yes, I do think that feminine features would make one more likely, because as a teen I was mistaken for female quite frequently. at first it was annoying, especially since I was already a cd! but then I had to of course see if there was anything to it, so I began experimenting w/ make-up and hair and a full femme image. I was shocked and afraid to learn that not only did I look like a girl, I looked like a PRETTY girl! or at least I thought so. as a male, I'm not overly masculine or feminine, but have small hands, hair and nails that grow as long and healthy as I can allow, and boobies that are just a bit too bouncy for a boy! so a fairly girlish figure too. very little facial and body hair, and my legs smoothly shaven might make some females jealous LOL! but my point is, I already had a femme side manifesting itself way before puberty, I consider myself tg and born in the wrong sex, my crossdressing just made me accept and embrace it.