Taxonomy is the science of classification and any classification of crossdressers is a challenge for even the most seasoned of taxonomists.

Heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, queer, fetishist, bi-curious, single, married, divorced, separated, inter-sexed, hermaphroditic, transgendered, transitioning, pre-op, post-op, MTF, FTM, tucked, untucked, male at birth, female at birth, padded, unpadded, top, bottom, in the closet, out of the closet, supportive SO, tolerant SO, intolerant SO, no SO…. Still not the 57 varieties on the bottle of ketchup but getting closer.

A special website could possibly be set up for those devoted to the classification problem ( and we could yawn our way through it guided either by our curiosity or as a useful if not entirely non-addictive substitute for sleeping pills.

As long as we are not hurting anyone and are managing to get on with our lives as reasonably productive and contented members of our communities does it really matter that nature or nurture, or both combined, have configured us just that little bit differently?