borne with male genetalia wishing to live as a woman, or a dressing hobbist who just enjoys the challenge of presenting convincingly as a woman.

    This is discussion group is moderated, but its impractical to have an ever present moderator, one who might police discussions to assure that postings remain constructive, even in dispute. So at times the wolves demanding conformity can become a bit overbearing. And at times each of us can become frustrated when our particular motivation isnt warmly received, or even angered when some of the comments by others are less than positive. You're fully entitled to your perspective - that clothing should be a matter of personal expression, the sexes should be equal, and there shouldn't need to be a litmus test for gender identification.

    Alas, that is not the world we live in. It seems so much a part of human nature to put things in categories, including people, then to judge people by their degree of conformity. Each of us is here, I think in part, to find common cause with others. When that desire for community distorts into intolerance for diversity, we do the very thing that society has done to all cross dressers.

  12. #37
    Member annecwesley's Avatar
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    I've been pretty badly slammed myself for my attempts to discuss "Man in a Skirt" stuff here. I appreciate your support and would hate to see you go.

    When I was younger I thought my desire to dress in women's clothing reflected a latent homosexuality - which it was not. Similarly I am discovering the real possibilities of enjoying clothing normally associated with women without trying to disguise myself as a woman or without having to attempt to "be" a woman. After all, i don't think I want to be a woman, though I'd enjoy the real option of dressing and grooming myself how ever I please anytime - even if that means I don't shave off my beard when I wear a dress. And no matter what semantic games we want to play, a man dressing in a skirt or dress or pantyhose is cross dressing – dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex, even if he is doing it in the name of androgyny, fashion freedom or gender bending.

    So maybe the crossdressing community has to go a bit easier on guys who just want to wear skirts or experience other fashion freedoms. This is not “” or “”

  13. #38
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    Hey!! That sounds right down my dark and creepy alley. LOL

    Ok, I have been reading these and realize I was getting a bit too down on myself. I knew I was appreciated, but not on this scale. Thank you.

    I know I have a sharp tounge at times, and other times I am plain dumb. I never post in an effort to offend, I usually post to as people have said, interject another point of view. I shall stick around and continue being the salt in the sea (I like that ). I am always questing knowledge, and enjoy spreading such. I try not to be condescending though I often times don't see when I do.

    My posts are often overly complex and lengthly...which could also be one of the problems. LOL.

    Thanks all.
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

  14. #39
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Pythos, Don't feel too isolated and different. My whole family is odd, different, super individualistic. I am an oddball, even in drab, a mixtire of some Bible views, and unacceptable to religion views! I alway enjoy reading your posts. Though you are goth, you "add color" to the forum. The big blizzard has begun here in Illinois!

  15. #40
    Member julia ann's Avatar
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    Pylos, as CD's or ts or what ever label we happen to be, we are considered non- conformists. We do not fit into society in the manner that has become the prevailing standard, therfore we "must" be belittled and ridiculed so that we will we change our ways and conform. I am reminded of a quote I once read, sorry can not credit the author, however it said "the only thing a non-conformist hates worse than a conformist is another non-conformist who will not conform to the prevailing standards of non-conformity". If your veiws and opininions are different from others on this forum that is no reason to leave the site. The one thing that we all have in common is we are human beings and by that very nature we are not going to see eye to eye with everyone. The inputs you have given in your posts are invaluable and make me for one stop and think. That can do no harm we all need to do that now and again.

  16. #41
    Silver Member Debra Russell's Avatar
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    Pythos -- Keep on keeping on

  17. #42
    We are all related! Charlena's Avatar
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    Hello Pythos, I think were on the same page at least we would respect one another. I believe I am a two-spirit I respect all my heritage but choose my native heritage (harassed for that). Three hundred years ago here on the North American continent we would be quite welcomed and sometimes honored. I believe we should let individuals grow to be themselves and respect that. We certainly would not need all these terms about who we are and what is wrong with us. Too much socieital BS coming from all directions. The way we are supposed to be being burned into our brains, how could one be in their true self? Two hundred years ago I would have been raised with the Shawnee women, and maybe I would have volunteered to fight, I don't know since I'm living in the past at the moment. Billions of humans in the world and they are supposed to fit neatly into two catagories?
    Respect, Love, and stand up for what you believe my friend,
    Lena...All-is Related...
    May the stars carry your sadness away,
    May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
    May hope forever wipe away your tears,
    And, above all, may silence make you strong.

    Chief Dan George

  18. #43
    Why so serious? spotlessMind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    I am someone that has a personal style that due to society's limitations I am not able to openly do, and for no good reason other than sexism, bigotry, and ignorance.
    I know EXACTLY what you mean. While I can't say our situation and circumstances are the same necessarily, I most certainly relate to this particular point. I find myself continuously frustrated that I bury my personal style for the same reasons. It gets derailed with legitimate fear. And I'm not talking about cross-dressing either. I have a personal style too, that wouldn't be generally accepted. I would say "goth" but I don't really think that's accurate at all. It's definitely a bit androgynous. It's not "typical". I like to consider myself a bit of an artist, and my style (not my practicing style but my truest) walks right on the line between genders. It's kind of a melodramatic, heroin-chic, glamour sort of deal. Sounds a bit more tragic than it is I think haha. Anyways, I'd love to tell you "just be you" or something along those lines, but we both know the reasons we are deterred are quite legitimate. So, instead I will say... Work on coming to terms with yourself, who you are, what you want to be. You will NEVER avoid scrutiny, whether you hide behind a more acceptable style or live out loud. The most important judge of yourself is you. In the end, it is solely YOU who needs to both accept and find acceptance.

    Hassle will always exist. As it does NOW, with those frustrations of self-repression. So, in a way, it might be better to learn to accept yourself and do what you truly want to do and let the hassle come on the shoulders of other, lesser accepting idiots. I'd imagine you might find too, that people in general don't actually care too much about what you do. We are the center of our own universes =)
    [SIZE="2"]"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not"[/SIZE]

  19. #44
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    Pythos, I agree with the others: don't leave. I enjoy reading your posts.

  20. #45
    Gold Member Maria in heels's Avatar
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    I'm glad that you have changed your mind...I think that you are a wonderful, stylish oersonm and have always understood your views and comments. Keep posting here...keep al of us onn our toes, and keep making me smile !! Thank you Pythos. Xxoxoxo

  21. #46
    Member ziggie's Avatar
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    Pythos- I don't know why I didn't open this thread until now, but let me echo the general response. I'm a guy in panties and (sometimes) a skirt, and I certainly don't fit in with the more femme members of the forum. So what. I can learn from anyone who posts honest and meaningful information. You, my friend are in that category.

  22. #47
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    Go or stay, the forum will continue onward. I guess the question to me is are u getting anything from this forum, and do u feel u have something to offer the individuals here. If you do then please stay. If ya dont then its probably a good idea to close the door move on and dont look back. People are funny ducks we all need to have support and be supportive. I have always found your postings give me something to think about. Whether i agree or disagree it doesnt matter. Also to me there are not rules on crossdressing or gender presentation or whatever you or I want to call it. Just be you.... some people will like you some won't.

  23. #48
    Lexie lou nylon boy's Avatar
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    Your style is a natural evolution of man and women,thing is your too early and some people dont understand,just like boy george and marylin manson who where even earlier and many others like them,they where pushed out as quickly as they came in,but dont feel you have to be,keep flying the flag for what you believe in!

  24. #49
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    From another dark heart


    First of all you are not alone....there are many of us who have pushed trends and been shunned for it. Even if it were not pushing the TS/TG envelope. Full Fem....blech....I say be Full You....

    From the first time i painted my nails black and pimped my fishnet shirt/corset combo out to see Marylin Manson/Nine inch nails in J-ville FL(Many moons ago)....i have been ridiculed by every one from Church people to the very Heathens i was conversing with at concerts.....
    Aside from that i have been ridiculed in "guy" mode for just being matter how i was dressed. As i have said before My background growing up was in itself chaotic....Separated parents one side telling me "its ok to be me" and the other side saying "you cant do that, ppl wiil think your just weird". My "crossdressing" was coined by other people....its not really a phrase i ever used until others seemed to embrace the term as a way of trying to put effort into understanding me. Punks, Goths, Drag artists/performers, Shock Rock Musicians.....all of them labeled as deviants of our society by others....labeled to promote a common "knowledge database" so that we may interact with each other socially with a precept of what to expect from us even though we are much different in appearance. Feminine...Masculine....all these are labels too.

    Your post reminds me of many things i have struggled with over the years in regards to being.....well....a Freak. In the 90's when i first started expressing myself this was the coined term at the time. Many people didnt understand my clothing or why i wore eyeliner when i went out at night with my GF's. Looking back now as an adult i see more of my expression throughout the years as a rebellion to what everyone else thought i should be, or how i should act. Now in present day...the new term is it has been many things even before we were born.

    Many times i have asked myself why am i here on this site.....i do not fall into some of the same "categories" either. Though i am not like others i am still not that much different. Being girly is fun, but being myself is a blast.
    I, like you, have no real desire to be a girl. I have some desires for performing art as drag Donni. But again it is an expression of who i am and how i perceive being beautiful.

    At the end of the day Pythos, you have to be who you are because that is your best You.

    Hope this helps friend. You seem to be struggling with some perspective right now, so i just wanted to share "Your not alone"

    Another Social Deviant,
    -Donni Darkness-
    Last edited by DonniDarkness; 02-03-2011 at 08:43 AM.

  25. #50
    Banned Read only
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    Myself and a lot more on this site agree with you that we should be able to wear what we want and not judged/condemed by others, it's none of their business. If you wear fem clothes and have a tallywhacker you don't have to feel like a woman, and thats 100% O.K. Just be content with how you feel and continue to enjoy the pleasure this site brings, I've been blasted too and I'm still here, hope you stay.

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