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Thread: Any funny stories of getting caught or outed as an adult?

  1. #1
    Member Sandygal's Avatar
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    Smile Any funny stories of getting caught or outed as an adult?

    I and many others of us laugh and live through some of your funny stories. I've seen some that haven't been funny. But when I come onto this site, I feel good and love to read about others who deal with their crossdressing. The getting caught stories seem to be mostly when we are youger. Does anyone have some funny stories as adults?

  2. #2
    Member Michaela42's Avatar
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    Well, late last year I was working in a small office with five or six other people, all women from around mid thirties on up to late fifties. Anyways, since I was in an office environment I had decided to take my under-dressing further than just panties on up to include feminine socks, stockings, and nylons. I figured long pants and casual (male) boots would prevent anyone from seeing or noticing. And it worked for a few weeks (I guess), but I got careless and one of the older women noticed. To my utter shock not much was said other than a complement about my choices (I was wearing a pair of patterned tights) and the subject was pretty much dropped. No questions on why, who, etc . . . But as work continued I noticed I was included more into the conversations about fashion and comfort, which, since I was still presenting male I found just wonderful.

    Anyways, I took a job offer about a month later and as a going away present the women gave me a small goody bag . . . and at the bottom of it was a small gift basket containing an assortment of foot-care items. It was so sweet and funny that I did like anyone would have done, cried my eyes out

  3. #3
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A few months ago, I was fully dressed, sipping win on the patio with my wife. Our neighbor lady called through the fence and my wife invited her in. I had no chance to escape and honestly, I almost fainted. But after the initial fright, everything was fine and I was officially out to a neighbor. My wife found my initial reaction amusing. At the time I was momentarily mortified.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    lordy that is funny. I can only imagine all that went thru your mind. hehehe

  5. #5
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    The lady doctor I go to and been going to for a few years asked me to undress! When she saw my underwear she said are you wearing panties! I said no! They are longjons! Here's your sign! She was the one to get embarassed! Now I go full emfem!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  6. #6
    Jeannie Jeannie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    A few months ago, I was fully dressed, sipping win on the patio with my wife. Our neighbor lady called through the fence and my wife invited her in. I had no chance to escape and honestly, I almost fainted. But after the initial fright, everything was fine and I was officially out to a neighbor. My wife found my initial reaction amusing. At the time I was momentarily mortified.
    Well they would have had to call 911 for me and rush me to the cardiac center if that ever happens to me. I would never be seen in daylight again.
    Marilyn Monroe: I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.

  7. #7
    Member desa ray's Avatar
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    Funny story just happened tonight, after work I decided to throw on some capris and a cute short sleeve pink turtleneck top. Just a little eye make up and this super cute pink lipstick I just bought yesterday. my GF and I were planning on doing a little house work and settling down to watch some TV. well all of a sudden her friend calls and says she is at the door. I freaked but decided I'm not going to change and wash my face, I had all these thoughts running through my head and had thought I had covered every possible scenario and how I would handle it. well she walks in sits down, looks at me and says "well you look cute!" That's it!! No big scene, No OH MY GOD! nothing LOL. I was so worried and still have a little headache from stressing.
    Desa Ray.
    [SIZE="1"]Quote of the week! "This badger on a stick stuff is going to have to stop! [/SIZE]

  8. #8
    Member Robyn2006's Avatar
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    Funny, I had read this post a few hours ago and didn't have anything come to mind. Now there is… Over the phone just this past hour I was helping my technologically inept sister get her new computer up and running, getting her e-mail to work, and I accidentally sent her a test e-mail from my RobynLane account. "Robyn Lane," she said upon getting it. "Oh, that's just a default address from a program I have," I said from out of nowhere. Perplexed within all the technology, she seemed to buy it and let it go. But so funny and strange to have my sister say "Robyn Lane" out loud! Oh but a weary web I've weaved!
    When lost, alone, or blue I know I can always get through the day, for I've always another shade of lipstick to make things right!

  9. #9
    General nuisance AliceJaneInNewcastle's Avatar
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    I am fairly open about my crossdressing, to the point that I have 8 of my work clients plus an insurance adviser as friends of my girl profile on facebook. One guy couldn't keep his mouth shut, and was going around asking other people who know me if they knew my secret. It got to the point that even his daughter was rolling her eyes every time he said it.

    One of my friends overheard him on one occasion and was apparently close to hitting him for his disrespectful behaviour towards me, and told me so. I wrote a blog post about it without mentioning names, including mentioning that I was worried that he almost got beaten up because of his comments. As far as I know, he's either stopped or cut back a lot on the comments now.

  10. #10
    Member gretchen_love's Avatar
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    Well... Not as an adult but when I was in high school I was doing some laundry and my mom decided to help out by changing the loads for me... She was quite surprised by the VS v-strings in the dryer lol!

  11. #11
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    ^ happens to me all the time. I couldn't agree with you anymore gretchen. My mom opened the washing machine to the mother load, atleast 20-30 pairs of assorted panties, from thongs to boyshorts to bikinis. She never said a word. Just put them in the dryer and thats that.

  12. #12
    Chewies sister-moulted!
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    Panda eyes from poorly removed make up . " Why are you're eyes so dark ?" - " Errrrr I just emptied the Dyson sweetie "
    " But I emptied it yesterday "
    Doh .

  13. #13
    Oh to be an English Rose Jane G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelly67 View Post
    Panda eyes from poorly removed make up . " Why are you're eyes so dark ?" - " Errrrr I just emptied the Dyson sweetie "
    " But I emptied it yesterday "
    Doh .
    LoL The dreaded Panda eye's

  14. #14
    Member AnnaCalliope's Avatar
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    A few years ago I used to do logistics for Target, and often got stuck on the graveyard shift. One of my nights off, I had gone to one of the local clubs all dolled up - black tank top, mini-skirt, thigh high vinyl boots. Just as I was getting home around 1AM, I got a call from my boss literally begging me to come in because my department was so overloaded with work. I told him I'd be there in 20 minutes and quickly changed into my work clothes. It wasn't until I had contacted him via the outside intercom that I realized I hadn't taken off my eye make-up. I was able to wipe off the eyeshadow, but still had on mascara. No one said anything at first, but during our lunch break, one of my co-workers pulled me aside and popped the question. I told him I'd come straight there from a concert and changed into my work clothes in the car. I guess he bought it, because it never came up again.

    Before that, when I used to live in New Jersey, I would occasionally dress up and go to the local gay club The Coliseum and hang out there. One time I ran into a couple male co-workers who were actively making out in the corner. One of them I knew outside of work and he was very much out of the closet. The other, however, was not. I recognized him immediately, and after a few seconds, he realized who I was. He got very scared for a minute, fearing that I would out him, because he was such a macho guy at work, claiming to have bed oh so many women. After that minute passed, and he realized I was dressed en femme, he understood that his silence would buy mine.

    Eventually, I just got tired of hiding it all and outed myself, by getting my ears pierced, eyebrows done, wearing nail polish on my fingers and toes, light make-up and switching to an entirely female wardrobe.

    With that in mind, I get asked a lot by people. During my cross-country road trip from Atlanta, GA to Portland, OR via Greyhound Bus Lines, I got asked by 4 different people: "Are you a drag performer?" "I'm guessing women really aren't your thing, huh?" and my favorite so far, asked by a very country gentleman from Alabama with the very stereotypical southern drawl: "Are you gonna get the operation?"

    The only thing that keeps me from being 100% passable most of the time is my voice. I get a lot of "Damn, I'd nailed you for a girl until I heard you speak, and frankly, I'm still kinda confused."

  15. #15
    Member steph1964's Avatar
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    About 20 years ago I was almost outed by my son.

    My sister-in-law and I both wear a size 10 shoe and at the time wore a similar clothing size. She lived with my mother-in-law and I was at their house alone, probably there to fix something. I actually wasn't alone because I had my toddler son with me who could walk but had a limited vocabulary.

    I found myself in my sister-in-law's bedroom trying on an old bridesmaid dress and matching shoes. Come on, what girl could resist a bridesmaid dress? It was begging to be tried on. My son was with me but he is too young to understand...right?

    A couple of weeks later my wife, son, and I were over for dinner and I was sitting at the table talking with my wife and mother-in-law. My wife knows now but didn't back then.

    Suddenly my son came running into the room very excited. He was holding one of the shoes and saying two words that he did know, over and over, "Daddy's shoes." My sister-in-law was with him and said that they were in her room and he saw the shoes. He was very excited and kept saying "Daddy" and wanted to show them to me. She then joked, "What were you doing with my shoes?"

    I was sure that I had been found out and my mind was racing as I tried to think of plausible explanations, but just responded to my son "they're pretty" as he gave them to me. No one said anything else about it, but the rest of the night my heart was pounding.
    Last edited by steph1964; 07-30-2011 at 06:43 AM. Reason: Spelling

  16. #16
    Member sue1965's Avatar
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    I was out in the parking lot of my apartment complex last Sunday checking out my truck, Oil and coolant levels, When One of the lady tenants came up to me to ask if everything was OK. I replied, yes, just making sure there is no issue with my truck. She then asked "why aren't you in your female clothes"? I was a little shocked and explained that I don't go out in public dressed up. We had the usual conversations about cross dressing and being gay and all that, that lasted about an hour. She is 10 or 11 years older and invited me over for coffee on Monday morning, But Only If I dressed up. I agreed, as I could walk to her side of the complex with out going outside. We were having coffee as a few of the other lady tenants came over for coffee as well. One being my neighbor that has seen me many times and I have had coffee with. I spent about 3 hours talking about my past and the cross dressing and answering all those usual questions.
    Happily though, I got invited to a three of the other lady's houses for coffee over the next few Mondays, As long as I come as Sue

  17. #17
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    Sue, that is perfect. The only thing better than coffee is enjoying it en femme! I'm glad they are all good about it and such. I am not far from buffalo. I should swing by your joint and be with people who understand for a day. loll

  18. #18
    Gold Member Samantha B L's Avatar
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    I remember one day in 1976. I ordered a wig from "wig world" in a town near where I grew up. I don't remember how much it cost. It was less than 30 dollars I think. I was 19 or 20 years old. I was sitting in our living room with all of my cousins who lived nearby locally and one of my great aunts and my Aunt and Uncle who took us to chain of rocks amusement park every year. So there were about 20 people in our living room including my Mom and my brother and sister. Now even though the late sixties and the seventies ushered in the beginnings of a lot of changes,Gooberism,Emmetism and Howardism were still to a great extent the order of the day. So the phone rang and somebody grabbed it before I could. Then after saying "bye" and hanging up he came back into the living room and said in a loud tone of voice "Sam' wig that he ordered came in at wig world". I bailed out of that one by saying the wig was for "Vivian". Yes,that's it,Vivian. Actually,I just managed to squeak through that one.

  19. #19
    Member charlytuna's Avatar
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    It was a few years ago my son went [he was 20 at the time] out & I thought it was for the day so I got dressed and started to do the vacuming and next thing I knew he was walking in the door and there I was all dressed just stirring at him I yell at him for not knocking and I left the room and he left also but to this sday he nevered said a word about it to me or my wife. I only wonder if & to who he said something. And one other time ,about 20yrs ago, the wife took the kids out so I stayed home and played dress up then I herd them comming in so I made a mad dash to changed which I made in time but forgot the earrings and my daughter saw them and questioned me about wearing them and I told her she was seeing things and thought I got away with that but a few yrs ago she ask me "do you remember when I caught you with earrings on" of course I said no and that was that

  20. #20
    Tomboy AllyM's Avatar
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    A few weeks ago I went to the grocery store. It started to pour and the top was down on my car. By the time I got the top up and into the store I was completely soaked. I grabbed a basket and started walking up one of the isles. About halfway up the isle, a woman came from behind and started to straighten my shirt out, pulled up one of my bra straps in the process, smiled and said "There you look ok now" and continued along her way. All I could do was laugh with her!

  21. #21
    Aspiring Member LIKETODRESS2's Avatar
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    I went to a hallaween party a few years ago at a local gay bar. I hada few drinks and just started to feel more comfertable. I walke to the bar and ordered a beer. I look to my right and see a one of my best friends ex girlfriend. Her eyes got real big and she says my name what are u doing. I had two options run out the door or go talk to her. I walke up to her explained what i was doing. She was cool wiht it and we talked nad danced the rest of hte night. SHe told me she would keep my secret as long as i keep the fact the she was bi a secret also

  22. #22
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    So many stories..... We like to think that we are safer at home, but sometimes I wonder how true that is.

    I am at home and dressed (no make-up) while watching a movie with my wife. My daughter is downstairs in her basement bedroom. My daughter is a drama queen, so sometimes I ignore her so I don't feed it any. This time she comes upstairs on the phone and paces right behind me sounding in a panic. So while I am ignoring her, a light shines in the room from the deck through a sliding door. I ask her who that is and she says it is the police. I tell here to let them in and I scoot to the bedroom for the 20 second change. Apparently she thought someone else was in the house and didn't tell us. When I first start to talk with the officers, I realized I had my rings still on, so I slipped them off and into my pocket. Then I realize I still had on big blue earrings. Ah well, they probably saw me in the beginning, so it was all a waste of tlime. In hindsight, it was a bad move changing anyways since they were coming in for a prowler call, fast movement into another room was ill advised.
    Last edited by PretzelGirl; 07-30-2011 at 10:47 PM.

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member Kathy4ever's Avatar
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    My son who at the time was 3 or 4 caught me trying on my wifes skirts. I did not know he saw me. Told my wife. So one day she goes to work and about 10 minutes later pops back in and I'm wearing a skort and a nice halter tiop. She goes ballistic on me. I say to her wasn't it a nice outfit. She just gave me a look. I just wish she would of complimented me. She says you been shopping?

    Also when I was 16 or 17 used my moms lipstick and had a cigareete. I put the cigarette out in the toilet and flushed.I did not follow up and see if it flushed. my parents ask what girl was smoking. I did not answer I think they thought the neighbor girl was smoking.
    Another time stole my moms bra and hid it under my mattress. They found it, I was questioned and I gave a lame excuse that my back was sore and that I had read where wearing a bra would give me relief. They took it away and never been mentioned since.
    Last edited by Shelly Preston; 07-31-2011 at 05:41 AM. Reason: Merged - please use the edit button

  24. #24
    Member Sandygal's Avatar
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    We must be a very smart group. It's amazing how fast our minds come up with answers when confronted. I was caught with dark eyes by my wife some years ago. In a matter of a second I thought."I thought I really cleaned them good, I can't believe she could see anything" My answer came swiftly. "I'm just tired" she kept staring, even a better answer jumped out. "I'm really tired" followed with a yawn.

  25. #25
    Senior Member
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    Now that was funny hehe
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandygal View Post
    We must be a very smart group. It's amazing how fast our minds come up with answers when confronted. I was caught with dark eyes by my wife some years ago. In a matter of a second I thought."I thought I really cleaned them good, I can't believe she could see anything" My answer came swiftly. "I'm just tired" she kept staring, even a better answer jumped out. "I'm really tired" followed with a yawn.

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