Please bear with me for posting here, for I am only transgendered, but Wife and I just watched the 2 hour season finale of Touch on FOX, and I must comment.

The series involves an autistic savant bringing people together through a supernatural understanding of numbers in the Universe, or something close to that.

Tonight, a person was bringing 50 musicians/groups from around the world together to sing a song at the same time. One brother group, Jamaica (not sure), and one brother disappeared for some 20 years, and the remaining brother refused to sing without his brother.

The person found the wife of the brother in the us, and confronted her about why her husband could desert the brother. Her response was .....How could i continue to sing with him knowing that this was not true to what i trruly knew to by myself within.....or something like that. She was transexual and had transitioned, and was living this life, avoiding her family.

She was reuinted with the brother and they sang the song together over the Internet.

Nothing was said about transexuals or choices, just a statement of what was done, and what hurt it can cause.

You here are all in my prayers. Many of you have endured separation from family members to pursue yourself. I cried during this part of the show, thinking about the suffering many of you have endured for your truth. I wish you all the utmost happiness in recognizing your womanly nature, starting your journey, and arriving at your position.

Pardon my intrusion. I love you all.
