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Thread: How do we convince SOCIETY...

  1. #1
    Banned Read only
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    How do we convince SOCIETY...

    to ACCEPT us...

    would be a very silly question.

    Wouldn't it?

    Exactly WHAT is YOUR idea of acceptance? For all of you in the closet wanting OUT, when will you know for sure that "Society" accepts us? At what point will you know it is safe to come out?

    Would it be good enough that evey single person within your range of vision SEES and watches you for 2 seconds and then returns to what they were doing? Is that acceptance?

    Or do they need to look for 4 seconds?

    Or look for 5 seconds, while giving you the double thumbs up with big smile on their face?

    Or would you prefer them to immediately stop what they are doing and give you a big round of applause? Am I getting warm? How much applause is enough and how much is too much?

    What might it mean if they stand, clap and laugh ALL at the same time? But of course we know SOME people are mind readers here and you WOULD know if they are laughing at you or with you. And we all know one is OK but one is not.

    Name just one thing on the planet that everyone "accepts".

    There are a LOT of bad drivers out there. Chances are very good, that if you are 40 or over, you have been in some kind of minor or major car accident. Did you stop driving/riding in cars?

    Many people do not "accept" Religion. Do some of you let that stop you from going to church every Sunday?

    So WHAT will it take?

  2. #2
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    I don't worry about acceptance Hon and if they want to laugh, more power to them. I never take myself that seriously anyway. I need to prove nothing and no one owes me anything either.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  3. #3
    Ragin Cajun meganmartin's Avatar
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    Personally I feel we each just go out have our fun and be respectful is the best way to change the opinions of others. Just being ourselves will do it when others seem to notice we are just having fun and not hurting anyone a few will change some will never change.
    Megan Martin

    " some guys play golf, I play girl"

  4. #4
    Duchess of Eyeliner Erica2Sweet's Avatar
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    The answer: Global takeover.

  5. #5
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    Kinda like Kate says! I let you live! You let me live!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  6. #6
    Senior Member Diversity's Avatar
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    For me it will be when I can 'jump in the water and not make a ripple'....

  7. #7
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    Acceptance is "blandness"

    Think about how all other minorities were "accepted"; their presence in a store, or other venue, was regarded as 'no big deal'. Nobody (well almost nobody) reacts when a black, or mixed-race, couple is served in a restaurant or a store.

    That is what I would like, to be treated when dressed; exactly as I'm treated dressed en-bland. Effectively a "gender blind" (equal to color-blind) society.

    Maybe some day,

  8. #8
    Member Ashley D.'s Avatar
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    The only acceptance I want is from the people I know and love.
    For everyone els I want to pass but if not I couldn't care less what they think.
    I'm me and I will be happy!
    Always remimber life is what you make it.
    So make it Beautiful.

    Love Ashley Dawn!/ashley...00004093583692

  9. #9
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    As long as I accept myself..... I could care less what anyone else thinks.......
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  10. #10
    Member Joanne.England's Avatar
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    Acceptance to me would be when nobody actually notices and they just carry on with business. A long way to go yet.
    I love the feeling of being dressed.
    I have a dream of true equality - including clothes and make up.
    Hugs Joanne.

  11. #11
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    You can't. You simply have to be visible for long enough that it's no longer a big deal for them.

  12. #12
    I accept myself as is Gillian Gigs's Avatar
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    First would have to come tolerance, and that is the first and a major hurdle to overcome. After that we can start to work on acceptance. To many of us are not even at the pont of self acceptance, so that in itself is a very good place to start.
    I like myself, regardless of the packaging that I may come in! It's what is on the inside of the package that counts!

  13. #13
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Is the Coast Clear ?

    Attachment 188647

    How Bout the last one ,,,, Stand an clap !!!

    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  14. #14
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Acceptance comes with familiarity. If people see enough of us in public and realize that we are not pervs, weirdos and such (dressing appropriately for the venue helps) then over time we will no longer be an oddity and somewhere along that line acceptance will be gained.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  15. #15
    Member sonna's Avatar
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    do not make your selfs slaves to society if you want to go out then go out its your body
    its your life grab the wheel and take control i repeat that take control

    if people just hide in the corner and waited for other people to change there mind
    no matter how wrong it was, we would not even be here having this conversation
    would we.

  16. #16
    Platinum Member
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    Hi W.A.H., Acceptance by society?? Not in this lifetime!!
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member Amanda_P's Avatar
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    But then you have to think of your family and the redicule that they will recieve. It would be nice to be out and free to be who we want. But do you subject your family to all the harsh comments and laughs.

  18. #18
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Orchid, maybe not in yours but I see it in the next generation. In the last month I have met so many young people who just want to be friends and don't care how one presents. It is the learned behavior we have to break. Just as with every other civil rights struggle. We will need to accept a majority who are not offended or who look askance at us, it will never be 100% (as it still isn't for races, religions, sexes, regional). So many people now have an agenda that as long as you do not interfere with that agenda, they just DON'T care.

    And I feel the only way is to desensitize society. When it becomes "normal" to see us then it will become unnoticeable and will be passe. Very few people will come to your closet and ask you to step out.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
    Chief Joseph
    Nez Perce

    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheryl T View Post
    Acceptance comes with familiarity.
    But, Cheryl, doesn't familiarity breed something?

    Hi, Wild! There are some people saying here that they don't care what other people think of them. I personally think that we have to care in some ways. It depends on who you're dealing with because I think there are different levels of acceptance.

    One would be in casual encounters with strangers. E.g., you're out shopping, you run into various people here and there, who may possibly notice you for a couple of seconds and then may well never see you again for the rest of their lives. With those people you don't have to care what they think of you. With such people acceptance means that they simply leave you alone to go about your business.

    The next level up would be not so casual encounters with strangers. E.g., it might be an SA in a place where you're shopping. Acceptance there would mean that he/she treats you the way they would any other customer. I personally care what they think of me because if they're nice to me, it makes shopping much more fun. If they're not so nice to you, no big deal, you can shake it off and maybe you shop somewhere else next time.

    The next level up would be sustained encounters with non-strangers. Maybe you're out in a pub, e.g., with people that you plan to spend the evening with. Or maybe they're colleagues you see every day. With them again, acceptance means that they treat you like they would anybody else.

    And the next level is people you're close to--family or friends. And there, acceptance to my mind is something deeper. Because they perhaps have a glimpse of what you truly are, and they don't love you any the less for that. This is where I'm hurting just a bit these days. A while back I came out to my son, and though he's accepted me on one level, he has yet to accept me on another. That is, he hasn't rejected me, we're still friends. But on the other hand, he doesn't want to talk about my TGism, he apparently doesn't want to know anything about it. Which means that he hasn't given me the deep acceptance that you'd like to have from those you love. Acceptance there means that he knows all about me, he sees my TGism for what it is, and he's comfortable with it. That's asking a lot, and it may be a long time before he gets to that point. I'm not pushing him. It took me a long time to get to that point, so it's no surprise if he needs some time as well.

    As to how we persuade society to accept us, that's what my signature is about:

    If we consider how it is only by groping our way through a fog that we become familiar with most of the things we meet with, we will surely conclude that if they come to seem less strange to us, it is not because we gain an understanding of them, but rather simply because we get used to them. Montaigne, Vol. 1, XXVI

    Best wishes, Annabelle

  20. #20
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    I certainly hope Lori is right.
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  21. #21
    Banned Read only
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    Unhappy We Don't Want to Be Unacceptable

    How do we convince society to accept us? I think that what this means to most crossdressers who have seriously thought about it is: “How do we do our part to help create and maintain a social climate in which most people agree that we’re okay?” It would be silly to think that “acceptance” means that people would stand up and applaud us when we enter a restaurant. Likewise, it would be silly to think that there will ever be unanimity in opinions about crossdressing — after all, no such unanimity exists about women wearing slacks … or anything else.

    We don’t want to be unacceptable to most people because that would put us in greater danger. In the US, state and federal hate crime laws and corporate policies offer us quite a bit of protection — in a restaurant, at work, and in other settings. But such laws and policies would never have come about if a large percentage of the public thought that we were immoral or otherwise unworthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How do we maintain a reasonable degree of public acceptance? We can do that best by being friendly, treating others with respect, being self-assured, and not coming across as a threat to non-crossdressers.

  22. #22
    Silver Member kellycan27's Avatar
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    How?.. One person at a time.
    "one day I'll fly away..... leave all this to yesterday"

  23. #23
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kellycan27 View Post
    How?.. One person at a time.
    Just choose that one person very carefully! lol.

  24. #24
    Member sonna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Ann View Post
    How do we convince society to accept us? I think that what this means to most crossdressers who have seriously thought about it is: “How do we do our part to help create and maintain a social climate in which most people agree that we’re okay?” It would be silly to think that “acceptance” means that people would stand up and applaud us when we enter a restaurant. Likewise, it would be silly to think that there will ever be unanimity in opinions about crossdressing — after all, no such unanimity exists about women wearing slacks … or anything else.

    We don’t want to be unacceptable to most people because that would put us in greater danger. In the US, state and federal hate crime laws and corporate policies offer us quite a bit of protection — in a restaurant, at work, and in other settings. But such laws and policies would never have come about if a large percentage of the public thought that we were immoral or otherwise unworthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How do we maintain a reasonable degree of public acceptance? We can do that best by being friendly, treating others with respect, being self-assured, and not coming across as a threat to non-crossdressers.
    good one thank you and a great way to say it.

  25. #25
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    One person at a times sounds like a great idea, as I stated in another thread my homophobic neighbor gave me a compliment a few days ago, yesterday he said hello & smiled.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

    My Love of Cat's Eye Frames, Bangles, Red Lipstick, Nails, & Cheeks, Comes From My Mother - An Irish Beauty

    I'm Always Rainbow Proud

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