back in my crossdressing days, (the crazy summer of 2009) I was going out a LOT and my friends would always comment on how much the ladies loved me. A couple of the guys would joke that they were gonna start wearing dresses too. I don't really know why I attracted attention, I was clearly a dude in a dress (still had beard shadow back then even) but I would venture a guess that it was because I was having a good time. It's been said a hundred times, women go out to have fun. If they're not interested in having a good time, they generally don't go out clubbing. My guy friends would hang out around the dance floor and wonder why I'm dancing with three chicks and they're not, and all I would say is, I don't know, maybe because I'm dancing instead of watching.

Ya gotta go where the fish are guys. I'm not even attracted to women but they would still rather hang out with me laughing and dancing than sitting in the corner with Gloomy Gus. The crossdressing is secondary. You guys keep saying it's only a PART of who you are, but many of you (the lonely ones) put it front and center when you're out and about where you could potentially meet someone. "I'm a man who just likes to CD" is a constant refrain around here, but when you meet a potential partner you're more concerned about pretending to be a girl than you are about enjoying yourself. That is NOT attractive. Let your guard down, be vulnerable, be awkward, just don't be SHY. Try and be somebody that a pretty girl might want to hang around with.