I haven't created a new post but I figured it was my time. I began my passion for wearing female clothes as a youth. But like many others here I was confused and afraid over my unusual desire. But youth is youth and I grew up wanting to join the military and become a sailor and along with that was a desire to have sailor tattoos. I had no idea at the time that some time later I would have a passion to dress fully. Well to make a long story (sorry about that) shorter I got my arms tattooed with what appeared at the time to be cool tattoos. Now I regret them. I am jealous of you who refrained from the tattoo gig and have the ability to wear short sleeve dresses and tops. Ok got that off my chest. I have tried covering them with make up but whew that is a mess. So for now I am a long sleeve girl. Its better than being no girl at all. Thanks for listening. Have fun and stay safe.

Teri Ray