My SO and I stopped in a local diner for a little lunch yesterday. We sat in a booth and my seat just happened to face the door. OK it didn't just happen I have a phobia about sitting with my back to the door. Too many westerns as a kid or maybe just another OCD thing. Any way we were having a conversation about this and that and out of the corner of my eye I see a man and what looks like a mannish looking very hirsute woman or a guy in brightly colored clothes, girl glasses and moobs. Like I said it was just a glance as they were coming in the door. I made no mention of this to my SO or gave any indication that I saw anything at all. In my world there was nothing unusual and I paid no attention.

After a while I became conscious of the fact that this person was staring a hole through me. Just a feeling at first. I looked up and sure enough, not only was she staring she was pointing right at me and the man at the table had turned to look. I smiled at them and the man turned back away but I was getting the stink eye big time from the other one. I smiled again and went about my business.

For whatever reason they finished their meal before we did and as they got up to leave the woman again gave the stink eye and started in my direction, but the man stopped her and they headed out side. My SO who had here back to all of this really didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

Just another day in the life? Some kind of Karma thing? I am baffled by this chain of event. It was a non issue but odd none the less.