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Thread: Any other older lifetime singls?

  1. #1
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Any other older lifetime singls?

    [SIZE="3"]I turned 57 last May, and, my dating days seem long behind me, now. In these very hard economic and occupational times, the men have been hit the hardest, by layoffs, and plant closings, etc. Being low income and a single cd man, marriage no longer looks like a possibility. And, i am accepting singleness now, and, it is not as bad, as being in a hell of a relationship, though it gets lonely. Any of you out there been alone your whole life. I pretty much accept it now. Cats help a lot for me. [/SIZE]

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    [SIZE="3"]I'm in the same boat as far as being single for life goes. Yeh, I could have married a dozen girls but there's only been two I've ever considered.

    The first was married and about to have her third child when I got the nerve to knock on her parents' door. (We're Facebook friends now but I never told her) I'm ashamed to say why the second dumped me but I still think of her when I hump I mean hug my pillow at night.

    I hate to admit this, but I almost fell for a very beautiful woman a couple of years ago. The chemistry wasn't right so I bailed before getting to emotionally involved. If my male body was in good as shape as hers I would make a darn hot CD.

    I only feel lonely on occasion but I think I was never cut out for marriage and I take it too seriously to go through with it any other way. But honestly I enjoy the single life and it looks like that's the way I'll stay.


    PS Had a couple of cats over the years but we couldn't coexist under the same roof.
    Gone cottin choppin.

  3. #3
    Gold Member JenniferR771's Avatar
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    You look younger than that, Louise. If you want a relationship--keep looking--there are a lot of lonely women out there. A big strong man with a sensitive side is a real find. Do what you can to relieve loneliness in this world.

  4. #4
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Platonic friendships, is what i have/ I alway sabotage serious relationships. I am screwed up, with many issues, and no normal woman would have me. For that matter, no male admirer would have me, if they knew my depression, and many issues. I kind of keep people at an arm's length. Like Marcy, me, and all my siblings were never cut out for marriage. It is possible, but highly unlikely. Some of us are old farts, set in our ways, that crossdress. I guess i am sensitive and thoughtful, but, that hasn't worked for me, in this tough guy/tough girl era.

  5. #5
    Silver Member
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    I am in the same boat, and I am 22 years younger than you. I had a few girlfriends in the past and was on and off with one for over a decade (I asked her to marry me when I was younger, I really wished she'd have said yes but could not get over the age gap.) Since she left me for good I have no one and have no prospects. Any other girls I was involved with had serious problems and looked to me to solve them; as much as I loved them and sincerely wanted to help them, I couldn't. (You can't change others unless they want to change, one lesson I had to learn the really hard way.)

    One thing some people don't understand is that being a dresser is automatically a big strike against a man, combine it with other issues a man may have (like low income, physical health problems, mental health problems, older age, a disability and so on) and it only makes it harder and harder. If one looks at it from a numbers perspective, the pool of possible partners is already greatly reduced by the dressing, and then for each additional issue that pool of possible partners smaller and smaller and smaller until it is practically negligible.

  6. #6
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    I am soon to be 55 and never found the "right one" during my more eligible days. Dressing was never the issue (most potential relationships never progressed far enough for it to come up), but my extreme shyness in social settings did me no favors back in my 20s and 30s. I did date one woman for three years and another for 8-1/2, but in each case we both knew from early on that it wasn't going to be a permanent union -- we just stuck with it a while until a better opportunity came along.

    A dozen or so years ago, I decided if I were going to meet someone, she would know me as Diane from the outset. This was very liberating as it encouraged me to get out more and interact with others while dressed. There's only been one "near miss" on the dating scene since then, but I am happier and starting to grow more contented with my single-ness.

    I still entertain the fantasy that my dream gal will come out of the blue someday, but I'll be OK if it doesn't happen, either.

    - Diane

  7. #7
    Silver Member noeleena's Avatar
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    Im 64 was married for 35 out of 37 years , Jos is liveing in a council flat & has for allmost a year now . Now i still take her shoping see our daughter & her 4 kides, we have three grown up adults & 9 grandkids, still a tight family tho im the different one ,

    My self i dont need any one else in my life as a mate friend or something . When health issues get worse for Jos i'll bring her back here to our home & look after her, I have many many friends who are lovely to have & i can handle being by my self, .

    Lonely i dont think so im a member of many groups & we are allways doing something,


  8. #8
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    I've been married three times, I truly believe in marriage, one wife was a cheater, one had a gambling problem the last one had not figured out how to be an adult. I guess my picker is broke. I do agree now that we are getting alittle long in the tooth it's going to be harder but I still have hope..
    in the neantime I am loving the freedom to dress about anytime I want..
    Forever in Lace

  9. #9
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    I'm not a lifetime single, but pretty close to it. Of my adult life (call it 40 years at this point) I was married for only 5 years. I have a son that I raised myself, so for many years it was the two of us together. But as far as women go, my wife is the only one I ever lived with.

    Being single can be lonely, but it does have advantages. You can arrange things to your own liking, and that's very important to me. Or maybe I'm just impossible to get along with, and I'm trying to make excuses.

    But it's to see me getting into another relationship at this point. If I'd wanted a second one, I'd have gone after it a long time ago. And yes, being a "girl" doesn't make it easy to find a woman.

  10. #10
    Almost full time (90%) Phoebe's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Any other older lifetime singls?

    [SIZE="4"][SIZE="4"][/SIZE]Have been divorced for over thirty years and crossdressing on and off over that time. Have had one serious relationship since divorce. Put 'Janet' in the closet for about a year. The woman moved to take care of her mother who was in poor health. The area she moved didn't have good job prospects so I didn't move with her. A few dates with women over the years but seems they bring along 'baggage' from their previous marriages, and start to feel that I am acting the same as their ex-husbands. So decided not to do any more dating. I am not lonely, one thing that helps is that I volunteer at a senior activity center and assist other older adults with computer learning and computer troubleshooting twice a week for three hours each day. Also living in a senior facility have helped other residents with computer troubleshooting. Also go to a support group CLCC when able to attend their meetings or functions. [/SIZE]

  11. #11
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the posts, all. My mom is 91, dying in Alzheimers ward, at a nursing home. One thing i do, is take my cats when i visit, and share the cats with a number of people in there. One 98 yr old lady, still looking pretty nice! She kisses me, after i let her hold the cats! And, i do go to a support group for adult children of alcoholics and other dysfunctional families. Both my older twin brothers are in prison, going to trial next month. One of them was married in the Navy, to a Filipino lady, but divorced several yrs later. My older sister alwys was scared of men, and also has a very rare disease that destroyed her ability to converse. It is kind of sad, that the family will die off, but, there are worse things. I enjoy my privacy, not having to answer to a "chief!"

  12. #12
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    Louise, my own mother died a few months ago of Alzheimer's, so I know what that's like. Stick with your support group. It sounds like you're struggling a bit right now, so stay close to those who can help you. I know this forum has been a big help to me for the short time I've been here, and hopefully it is for you is well. I hope things will work out for you, despite the troubles you're presently facing.

    Best wishes, Annabelle.

  13. #13
    Life is for having fun. suzy1's Avatar
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    I think it depends on whether you can be happy living alone as I am or you are someone that needs a partner in life Louise.

    I have been divorced for 5 years now and I just love being alone.
    Nobody’s life is perfect so we must make the best of what we have.

    Having raised a family and suffered from a less than loving wife I can say that you have missed a lot of hassle and pain, not to mention a lot of expense!

    There are definitely advantages to living alone. [I love cats, think I might one too]

    Hug from, SUZY

  14. #14
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Suzy, After a very hard narriage, i bet it isnice living alone. Actually, I kind of like it, too, but, there is no balance, and i feel like a loner recluse a lot, but much better than being in a stressful relationship! Sometimes, i feel sad, when i see people that i used to see as toddlers, now married with children.

  15. #15
    Slip Into Something Femme Piora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treetop Louise View Post
    [COLOR="royalblue"][I]Thanks for the posts, all. My mom is 91, dying in Alzheimers ward, at a nursing home.
    I'm sorry to hear that, Louise. That must be very difficult for you.

    One thing i do, is take my cats when i visit, and share the cats with a number of people in there. One 98 yr old lady, still looking pretty nice! She kisses me, after i let her hold the cats! And, i do go to a support group for adult children of alcoholics and other dysfunctional families.
    How awesome is that!!! You probably do more for the seniors in there by doing that than any amount of medicine could ever accomplish! Hats off to you, Louise!

    At 60, and having recently suffered 'Empty Nest Syndrome' when my daughter moved out, I have alternately enjoyed my solitude, and been quite lonely at other times. I have been divorced and separated for about 9 years, but have not met anyone in that time who was suitable for a lasting relationship. I am not particularly social, so the likelihood of meeting anyone out there is miniscule. I think if I ever did meet someone that was special, I always fear I would drive her away once she knew that I crossdressed.
    "Taking the time to be in touch with my feminine side"

  16. #16
    Life is for having fun. suzy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treetop Louise View Post
    Suzy, After a very hard narriage, i bet it isnice living alone. Actually, I kind of like it, too, but, there is no balance, and i feel like a loner recluse a lot, but much better than being in a stressful relationship! Sometimes, i feel sad, when i see people that i used to see as toddlers, now married with children.
    I understand how you feel Louise.
    But what can we do but except the life that we have been dealt, say to ourselves “what the hell”, smile, have fun, and just get on with it.
    Your smile indicates to me that you’re not doing too bad girl.

    A big hug from, SUZY

  17. #17
    Keep Looking Up ...... Jolene's Avatar
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    Being single here is a bit easier knowing all of you are here for me. Being in my mid fifties now and not a social person, meeting a nice girl is not easy these days. Was in a relationship a few years ago with a women I had known over 20 years and thought things would work but it was not to be.

  18. #18
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Jolene, and others, To be honest. singleness for life, is a mixed bag. Most of the time i can accept the solitude, but, there are times, like at a restaurant, at a church, or social gatering, or, even on Facebook sites, when, i feel so sad, like crying, feel forsaken, and cursed! Socializing has been hard. And i start out ok, then seem to become a wallflower. When i do find a gg who i really like, she always gets caught up, by other guys. Old lower income single men, let alone cders, are the most lonely people in modern society, often in quiet desperation, as Thoreau once wrote.

  19. #19
    Slip Into Something Femme Piora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlet Rose View Post
    You're all cheering me up no end. Given I am single, hate crowded pubs and haven't been to a party in years anyway I think I will just stick my head in the oven. It is an electric oven so might take some time.
    I'm with you. Where the hell's a good old-fashioned gas oven when you need one?

    O.K. cheer me up! What's good about being on your own?
    I can find things where I left them.
    Well, I find that 'just where I left them' usually means they're lost!

    I can wear what I want when the mood takes me, even if it is a dress.
    Good....that's you're starting to cheer me up, too!

    I don't have to watch X-factor, Eastenders or Coronation Street EVER!
    But, Scarlet....why on earth wouldn't you want to watch Corrie? You blaspheme, woman! X-Factor & Eastenders....yeah, I see your point.

    The toilet seat is wherever I left it.
    Why wouldn't it be still attached to the toilet bowl?

    The remote control is MINE!
    Yeah, I hear that.

    I can come in, go out, stay in, stay out, whatever I want.
    Good....I almost smiled just then....we're getting there!

    I can burp, pass wind and adjust my privates with the full expression of pleasure such things deserve.
    Ok, NOW we're talking.....I just love that I can do that now.

    I can cry at films without feeling stupid.
    I can spend hours on the internet without interruption from someone else wanting to spend hours on the internet.
    I can watch any programme featuring TVs, CDs, TGs without having to explain "It might be interesting, you never know."
    Ok,'ve convinced me. Let's just forget that whole oven thing.

    There I feel a bit better now.
    Yeah, me too. Thanks, Scarlet.

    But if she is out there I wish she'd hurry up.
    Hey, if you do manage to find somebody....would you ask her if she's got a sister?
    "Taking the time to be in touch with my feminine side"

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treetop Louise View Post
    Jolene, and others, To be honest. singleness for life, is a mixed bag. Most of the time i can accept the solitude, but, there are times, like at a restaurant, at a church, or social gatering, or, even on Facebook sites, when, i feel so sad, like crying, feel forsaken, and cursed! Socializing has been hard. And i start out ok, then seem to become a wallflower. When i do find a gg who i really like, she always gets caught up, by other guys. Old lower income single men, let alone cders, are the most lonely people in modern society, often in quiet desperation, as Thoreau once wrote.
    Louise, I know what you're saying here. I've often had the same feelings. What I've always done is find things that really mean something to me. I'm generally into books, films and music, and maybe that wouldn't be for everyone. It doesn't matter: find what is meaningful to you, something that really makes your life rich and good. Go with that, focus on that, and it helps to overcome the other problems we might have. Not an ideal solution, I know. But it does give you a focus in life.

  21. #21
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I've read this thread and in the past, other threads with the same theme about being single. It's sad to me when I read that someone thinks their dating days are over and they accept that they will be single from now on. What's that saying? "No man's and island"? Well I must be "different" I won't ever be happy being an island.
    I will soon be 63 years young and if I had not already found someone (5 years now) that I love and loves me, I'd be right back in the hunt to find a life partner. For me, being single just sucks. I have been in relationships or marriages my whole adult life. The longest that I was single was between the ages of 22 and 25. That was the only time I was a happy go lucky bachelor. Beyond that, I never went more the 6 months in successfully finding a woman to love and love me.
    If I thpought I had to live the rest of my life without a loving partner, then I might as well lay down and die. I could never be a happy single. You are never to old to find a partner to share life with.

  22. #22
    Silver Member Amy Lynn3's Avatar
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    I agree with are never too old. I know, because I am almost 66 years old and I date all the time. Over the last few years several women wanted to marry me, but I never felt that way about them, so I'll keep on looking. I meet LOTS of women on the Internet. Just Google Free Dating sites and a list will come up to pick from. I use Plenty Of Fish the most, so hope to see you there.

  23. #23
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I dated a fair amount, in my 30's, around Seattle,in fact, over 40 women, but, to be truthful, never had a good paying career, and did want to marry a number of gg's. Now, i live in a small town area, where there are almost no single ladies. I know my LIMITATIONS! Low income? Hard to attract anyone. Crossdresser? Wipes out a big chunk of the dating pool! Very conservative area? Yep. Some of you, who have struck gold, and are in love? You were fortunate. Don't rub it in on us old bachelors, who 's ship did not come in. I know my limitations more now, than in my idealistic 30's. Some of us never really have been prepared financially to support a mate, and kids, let alone emotionally. My brothers are in prison, bacause of emotional and financial immaturity. Just friendship dating is all i can expect, realistically. I have found very few , if any women, that i have anything intellectually in common, too. I have a strange religion, and crossdress, and no healthy family!!! A real catch!! This is a friggin support group, and we should be able to vent our sorrows sometimes, too, not see everything through rose colored glasses. Thanks for letting me share my reality!

  24. #24
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    Hi Louise, I know how you feel about being out of the dating scene. I'm pretty much out of it too. I too am low income, and know my limitations..
    Just keep the faith, and everything will come together..Donna

  25. #25
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    Platonic friendships; have been there also. Been divorce going on twenty years dated a some after the big "D" one lasting about 7-years thought I knew her well enough to say those three words I love you but she didn't feel the same about me. Yes, she knew I wore woman's clothes every now and then.
    Semi retired work in the spring through fall come and go whenever I want, dress whenever I want. I have a dog inside the house and some other critters outside. I have a good circle of friends that don't know about feminine side some would probably leave a few wouldn't.
    I will do just about anything for my friends as they would do the same for me.
    Lonely yes at times but then I have my feminine side to deal with and she loves clothes and makeup with none of the attitude to go with it.

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