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Thread: Same old question WHY

  1. #1
    Aspiring Member Amanda_P's Avatar
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    Same old question WHY

    I just want to put out there the old mystery that has bothered all of us at one time or another and see what kind of response I get.

    Why is it that women can go around and dress in mens clothes but if a man is seen in a dress, skirt, or a nice shirt he must be gay. It is true when I dress up I wear a bra and panties with my fake breast and ass and try to look as feminine as possible. But with all the equal rights and BS why do we still need to hide or be ridiculed.

  2. #2
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Because we're not wearing men's clothes. We're wearing women's clothes. Personally, I wear a size 8 tall. I don't think that men's clothes are sized like that.

    Maybe you're comparing current women's styles to the styles that women wore in the 1950s?

    Edit - Men can redefine their style too, if they want to. In fact, I saw a skirt designed for men on Zappos a few weeks ago for $75 but it is no longer available. It was skirt designed for mountaineering. There are more man-skirts featured here, just click on the arrow for all seven slides:

    These men don't look gay to me at all.
    Last edited by ReineD; 08-02-2012 at 03:30 AM.

  3. #3
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    Well, the short answer is that there is a double standard in play.
    Women have become more androgenous as they began to enter the workforce in more non-traditional roles. To counter the stigma of women in the "male" work roles they started dressing more maculine. This competition with men became the basis for their masculine attire.
    Another reason, as I see it, men have often thought of women wearing their shirts as sexy.
    But it still boils down to a double standerd.
    Since men have been the competitive model that women emulate it has become acceptable for women to cross to male. But, since we men are the emulation model there is no basis there for men crossing to female as we are not competing in a women's world and since so much is made about image as a contributor to success there is therefore a stigma about men reversing the roles by dressing feminie. Guys just aren't supposed to act feminine. It's all about macho. Even the Villiage People (flamboyantly gay) singing about being a "Macho man" or as I like to sing along say Nacho man. hehehehe
    BTW I think it is a lot of malarchy. But I still shy away from presenting female in public. Ah well!

    If ya think I am full of _____ you may be right. The above is just my humble opine.


  4. #4
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    First, you assume it has bothered all of us at one time or another. It has never bothered me. In general, men are thought to be big, strong and tough, while women are thought to be pretty, gentle, and physically weaker. So when a man wants to look pretty or sexy, like a woman, it is assumed he is gay and weak as a man. It is generally accepted for a woman to want to be stronger and her manner of dress does not sound alarms as to her sexuality. Then back to sexuality, as much as being gay is more accepted today then in recent decades, it is still more taboo for a man to be bi or gay then it is for a woman. So even if a woman dressed in men's clothes is assumed to be gay or bi, it is not frowned upon as much as a man being bi or gay. Especially by other men. For this and other reasons, it is not generally accepted for a man to desire looking sexy or pretty in a dress or skirt. It offends the macho image most have when thinking of what a man is. It offends no one when a woman wears clothes designed for the opposite sex since there is usually no sexual connotation to her dressing while it is associated with men dressing as the so called weaker sex. usually when a man wears women's wear in public, he is also presenting as a woman complete with wig, make up, shaved body, perfume and hose. While a woman wearing anything designed for a man is not presenting as a man unless she is TS wanting to be a male. Beyond that, it simply is what it is. I am not complaining. I understand the reasons better then I can express them here and personally would not want to see it changed.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    As Renie says, we are wearing women's clothes.
    If some of my acquaintences see a woman with a short haircut male shirt shoes and trousers, she is immediately tagged a lezzie.
    I mean no offense to the lesbian population at all but this is a redneck perception.
    So women are not free to just dress up an go out and present in male clothing, they get read as well, sometimes more unkindly.
    Looking attractive and wearing male clothing can help them get away with it.
    Working as a store woman in a factory a girl in a frilly blouse short skirt and heels would be open to ridicule so she dresses appropriately.
    Working as a store man in a factory a man in a frilly blouse short skirt and heels would be open to ridicule so he dresses appropriately ALSO!
    I am biased against militant people who want to just stand out and be exhibishionists just to make a point.
    I do not understand it.
    Until the broader population understands cross dressers we will just have to be more tactful.
    Last edited by Beverley Sims; 08-02-2012 at 04:18 AM. Reason: spelling and syntax
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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    I have yet to see women wearing mens clothing. Women wear clothing designed for women. Their pants are cut different at the waist, hips, and crotch and the lengths are different. Tops are darted in many cases, etc. Who said women must dress in dresses and high heels? Not women, particularly when society decided they needed two cars, a cottage, crap for the kids, etc., and they needed it now so off to work went mommy. Step back in time when 'large' was sexy and the 'in' thing for women? If you want to blame someone because men do not wear styles that resemble womens clothing, blame men.

  7. #7
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    "It is true when I dress up I wear a bra and panties with my fake breast and ass and try to look as feminine as possible. But with all the equal rights and BS why do we still need to hide or be ridiculed."

    you know, women actually wear bras for a reason. They also don't generally stuff their underwear to simulate a male bulge nor do they (usually) try to minimize their butt.

  8. #8
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audreyinalbany View Post
    " But with all the equal rights and BS why do we still need to hide or be ridiculed."
    Like I said earlier, it is what it is. We are not going to change people's opinions or expect them to accept what many find as strange, weird, sick, or otherwise socially unacceptable. It's like trying to get a straight person to turn gay, or a gay person to turn straight. Blunty, it ain't happenin' Accept it and deal with it.

  9. #9
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Basically, it's just the mindset of "society". It's also a propriety thing. If a woman wears "men's clothes", it's considered stylish. If a man wears "women's clothes" it's considered abnormal. You can't fight "city hall" but you can ignore them if you choose to.
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  10. #10
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Hell Just Do it ,,I do,,,,, obviously ya dont want to wear a dress out all the time ,,But you can compromise an wear something just a little risky . LOL.. Start out with something simple like shorts or capris ,, An just go from there ? You can get away with alot more than you think ,, Alot of GGs cant pull off heels or platforms ,,Just look around an yull see , Just wear what they wear ,,Ill bet no one says a word !
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  11. #11
    Aspiring Member Amanda_P's Avatar
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    But they do have things to increase the breast push up bras wonder bras and even shape ups. Then they even have but enhancers to make their butt look better. Even with a GG your not even sure of what you are getting.

  12. #12
    Member Lainie's Avatar
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    So, you want to look as feminine as possible, but not be ridiculed?
    No problem. I do it often, although the handlebar mustache puts a limit on how feminine I can look. No one has ever ridiculed me, in shops, restaurants, art galleries, subway, wherever, not once. A lot of smiles, & a few compliments. I did hear "what the f***?" behind me on a sidewalk in Boston once, but I don't know it was directed at me. And once in Houston a pick-up truck at a stop sign nudged me as U crossed in front of it. Maybe just driver carelessness.
    Some gay men hoped I was gay, but were easily dissuaded.


    You're only young once, but you can be immature forever!

  13. #13
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lainie View Post
    So, you want to look as feminine as possible, but not be ridiculed?
    No problem. I do it often, although the handlebar mustache puts a limit on how feminine I can look. No one has ever ridiculed me, in shops, restaurants, art galleries, subway, wherever, not once. A lot of smiles, & a few compliments. I did hear "what the f***?" behind me on a sidewalk in Boston once, but I don't know it was directed at me. And once in Houston a pick-up truck at a stop sign nudged me as U crossed in front of it. Maybe just driver carelessness.
    Some gay men hoped I was gay, but were easily dissuaded.
    I have been crossdressing for over 60 years. When I was old enough to use makeup I started going out in public as Stephanie! Then when I got married, my late wife did my makeup and really did make me look feminine. I could pass quite easily!

    When she passed away 7 years ago, I decided to try going out dressed enfemme but looking like the man that I am! The only comments that I have heard are questions as to where I bought the dress, skirt, or top that I am wearing! As long as you are decently covered, most people don't care what you are wearing!! If you do go for show. then yes you are going to hear comments, some of which will not be good! But that is your own fault!!

    As has been said, most women who dress in what seems to be mens clothing are usually wearing man styled clothing made for a woman!! And I doubt that many women wear mens underwear!! I am a man, but I wear panties and a bra almost every day because I am a crossdresser!

    Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sissystephanie View Post
    I have been crossdressing for over 60 years. When I was old enough to use makeup I started going out in public as Stephanie! Then when I got married, my late wife did my makeup and really did make me look feminine. I could pass quite easily!

    When she passed away 7 years ago, I decided to try going out dressed enfemme but looking like the man that I am! The only comments that I have heard are questions as to where I bought the dress, skirt, or top that I am wearing! As long as you are decently covered, most people don't care what you are wearing!! If you do go for show. then yes you are going to hear comments, some of which will not be good! But that is your own fault!!

    As has been said, most women who dress in what seems to be mens clothing are usually wearing man styled clothing made for a woman!! And I doubt that many women wear mens underwear!! I am a man, but I wear panties and a bra almost every day because I am a crossdresser!
    I am a GG and here might be another spin on this......I love to wear mens clothes ! Except for boxers and BVDS. I love the way mens shirts feel and when I was younger I wore guys Jeans...mens shoes are so comfortable.

    So many guys see a woman in a guys dress shirts and nothing else and say that there is nothing sexier.....

    In Scotland guys wear Kilts.. nobody says anything to that. But what is a kilt other than a mens skirt?!

    As to high heels ...they are made to make your legs and butt look great....Why wouldn't anyone not want to wear them if they make you look and feel great. After all that is what they are made for.

    If a woman wearing guys clothes is a turn on why not the opposite? Perhaps I'm a horndog ... but skirts = one thing easy access....ooops maybe TMI...but its realistic. Makes one wonder what is underneath. Lol

    I also may be Jaded and very open minded ...I am a hairdresser and there isn't much I haven't seen.

    What it all boils down to ... If it feels good and doesnt harm anyone DO IT ! The Hell with what anyone thinks.
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  15. #15
    ad omnis par
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    I've had a theory on this for some time now.

    Feminism in america did not equate the feminine and the masculine. It allowed females to move from their lower feminine status to the higher masculine status.
    The masculine expression is still considered the better, higher expression and the feminine the lesser, lower expression. Think about it. If a male wears a dress, he is less than a man, but if a female stands up for her self, 'good for her, she grew a pair'.

    We need to equate the feminine and masculine as equally important expressions of humanity.

    Personal opinion. I've been wrong before...
    ad omnis par

    Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

  16. #16
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda_P View Post
    I just want to put out there the old mystery that has bothered all of us at one time or another and see what kind of response I get.
    Never bothered me.... ever....
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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  17. #17
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    Only thing that bothers me is....... why is this subject continuously brought up here? At least once a week!! Like google,... the "search" button here is your friend.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heather Daniels View Post
    Only thing that bothers me is....... why is this subject continuously brought up here? At least once a week!! Like google,... the "search" button here is your friend.
    You may be an old hand here, others are not, no topic is totally covered and unless it has been discussed recently, then any topic, within the rules is valid
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  19. #19
    Senior Member charlie's Avatar
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    Because we are different from the "normal society". Most men would rather be punched then wear panties. We (the cross dressing community) are not really understood by ourselves. When I'm asked why I dress I can't give a reason why....only that I must. That seemed to be the prevalent answer when that thread is put forward.

  20. #20
    wishing on a star! Rebecca Star's Avatar
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    Like others traversing from the "norm", we as CD's, are simply wired differently. It's part of our gene makeup.
    Though, I'm past the point of trying to figure out what came first, "the chicken or the egg."

    Put simply, I am therefore I be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Annette Todd View Post
    Well, the short answer is that there is a double standard in play.
    And most women who protest to the "female clothes, male clothes" debate, know damn well it's a double standard too. However turn the tables to a topic not fair in their eyes and watch the feathers fly.

    If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!
    Last edited by Rebecca Star; 08-02-2012 at 06:22 PM.
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  21. #21
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillleanne View Post
    I have yet to see women wearing mens clothing.

    Hmm... you must not be in the US. I see women in men's clothing all he time. Especially shirts and jeans. Sometimes even shoes and boots. There was a real fashion thing a few years ago where girls wore men's boxer shorts in public after sewing the fly shut. The do wear men's clothes, what guy has not seen the photo of a woman in a man's shirt and nothing else? The difference? They don't worry about what you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda_P View Post

    Why is it that women can go around and dress in mens clothes but if a man is seen in a dress, skirt, or a nice shirt he must be gay. It is true when I dress up I wear a bra and panties with my fake breast and ass and try to look as feminine as possible. But with all the equal rights and BS why do we still need to hide or be ridiculed.
    I missed the memo. I am gay?

    One reason is ...look in the mirror. The majority of the guys who think women care at all have never asked a woman. My wife always had a good answer for this "Go ahead, I would not wear that if I didn't have to, but you go right ahead"
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  22. #22
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    Because very few women wear men's clothing in an attempt to try to fool others into thinking she is a man.

    People generally, whether male or female, only enoy being tricked or duped by magicians.

    The REAL question is WHO says anyone needs to hide?

    Are there laws against crossdressing that I am not aware of?

  23. #23
    trans punk Badtranny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda_P View Post
    But with all the equal rights and BS why do we still need to hide or be ridiculed.
    Because you're too afraid to live your own life. It's as simple as that. You do NOT need to hide and you probably get ridiculed more than you know already.

    If you don't like the way the world is, then BE the change. I'm doing my part, what are you doing?
    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B
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  24. #24
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badtranny View Post
    Because you're too afraid to live your own life. It's as simple as that. You do NOT need to hide and you probably get ridiculed more than you know already.

    If you don't like the way the world is, then BE the change. I'm doing my part, what are you doing?
    Thats right ,,Ya gotta get busy living or get busy hiding ,, Cuz aint no body gonna wear them clothes for ya ,,,Oh I will Sorry,,, But anyway dont wait around for someone to give you permision .. I man once told me its better to ask for forgivness than for permission . So when your out dressed an someone says ,,,HEY you got GIRL CLOTHES on ,,Just say ,,,Ohhhhh Sorry it was laundery Day !! An keep on shoping ,,,Hey it works for me,, Example,,, True Story;;;; Awhile back my Mother in Law asked me if I had on my wifes shoes ? I just looked at her an said Hell No ,,She wears like an 8 ,, An left it at that ! Just the other day a costumer ask me while I was at work if I had on my wifes pants,,Capris ,, Anyway I said hell no ya want her to kill me or what ? Ya see do what ya want dont give up your POWER ,,,, Thats yours ,, Just say something witty an keep moving ,,No need to explain nothing . Your not DR PHIL
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  25. #25
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    when a man dresses in women clothing he is attempting to present as a woman,fool people into thinking he is a female.

    when a woman wears pants, and unisex clothing she is not trying to fool people into thinking she is a man. There in lies the difference, big difference.

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