My wife and I may go out on Halloween or the weekend before Halloween with me dressed. I would be dressed as a "normal" woman my age, not in a "costume". This outing might include one or more bars, not because we are big drinkers (I can't drink anymore), but because there aren't really any other destinations that I can think of other than just walking up and down the streets in the bar district. It's probably important to know that this will be (if it happens) the first time she will be out with me dressed.

So here's the question:

It's been discussed many times before, what restroom should I use in the bar? Normally, my advice to someone else would be to use a family, unisex, or single stall restroom if available, otherwise, if you think you pass, use the ladies restroom.

The reason I post this question is, on Halloween, I can expect many bar patrons to be in costume and probably some will be males in female costumes, but obviously male because they are not "crossdressers". I expect they would use the men's restroom as they are not trying to pass, just having fun in a costume.

That leaves me, trying to pass as a female, but in the company of males not trying to "pass" and a bunch of males, possibly drunk, who might take offense with me using the ladies room along with their girlfriends.

So, advice, please ?