i often read posts and wonder why others write about their shopping experience.

i have shopped in drab to the point that this is little to no buzzzz from the shopping. this weekend, i decided that i want a wig. up until now, i bought one cheap wig some years ago..... it looks like a wig. so i looked up addresses and made plans. after work, i went to the first shop - i got nerveous. went to the door and the stored was closed due to ownership change.

i then drove to the second chance store. there i was greeted nicely, i explained the need for a wig - females and got a Ohhhhh. the owner asked several questions about style color and others. She then escorted me to a back room that was set up for styling. She showed me a couple of cheap wigs ($30) and i was not impressed.

she ended up showing several wigs and pot each on for me to view. i ended up with a regualr sized wig rather than large cap as she had many more to celect from in average size.

she found wigs to match my grey hair. this is what i wanted so it was not a stark contrast....

i found one that i like - age appropriate.

yes i paid more for the service....it was worth it to get to try on wigs, to have the owner show how to style and fluff it.

as i had on a wig another customer walked in to get supplies and she made a comment about that is certainly a change over how i last saw you. what?????? she and the owner talked a bit. the other customer then came to me and stated that she did not want me to think that she had comments about me but the owner normally have long hair. wow, that helped to settle my netrves.

the rush is back as i shopped for a wig.