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Thread: I am in the closet. Please be kind, respect my decision, and spare me the insults.

  1. #76
    a bit nutty
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joanagreenleaf View Post
    The most amazing thing about your entire effort is this:

    "Regardless, I am in the closet, and that is where I shall remain. Call me a citizen of “Loserville” all you want. I will not change my mind. I have worked hard for my education and career. I have a family. I have a mortgage, car payments, and a plethora of other bills to pay. When I lose my job as a result of coming out, who is going to pay my bills? Who is going to feed my family? When my child goes to school, who is going to take care of her, and protect her from the playground bullies that will discriminate against her for the mere reason that her father is a crossdresser? What about the consequences to my wife? She is not a crossdresser, but she married one. I could go on and on and on, but I am sure you get the point. But even beyond this, what about the simple freedom to remain silent about my crossdressing for no other reason than I believe it is no one else’s business, and I choose not to share?"

    Your post about your "sanctuary" came a day or so after your post about "almost" being outed by a family friend who walked up behind you in YOUR kitchen. Your insistence that you're in the closet, and that it's your "sanctuary" is simply self-deluding given these facts. Meanwhile, you're the one who built the house and career of sand while "hiding safely in your closet" the entire time. Nothing will protect you when you get exposed but the fact that most people really don't much care what you do so long as you tend to your business and don't make a mess of theirs... Yet, it is interesting that you think you'll stand up for your daughter when she gets bullied (by the few) at school. But, what are you going to stand on - your brand of "honesty," your sterling "reputation" for being forthright, your prior public positions on human rights? All that is hard to do from your sanctuary - which protects you from and prepares you for nothing in the real world you fear.

    In any event, whether you understand it or not, you're "out" now - just by joining the forum. Make the most of it. You may be very glad you thought out your position carefully. So far, it seems your agenda is going to be to argue that you should be allowed back into your closet to be left alone - with everyone forgetting what you're doing in there. Like that's going to work the way you want it to...

    Welcome to the real world. You may not like it, but this is all we've got - so far.

    It should perhaps also be noted more strongly that "your" right to be in the closet is not fairly balanced with your wife's right, your child's right, your family's right, your co-workers right, your neighbors right, etc. not to have their world imploded by your self-admitted potentially harmful activity - to "their world" - that you assert a "right" to practice while keeping them unaware of the hazard YOU present to them.

    You might as well argue that you can mix small amounts of explosives in your closet, because you have a right to purchase what you want and do what you want with it where you want to and when you want to... When an explosion does occur, and your wife has a blinded husband, your child loses their hearing, the neighbor's house suffers fire damage... Then it may be more clear to you how limited YOUR rights are, and how harmful your stubborn insistence on YOUR rights and freedoms really is.

    If you're doing something where you need to claim "sanctuary" just to live your life, perhaps you'd do better to do something else with your time, or, learn how to do what you're doing differently.

    Different being: now that you're out of the closet, stay out.
    You seem so hostile and confrontational in your reply, Why? What do you stand to gain from disrespecting Anne and those of us that choose to stay in the closet by throwing out that guilt soaked diatribe? It may have been well written, eloquent even but man, wow. Might as well called us all losers too. Reading it I think you believe our lives and the lives of our families are already over with the house of sand etc... What of the "...your brand of "honesty," your sterling "reputation" for being forthright..." Was that really necessary? Throw in the kids and how we've messed them up into the mix too? Ouch! Just plain nasty.

    I respect the fact that there are those out there that are comfortable enough in their own skin to out themselves willingly. I also respect the fact that there are those of us that have no choice but to go all the way. Works for you? Good for you! I'm happy, I love reading about the success stories about coming out. Some day I may do just that. But for now, it ain't me, and clearly it ain't Anne. All Anne was asking was for the same respect. I believe that was how the post started, no? "Please be kind, respect my decision.. " It was not, even after she requested it. Nice.


  2. #77
    trans punk Badtranny's Avatar
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    I'll add my voice to the chorus of agreement. It's always baffling to me why certain people think they have the right to direct others in the way they should live. As a community, the only thing we all have in common is that we were born male. (TG bros excepted of course)

    Why is it so hard to understand that our experience is unique to ourselves. It's funny that no matter what you do or how you do it, there will be a certain group of people who are convinced you're doing it the wrong way.

    In my "humble" opinion, we should all be free to express our gender identity in whatever manner we choose. I'm in the middle of my transition so I literally look like I'm somewhere in between. I'm definitely out in the open, but I don't resent my closeted sisters one little bit. Hell I was there myself, and in fact am only coming out professionally at a measured pace. (people who don't know I'm trans just think I'm gay)

    You gotta do what works for YOU.
    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B
    At least there is social acceptance in being a drunk in our world. Hell I was good at it too.
    Melissa Hobbes

  3. #78
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    Anne, you do what you think is best for YOU and your family. I say that to everyone here, not just you. Closet, out, semi out, whatever. As I've said numerous times, this is NOT a one size fits all issue. It's different for each and every one of us.
    This is a great place to learn and try to understand what drives us to be the way we are. It's a great place to make new friends and be able to discuss things that we just can't talk about with anyone else. But........there are always going to people who simply cannot agree to disagree. It's their way or the highway in many circumstances. Unfortunately, there are a handful of people just like that here.
    Honestly, I have been able to communicate with some great people here and there are many others who I would like to, but there are others who, when I see a post from them, I simply ignore it because I know it will be more of the same....."you must must come out", etc. We all have to do whats in our best interests, and if being in the closet is in your best interest, then stay there. Be happy there. Enjoy your time there.
    Last edited by Heather Daniels; 06-15-2011 at 03:50 PM.

  4. #79
    My name is Carol Julogden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kendra_gurl View Post
    And just how do you come up with that ridiculous argument?
    I do not consider myself transgendered at all just because I enjoy to crossdress on occasion. Just as when A GG enjoys doing anything more commonly defined as male it does not make them transgendered.

    I mentioned going out in the back yard practicing my golf swing in my post but that does not necessarly mean I am a Golfer or even play the game
    The current, most widely used definition for the term "transgender" is as an umbrella term that includes everyone whose gender presentation or identity varies, in any way, from the so-called normal of male=man=wears only men's clothes and female=woman=wears only women's clothes. Crossdressers, according to that definition, are definitely included in the transgendered category. The term transgender is a VERY vague, non-specific term nowadays.

    I can understand both sides of the discussion. Time and time again, I see CD's post here and in other forums, lamenting about why won't society accept us? Well, part of the reason that society is hesitant to welcome us is the fear of the unknown. If we don't get out in public and let the non-TG public see that we're nothing to be feared, then things will never change.

    And on the other hand, there are parts of the world where going out dressed up may result in being physically attacked or jailed, maybe even killed. Legal protections in the US are slowing coming, but in many situations, coming out at work may very likely have a big negative impact on one's employment. Even where it's illegal to discriminate based on gender identity, there are usually ways around the law if an employer wants to fire you for being TG.

    Last edited by Julogden; 06-15-2011 at 05:24 PM.
    My name is Carol.

  5. #80
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    If you want to know what bad effect being fully in the closet can have on the comunity as a whole, all you need to do is look at what the right wing used against against anthony Weiner. OH MY GOD. And guess the friggin closet.

    Meanwhile there is the mayor of Silverton Washington (or oregon, I forget) who came completely out, and attends civic functions in skirts and other items of women's clothing, with his wife sometimes by his side, so that IT COULD NOT BE USED AGAINST HIM. Something I am so looking forward to in the future.

    Hiding helps no one. (yes, pot calling kettles black, I know)
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

  6. #81
    Member Iskandra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    If you want to know what bad effect being fully in the closet can have on the comunity as a whole.. ..
    Hiding helps no one. (yes, pot calling kettles black, I know)
    This is the thing I have an issue with reading this thread!
    Not everyone is out to help anyone other than themselves, let alone a community that in reality consists mostly of strangers! Some are not willing, some are simply not able for personal or what ever reason.. I think one must have the right tools, mental and otherwise before you can efficiently help others.. If I've only just learnt to doggypaddle in the shallow end barely keeping my head above water, would you let me teach your (future) kids to swim in the ocean?

    To use another swimming analogy, I learnt to swim when as a kid(4 or 5) my grandfather threw me in the deep end, I loved water ever since, others get thrown in the deep end, learn to fear water and never swim again!

    Is it selfish to know ones own limitations? Hardly! Is being selfish a bad thing in all instances?! Not on my life! A very important rule of 'first aid' and scuba diving for instance is DO NOT try to save someone if it puts yourself in serious danger!! Selfish? Some would say so, but it is so for very good reason!

    In this instance is it not selfish to say "you're not helping me, so what you're doing is wrong"?!

    Just keep in mind, much change for the better on this planet has come from one individual who with patience and persistence often at great personal expense changed society, Ghandi, Jesus, Mandela, The first coloured lady who refused to sit in the coloured section of the bus, Madam Curie, the list goes on!
    If the shoe fits wear it! But I know my feet are not big enough to fill such shoes!


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  7. #82
    Senior Member Presh GG's Avatar
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    Ever notice those who scream the loudest about being out [ joanagreenleaf ] doesn't even have the b!!!s.... umm ... nerve to post a photo?

    Anne, I like your style and your love and respect for your wife and child shines on thru.

    Presh GG

  8. #83
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    I find Anne's post to be a very eloquent,and well thought out one.She is being true to herself and protecting her family at the same time.It suprises me the comments from people who have absolutely no knowledge of her circumstances,telling her to "MAN UP" if you will and out herself at work,to family etc.Only Anne knows how it will be recieved by everyone in her life.I would say,even us that do go out a majority still probably hide this part of us from a large percentage of ppl in our Lives out of a sense of self preservation.

    Anne do what you think is right,and to hell with those that wanna verbally abuse you for it.Better to be safe in your closet than being outed and left with nothing

    We look to Scotland,for all our Ideas of Civilisation-Voltaire


    A woman who loves to wear beautiful clothes is like a flower.
    A man who loves to emulate these women is a special flower-a rose
    Facebook:Sophie Johnson

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigella View Post
    With the exception of the GGs everyone on this forum is transgendered.
    I am very proud to say that I an NOT a 'Transgendered" I am a crossdresser who happens to be very happy to be a man but enjoy the finer things that females get to. There is no way that I could nor want to be a woman. There are those who do and I wish them the best, but I am very happy with the one 'NUT' that I have left.

  10. #85
    Member sara.s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigella View Post
    With the exception of the GGs everyone on this forum is transgendered.

  11. #86
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veroncia69 View Post
    I am very proud to say that I an NOT a 'Transgendered"
    You forgot to say "Not that there's anything wrong with it."

    Newsflash, you're as TG as the rest of us.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  12. #87
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    those little white lies??????

    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    The issue I see with people firmly entrenched in the closet is, for the most part your dressing is entirely selfish. Pythos, while I usually follow the logic of your threads, I'm missing something here. People CD for personal reasons--so that naturally makes it selfish. I don't dress for anyone but me.
    Who are you dressing for? Who are you helping? I don't think that being a CDer I'm supposed to be therapist. How is this helping you? The problem I have with people who are fully in the closet (I myself hide in a cupboard from my mother, and family members, as well as my aviation job. All other aspects of my life, I am very open and honest), is that you just feed the beast. This is a contradiction. Either you're in or you're out. You can't have you cake and eat it too. That beast that feeds off of fear, and breeds more and more fear. When you hide yourself from the world doing something that harms not one person, you add more fuel to a fire of intolerance. If no-one hears the tree fall in the woods, did it make a sound? If someone doesn't know I Cd, than I can't be add anything to anything.

    When I go out in my stuff, I wear it and own it (according to observers, this is not my thought at all, I think I can be a bit timid, LOL), it is difficult to conceal the sheen of black leggings, even when wearing a trench coat, mostly because I let the coat flow like a cloak (cape is too superhero sounding), and when I wear my blue disco jeans, I feel they really shine. When in a skirt with hose, I can feel like a sore thumb, but I feel really good at the same time. My point with this paragraph is I get out so others can see, and either give thought to trying it themselves, or at least think about the stupid gender limitations on styles we have. Yes I know many out there poke fun...while in their dull and mundane jeans, and non stylish t-shirts. I know there are people like my mother thinking I look like a fool, or ballet dancer without a studio (though she would not think this if I were GG). But you know what, the more it is seen, and the more people doing it, the less of a problem it will be. Crossdressing is NEVER going to be fashionable in our lifetime. Look at the wearing pants several times your size fad, which is still strong.

    You are a successful person right? So why not be one that shows CDing does not in anyway affect your mind, your morals, your worth, cause despite the fact you are one, you are also successful. Why should one be an object lesson to morons? The only reason I "hide" from my aviation job, is because I am still working my way up to a very prestigious (and neglected) level in flying and that is as instructor. When I finally achieve that very slowly I will integrate my style into my normal wear (within reason, pre flighting a cessna in a mini skirt with just pantyhose underneath, is just not practical :P), and hopefully will be able to get TG individuals into flying. Whether I will succeed at that is a going concern, and it certainly is not my main reason for getting the rating. But right now I cannot have any kind of "issue" that a closed minded FAA rep can use to stop me from getting the certificate. So, you are IN THE CLOSET RIGHT? You are moral, you
    intelligent, you are successful, right

    I fully feel however, my steps would not be necessary if less people remain entrenched in the closet. If more had mine and others' mindsets that what we are doing is not wrong (no matter how Deut 22:5 is interpreted) and we hurt no one, and for the most part do not put across an image connected to violence. We are simply wearing styles and presenting how we should be able to.

    It is of course your right to hide...but in the long run, it helps no one. ]
    [B]It isn't supposed to be therapeutic to anyone but the CD themselves
    I think your personal desires have gotten the better of your common sense. Cding is just never going to be mainstream no matter how many go out en femme.
    Just my opinion , of course. Fighting our own inner demons is enough battle without being recruited to fight someone else's battle.[/B

  13. #88
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veroncia69 View Post
    I am very proud to say that I an NOT a 'Transgendered" I am a crossdresser
    You contradict yourself here. Nigella did not say that apart from the GG's we are all transsexual, she said we are all transgender.

    If you lookup the word "Transgender" you will see that it covers everyone who crosses (trans) the gender stereotype - including but not limited to crossdressers.

    So according to you, you are not transgender, you are transgender. Guess what, that is self-contradictory.
    Check out this link if you are wondering about joining Safe Haven.

    This above all: To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any

    Galileo said "You cannot teach a man anything" and they accuse ME of being sexist

    Never ascribe to malice that which can be easily explained by sheer stupidity

  14. #89
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos
    Hiding helps no one.
    [SIZE="2"]Do me a favor, and DO NOT empower the ones who detest closeted crossdressers – you should know better, and it certainly doesn’t help to belittle individuals who may have good reason to “hide,” as you have so shamefully stated in your post. Honestly, they put all types of crossdressers in the same "basket," for lack of a better word, and it is completely unsupportive to split hairs about a subject you may not be familiar with. In certain familial or societal circumstances, for some good people, it may be a good idea to NOT come out – just because someone feels superior to others by their personal achievement of incorporation into society doesn’t give them the right to preach about what is right for EVERYONE.

    I assume we’re all here because we have a different “take” on crossdressing, correct? An accepted form of MtF crossdressing, approved by the membership and sanctioned by same was not presented for my "signature" when I joined this discussion pit, so I assume all types of crossdressing are allowed here, and ALL members can seek support through interaction with other CD’ers. I did not have to jump through any hoops to post messages here, but you are, in essence, asking some members to “measure up” to a certain standard, and bend to fit YOUR idea of what true crossdressing is. This is very painful, and you should realize that fact before you gather any words together on this subject. I honestly think that this forum can be separated into two camps – the ones who respect the feelings of others, and the ones that don’t. If you respect the feelings of others you MAY wind up in the closet, but you are no less a crossdresser, or a human being, than the next individual...

  15. #90
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    Excuse me,

    You should know better than to think I am belittling ANYONE!!! Your should also know better than to think I am measuring myself against anyone!!! You of all people. You who post such thought provoking things should Know far better than to think such.

    I was stating what to many here is a fact. Hiding just continues this being a taboo. Period END!!.

    I expect NO ONE to fit to my ideas of what is "true"crossdressing, because I myself am NOT a true crossdresser!!. I am ME, no one wants to be like me, and I am perfectly fine with that. I do not think I am better than someone. But when I see behavior that reinforces the incorrect assumptions about a group I speak up. Yes it may make me out to be an ass, but I will say on an unrelated note, in the past I was an ass, but now, the person that thought me an ass is indeed seeing that I was correct. This happens to me all the friggin time.

    Hiding DOES NOT help anyone. It helps continue the idea that crossdressers are ashamed of what they do. They are hurting NO ONE, and yet they hide as if they are committing some heinous act. Meanwhile, the drunk ruining the family, or the gambler wasting the money is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY out in the open!!!.

    To most of the people out in the "real world" crossdressers ARE less than human. When the only "public" cds are the likes of the ones that get most of the news, it is no bloody wonder that we are considered such. I simply state what I do, because it is what I feel.

    I frankly am sick of feeling the need to hide AT ALL. But my minimal hiding is necessary and will continue to be so, until those of us in this community do as the women did, and what the gays did, and have no fear, and get the hell out. I intend to do that when for me the time is right. I am currently NOT successful, I am currently NOT well off. Now if I was content with being where I am in life, I would just be right out, but at the moment due to what I am shooting for in SOME areas of my life, I must hide. I hate it with a passion, but I must. But it is not my WHOLE life from which I hide, just a portion of it. As I said, I am quite open to those not connected to my aviation, nor my immediate family.

    A poster here stated crossdressing will never be fashionable in our lifetimes, well no duh, especially when the prevailing attitude is like this. I am more than sure women that wanted the vote were told by other women " We will never get the vote in our life time". Common, that is nothing but a cop out, and you darn well know it.

    I think your personal desires have gotten the better of your common sense. Cding is just never going to be mainstream no matter how many go out en femme.
    Just my opinion , of course. Fighting our own inner demons is enough battle without being recruited to fight someone else's battle.[/B
    and this final quote is why we are our own worst enemy.

    and yes, to the one that posted that quote, it is possible to be partway out of the closet. The in the closet people I try to encourage to get out, are the ones that don't even go out to parties, or cd groups or social events CDed, I am referring to those that HIDE in the closet the entire time they are enfem. One MAIN reason I find this to not be wise is, that if they get "caught" they are in for a world of hurt the likes of which they never ever thought of. If you are content with running that risk, then so be it. But please don't come posting here about getting caught when (not if) you do, and your life explodes into a super nova.

    By the way, I am constantly measured against others and often times am the inferior, so don't think I don't know what it is like. Do you know what it does for me, it gives me a target to improve about myself. Unless I just don't give a fig about that measurement.

    (The preceding views are those of Pythos, and may echo what many here think, but most likely are just thoughts that will piss everyone off)
    Last edited by Pythos; 06-16-2011 at 02:11 AM.
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

  16. #91
    Aspiring Member Amanda22's Avatar
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    Can it be correctly stated that the issue is centering around:

    Is it a moral imperative of a crossdresser to fight for social justice at the risk of his/her real or perceived loss of relationships and/or income?

    It is an awful lot to expect of every crossdresser in every type of situation. I just think that's a very heavy load of guilt/shame placed on a person in addition to that of society.

    It takes enormous courage for a crossdresser to come out to one single person. I very nearly blacked out when I told my wife last year. Now, she is a believer that crossdressers are not to be feared but to be celebrated. Have I contributed to the "cause" of societal acceptance of crossdressers? I think so. Was it risky? It sure was! The person I treasure more than anyone in this world could have rejected me.

    It's my perception that those who consider themselves in the closet have revealed their need to CD to at least one person. I consider that courageous and deserving of a big "thank you" from the CD community as a whole. I view that as social change at the lowest of grassroots level. Instead, the reaction I see in this forum is "why aren't you doing more?!"

    I want to make clear that my motivation is not to antagonize. I really love you all. It is painful to me to read this thread because people I care about are getting their feelings hurt. I know I'll get s**t for putting a value on people's feelings when there's a "social war to fight," but I am naturally an extremely compassionate person, and I know no other way.

    I need to find one of Karren Hutton's posts showing her wonderful humor, or a what-color-panties-are-you-wearing thread to lighten my mood. I need to avoid this thread because it's making me sad.
    Last edited by Amanda22; 06-16-2011 at 03:45 AM. Reason: Formatting

  17. #92
    Member Iskandra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    I was stating what to many here is a fact. Hiding just continues this being a taboo. Period END!!.
    I hide what I do in my bedroom or who with, sexually that is! (More people should), yet it's not a taboo, if you can go by the worlds population, or the porn industries gross profit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    But when I see behavior that reinforces the incorrect assumptions about a group I speak up.. ..Hiding DOES NOT help anyone. It helps continue the idea that crossdressers are ashamed of what they do.. I frankly am sick of feeling the need to hide AT ALL.. .. I must hide. I hate it with a passion, but I must. But it is not my WHOLE life from which I hide, just a portion of it. As I said, I am quite open to those not connected to my aviation, nor my immediate family.
    Practice what you preach, it's the best way to get people to follow dear Pythos! You feeling you need to hide is no-ones burden but your own, inflicting it on others is unfair at the least!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pythos View Post
    ..I am referring to those that HIDE in the closet the entire time they are enfem. One MAIN reason I find this to not be wise is, that if they get "caught" they are in for a world of hurt the likes of which they never ever thought of. If you are content with running that risk, then so be it. But please don't come posting here about getting caught when (not if) you do, and your life explodes into a super nova.
    Maybe not wise, or maybe it is, we are not to judge that, not walking in their shoes we can never know.. As for posting here, is support and sympathy here or elsewhere just restricted who believe as we do? Great purple space pixie help me!
    Hugs and understanding for your situation..

    My Yin is meeting my Yang..
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    Then I will be complete!

  18. #93
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    There is nothing I could say that has not been said ten times (and better!) already above. But I would like you to know that staying in the closet is OK if that is what you want. It's your life, and you do not have to do anything you do not want to for someone else's greater good. Those negative commenters are like feminists who get angry when a woman chooses to stay home and take care of the children. They claim to be fighting for your rights, but really they want you to become exactly like them.

  19. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presh GG View Post
    Ever notice those who scream the loudest about being out [ joanagreenleaf ] doesn't even have the b!!!s.... umm ... nerve to post a photo?

    Anne, I like your style and your love and respect for your wife and child shines on thru.

    Presh GG


    Nice cat-suit. It suits you, I suppose - claws and all. I'm a "cat person..." So, it's all good...

    By the way, have you noticed that people with weak arguments resort to arguments against the person rather arguments against their (better) ideas?

    I have - you should.

    When Anne's world falls apart - wife, child, job, and all - due to crossdressing - and the next long set of posts here is about "lying," "deception," and, "dishonesty" from crossdressing husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, co-workers, etc. I hope you'll remember that "balls" are only as good as the person using them.

    Anne can do better - and should - that's the only thing I have really said all along.

  20. #95
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    Practice what you preach, it's the best way to get people to follow dear Pythos! You feeling you need to hide is no-ones burden but your own, inflicting it on others is unfair at the least!
    I do, for the most part.

    I have given some thought to this though. I am wrong. I am wrong to want help from people in the same boat as me in several respects. I need to accept there are those that would rather hide than try to advance things for future generations. Thus continuing the cycle that provides the impulse to hide.

    Yes, bedroom stuff should stay in the bedroom. Last I checked women do not wear skirt suits in the bedroom all the time. They do not wear everyday items exclusively for bedroom things. Now, if the closet crossdressing is mostly limited to lingerie, and or underwear and nothing else, then yea, staying in the closet is what is best, in fact it is expected. I am talking about men wearing the same styles as women do out in the "real world" but staying hidden.

    Okay, so my former stance is wrong. People should hide. They should do nothing. Those of us that do will just hopefully get the recognition that trail blazers got in other areas of civil rights. (or a bullet in the head...most likely by someone that has something closeted in his or her life). I just hope that if my life gets ruined by someone that hates what I represent, that someone is hiding some big secret, exposing hypocrites is fun. (I am not implying anyone here would ruin someone else's life, but I am well aware that those that attack someone's character is often hiding even worse secrets.)
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

  21. #96
    Junior Member
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    Central Texas, USA

    To speak, or, not to speak?

    "Practice what you preach, it's the best way to get people to follow dear Pythos! You feeling you need to hide is no-ones burden but your own, inflicting it on others is unfair at the least!"

    1) Practicing what you preach is preaching what you practice. But, it's still practice, not perfection.

    2) Feeling the need to hide, on her part, is largely the result of so many others needing to hide too. So, it is not just her burden. But, she's aware of the power of numbers and the lost and wasted energy from having to go forward alone, when we aren't...

    3) Nature has built into us the "primal scream..." When attacked by a lion and dealing with imminent injury, pain, and probably death - men, women, and children of all ages, races, cultures, and times, emit an unmistakable and almost indescribable sound of alert, fear, and, danger - all at the same time.

    Is it "inflicting" something on others to make certain sounds in certain circumstances, or, a perhaps unasked for, but much needed, gift?

  22. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presh GG View Post
    Ever notice those who scream the loudest about being out [ joanagreenleaf ] doesn't even have the b!!!s.... umm ... nerve to post a photo?
    If Joana DOES post photos, I am voting for pics of stockings, high heels, mini skirt. But no photos of her "nerves" (as Presh put it hahah)

    Did I miss the point of this thread again?
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  23. #98
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    More thinking.

    I guess the way this needs to be looked at is in the same way "witches" hid. If they were to reveal themselves they got a one way ticket to the stake.


    So are we the equivalent of the likes of women wrongly accused of practicing witchcraft? Or something along those lines. Then in that case we are completely justified to hide.

    Need to do more thinking on this.

    Feeling the need to hide, on her part, is largely the result of so many others needing to hide too. So, it is not just her burden. But, she's aware of the power of numbers and the lost and wasted energy from having to go forward alone, when we aren't...
    I think THIS is at the very heart of the tendency for members here to hide. Numbers are very important, and I feel, that if all of us were to surface at once on one day the numbers would be stunning.
    Last edited by Pythos; 06-16-2011 at 01:00 PM.
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

  24. #99
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    Somewhere near the "Umber" but not "Ull"
    There are many reasons why anyone does what they do, but the biggest reason for not doing anything is fear.

    In the case of being in the closet, which I respect by the way, but firmly believe that it is unfair to hide this from an SO, fear of what would happen if people found out is the biggest thing that holds people back.

    There is of course a consensus that society has a view of crossdressers which has become stereotypical. How do we break that stereotyping, TBPH we cant, when we, as a community fuel that stereotyping.
    Listen carefully to what is said, quite often you can hear what is not being said

    The joy of correcting a mistake can bring pain to another

  25. #100
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    SF Bay Area
    I think this quote from earlier needs to be reposted.
    Always try to remember that this Forum is about People expressing their opinions. Otherwise it would look a lot like some well known Conservative Talk Show where all we have is Clones agreeing with The Self-Proclaimed Guru of Conservative Thought.

    If you stick around, you will get lots and lots of people not agreeing with you. (Just as some will disagree with me) But, with A Forum like this you also achieve "Discourse." As you already stated, we learn a lot from listening to The Ideas of others.
    In my case, I am not meaning to hurt anyone here. I am trying to get people to really look at what they are doing. Nigella stated it wonderfully and with more eloquence than I ever could. Crossdressers are still considered VERY deviant (and in many eyes, evil), and when we act, as if what we do is wrong, we just fuel that line of thinking. I am not in anyway clear of adding fuel. I have said, I hide. I hide from my mother, due to her past reactions, and I hide from my other job. Do I want to, and do I want to continue? NO. I want the day to come that I can be fully open, but, and this is the important part, I cannot do it alone. I have a hard enough time with my own personal style. But that difficulty is decreasing the more and more I get out.

    It would seem I have lost a friend here due to my stance. What saddens me is that person chose to argue in PM, opposed to stating their case in this thread. This sucks, but it is the result when someone forgets the above notion. This is a discussion group, we should discuss things.
    Last edited by Pythos; 06-16-2011 at 01:25 PM.
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

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