Today I bought a gift card for my stylist who waxes my brows, has given me a ton of makeup, and we've become great gurl friends. My wife also visits the same salon and stylist and had an appointment today after work for coloring and a cut. Why did I follow my wife there with an envelope? It was to express my appreciation to our stylist for her friendship, love, and kindness. I told her to open it when she got home.

While we were there, and I hope my wife wasn't uncomfortable, my stylist and I dicussed many things with me regarding a good eye liner, growing out my nails, waxing our arms, etc.. Meanwhile my wife seemed to begin feeling more comfortable. She hasn't come home yet so I'm waiting for feedback.

When I was there last Friday the ladies just smiled after I left and loved how brave I was to be partially en femme! There was NO derrogatory talk. Yippee!

Last Friday I got a trim so my wigs fit better and I got my brows waxed to their final shape. My stylist probably didn't notice but I had applied mascara today. My wife didn't notice!

Baby steps! The best is yet to come!

Cheryl Ann