Like many of the Boomers (and near-Boomers) here, my perceptions of femininity and my idealization (idolization?) of women and the way I prefer to see them dress and act are firmly rooted in a bygone era when women commonly wore skirts, dresses, stockings, and high heels, took great pains with their hair and make up, and generally "dressed up" when going to work, entertaining and/or visiting friends and family. In addition, they always wore their "Sunday Best" when the occasion warranted it.

Now, the extremes seem to range between looking cheap and ****ty with piercings, tattoos, skin-tight jeans and tops as well as lots of bared cleavage being the order of the day, or else gravitating towards "Walmart chic" i.e. the requisite uniform of sweats, baggy tops, jogging pants, jeans, runners and/or flip-flops.

So, in attempting to replicate this - for lack of a better word - "vintage look", how really out of sync with the modern world are we aging crossdressers now?

More to the point - is it time now to redefine the term "crossdressing", since what we traditionalists tend to prefer wearing is what women for the most part abandoned years ago in the name of "liberation" and comfort?

Maybe instead of crossdressing, all we are doing now by default is making our own fashion statements - no different from the folks expressing their "uniqueness" by sporting Mohawks, purple hair, or wearing torn and paint-splattered jeans in public...