Had a converstation with someone, they asked for proof, i delivered.


thedutchdon: hey

FranBunnyFFXII: sup
FranBunnyFFXII: rimo said youd message me

thedutchdon: Yep
thedutchdon: How are you

FranBunnyFFXII: fine
FranBunnyFFXII: OH
FranBunnyFFXII: i just saw the chat
FranBunnyFFXII: sorry
FranBunnyFFXII: that was just for my team
FranBunnyFFXII: dint know anyone else was using it

thedutchdon: Its ok XD

FranBunnyFFXII: Whatchu want with me?

thedutchdon: Just wanting to talk:
thedutchdon: lol
thedutchdon: im bored

FranBunnyFFXII: talk... to a tgirl youve never met?

thedutchdon: Yep
thedutchdon: why not

FranBunnyFFXII: most straight guys wouldnt even talk to a tgirl
FranBunnyFFXII: thats why

thedutchdon: Btw, if i don't respond fast its because im playing league XD. LOL

FranBunnyFFXII: unless theyr bored

thedutchdon: Well im confident i guess? Idk talking to girls isnt hard.

FranBunnyFFXII: lol... you keep missing what im typing

thedutchdon: You dont want to talk
thedutchdon: im guessing

FranBunnyFFXII: i dont mind
FranBunnyFFXII: XD

thedutchdon: I dont understand i gues

FranBunnyFFXII: i got nothing to do else where
FranBunnyFFXII: my gf is alseep
FranBunnyFFXII: cant play LoL rihgt now

thedutchdon: So youre a lesbian?

FranBunnyFFXII: yeah
FranBunnyFFXII: sorta

thedutchdon: What's sorta? lol

FranBunnyFFXII: you keep missing the fact htat i kept saying Tgirl
FranBunnyFFXII: :P
FranBunnyFFXII: -waits-

thedutchdon: im back
thedutchdon: sorry
thedutchdon: :P

FranBunnyFFXII: XD

thedutchdon: i ignored that you said girl?
thedutchdon: what you arent a girl?

FranBunnyFFXII: im trans

thedutchdon: its a trap!

FranBunnyFFXII: yes
FranBunnyFFXII: XD

thedutchdon: lol
thedutchdon: thats funny
thedutchdon: its w/e
thedutchdon: Im not gonna be like OMG EW GROSS WTF
thedutchdon: its your choice

FranBunnyFFXII: Well
FranBunnyFFXII: no means to get deep into it
FranBunnyFFXII: but its not really a choise

thedutchdon: yes it is?

FranBunnyFFXII: was either transition or suicide
FranBunnyFFXII: noah
FranBunnyFFXII: nah*

thedutchdon: uh
thedutchdon: its a choice

FranBunnyFFXII: nope

thedutchdon: yes it is

FranBunnyFFXII: nope

thedutchdon: your choosing
thedutchdon: to
thedutchdon: be
thedutchdon: trans
thedutchdon: instead

FranBunnyFFXII: Nope

thedutchdon: of killing yourself
thedutchdon: its still a choice

FranBunnyFFXII: I didnt chose to be trans

thedutchdon: yes you did?

FranBunnyFFXII: Nope

thedutchdon: Yes

FranBunnyFFXII: Nope

thedutchdon: genetically
thedutchdon: youwere born
thedutchdon: a male

FranBunnyFFXII: yes, and no
FranBunnyFFXII: medically speaking, my brain is female

thedutchdon: No. Its called being gay.

FranBunnyFFXII: Nope
FranBunnyFFXII: im not gay
FranBunnyFFXII: I have a girlfriend
FranBunnyFFXII: and were planning on getting married
FranBunnyFFXII: Let me guess... youre a heterosexual white/black male who grew up around christians

thedutchdon: No im athiest
thedutchdon: and im very tolerent of many things
thedutchdon: im saying

FranBunnyFFXII: Thne you of ALL people

thedutchdon: Medically

FranBunnyFFXII: should understand the science behind it

thedutchdon: You were born a male and have a male mind

FranBunnyFFXII: Nope

thedutchdon: there is no thing proving

FranBunnyFFXII: ACtually its been proven

thedutchdon: you can be born
thedutchdon: with a female
thedutchdon: mind

FranBunnyFFXII: that trans people

thedutchdon: ho
thedutchdon: no
thedutchdon: it hasnt
thedutchdon: link me
thedutchdon: the research
thedutchdon: Because to my knowledge, there is no study that PROVES what you are saying
thedutchdon: is all im saying

FranBunnyFFXII: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_transsexualism
FranBunnyFFXII: I made no choises in the matter other than desided to live
FranBunnyFFXII: to live was to transition
FranBunnyFFXII: if i didnt
FranBunnyFFXII: it was death

thedutchdon: LOL
thedutchdon: WIKIPEDIA

FranBunnyFFXII: I was supose to die at 12:08 AM december 1st 2011

thedutchdon: Wikipedia is not valid

FranBunnyFFXII: Wikipedia has cited sources
FranBunnyFFXII: use them
FranBunnyFFXII: http://www.scientificamerican.com/ar...e-third-gender
FranBunnyFFXII: another intresting publication
FranBunnyFFXII: "It is worth pointing out that homosexuality itself is not a transsexual behavior—gay men, in general, do not want to become women—but transsexual people can be either straight or gay."

thedutchdon: Link me
thedutchdon: research

FranBunnyFFXII: http://www.newscientist.com/article/...rain-scan.html
FranBunnyFFXII: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2011/01/26...gender-brains/
FranBunnyFFXII: The results showed that trans men – those born biologically female but living as male – had white matter where it is usually found in male brains.

FranBunnyFFXII: This is thought to be the first time that scientists have been able to show that trans men’s brains are masculinised.
FranBunnyFFXII: In another study, they compared the brains of 18 trans women – born male but living as female – with 19 men and 19 women.
FranBunnyFFXII: The trans women’s brains showed that the structure of the white matter was halfway between a typical male and a typical female brain.
FranBunnyFFXII: According to the scientific method
FranBunnyFFXII: two studies
FranBunnyFFXII: seperate one of another
FranBunnyFFXII: with the same apparent results
FranBunnyFFXII: brings evidence to validate the theory
FranBunnyFFXII: http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/85/5/2034.full
FranBunnyFFXII: The male-to-female transsexual has a BSTc in the female range. *, Blood vessel. Bar represents 0.35 mm.
FranBunnyFFXII: Soruced are cited at the bottom