1) A few weeks ago, my regular therapist moved away (I posted about that.) I'm in line for a different therapist at the same location (but haven't heard back yet.) The new therapist supposedly has experience with transgender and transsexuals, so the change in perspective could be interesting.

2) Effective the same week, my massage therapist moved away. I switched to a new therapist at the same location, one with more experience. The new massage therapist has zoomed in to a bunch of areas I hadn't even realized needed treatment, and through her efforts we have found clearly that I do not have the more serious "sciatica" (which involves damage to the nerves of the back), and instead have piriformus syndrome, which is hip muscles pressing on the sciatic nerve. Which is still ouchie but better prognisis. So switching turned out to be good, resulting in more appropriate treatment.

3) This morning at work, our vice president announced that two programmes were being cut at work as part of the ongoing reorganization. Award winning work, but essentially not enough short-term profit potential. Ironic, considering that we are non-profit. Anyhow, my position was one of the ones cut, and I have received the official notice . I had mooted my concern about this possibility in earlier postings, and now it happened. And I guess, now I can start moving on to other things.

I don't expect to find new employment immediately. I won't need to, and I'm not sure that it would be the best thing for me. Sometimes one needs a rest.

But since I am going to be off work for a time, this is a potential opportunity to work on myself. Maybe some voice lessons. Maybe a name change. I don't know.

An opportunity, but I don't know yet what I want to do towards transition.

So the current job goes away, and yet over the long term that might not be so bad.

Life's a funny ole' thing.