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Thread: Do you try to dress like a real woman?

  1. #51
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I try as best I can to dress like a real woman, in styles and makeup that are appropriate for my age and the situation, while compensating for some masculine features and accentuating feminine features.

  2. #52
    Senior Member Suzanne F's Avatar
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    I agree that you have a great sense of style. I bought a new lace front wig Saturday that I hope will make me look more like you ! Hope you are doing well!

  3. #53
    Senior Member Jenn A116's Avatar
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    I understand what the OP is talking about here. My wife and I usually visit P-Town 2-3 times a year. You can easily spot the CD's because they are the ones wearing a skirt and heels. All the GG's are wearing shorts/capri's, a casual top and sneakers.
    Jenn A --- nothing fancy, just me.

  4. #54
    Senior Member michelleddg's Avatar
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    Yes, I try for the real woman look. However, I'm a girly girl so it's always full on, not much for jeans and tshirt. Nails, makeup, hair done nice, well-coordinated, carefully chosen bling. I save the designer dress and high heels for nice restaurants, but am still probably in the top 10% of "scrubbed up" at the mall. Hugs, Michelle

  5. #55
    Belle Femme renee elizabeth's Avatar
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    When i dress up i prefer to be totally glammed up. but sometimes i will dress casual, thats the fun part of being a woman. You can be the business professional. And you can also be a glamourous lady.
    You Don't Have To Be Female To Enjoy Being A Woman

  6. #56
    AKA Jenni Aly Jenni Yumiko's Avatar
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    I dress like most gg's I see around here, jeans n tshirt.
    Comfy n easy.

  7. #57
    Aspiring Member TeresaCD's Avatar
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    For me, elegant, stylish, Jackie O ish. But suited to where I am going out (wow, I can say that now)
    I want to look the best I can, so the girl in the mirror is as close as he one in the head
    Learning to be me - the best me I can be

  8. #58
    Junior Member
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    Very casual... I've always been the "jeans and a t-shirt" type. Today was a plain blue v-neck and blue/white plaid shorts.

  9. #59
    Senior Member MissTee's Avatar
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    I'm a moderate. Try to dress mainstream and comfortable. Certainly nothing that screams street walker. I do have a passion for the ultra feminine like flowey skirts, ruffles and lace on tunics, floral patterns, too cute shoes. Yet, even those have to be something I would be proud to show off to a semi-conservative crowd.

  10. #60
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Real women wear clothes, that's what I do.
    I dress to blend and that usually means casual.
    Dressy for an evening out.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  11. #61
    Silver Member DebbieL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelicityMay View Post
    Hey everybody!
    I have heard the phrase "real women don't actually look like that" when talking about how cross dressers try to look. I think this comes from going over the top with insane makeup or outfits.
    Many of us go through a phase I call "Transgender Puberty". This is a period when we want to dress up and be as beautiful and sexy as we can possibly be, and as feminine as we can possibly be. This often includes high heels (3 inch or more), hosiery (usually stockings), skirt (mid-thigh or shorter), and sexy blouse, for me that was something in satin, and often two tight. Some even try to create cleavage using duct tape and wear low-cut blouses to show it off. This is very similar to the behavior of young girls during that stage of their lives when their breasts are first beginning to grow. They see singers, movie stars, and models and want to dress like them. They don't yet understand that some of these outfits are designed to be worn at a special event, such as an award show, premier, or a night-club. Usually, by the time they are 14-15, they divide into the "party girls" who go for the whole scene, including sex for drugs and lots of parties. Often, they dress extra sexy to recruit more sexy girls and rich guys to the parties.

    Cross-dressers, especially those who don't go out in public, often never get past that stage.

    I am wondering if a lot of you dress to look like the average girl, or if you go all out to seem as feminine as possible? I see lots of pictures here where girls really dress themselves up to try to look pretty extreme, and I would call it over the top if you are trying to blend in, or is it really just the feel of being so feminine that you are going for?
    Transsexuals who are considering transition often do a lot of "growing up" very quickly. Part of the transition process is "Real Life Experience" also known as RLE. One learns very quickly that dressing too well tends to cause both women and men to scrutinize you more carefully than they normally would. You also learn that 3 inch heels are sexy - for about 3 hours. Spending a whole day in them several days a week can be downright painful. If we are taller, the heels then make us really stand out.

    We begin to "dress to blend", opting for styles that are more like other women our age, weight, and height would wear. In my case, my wife actually told me to "stop dressing like a ****, dress like a real girl, and we can go out together more often". I let her coach me in my shopping, and began to buy more modest outfits, wearing camisoles with those v-neck tops, wearing women's slacks, longer shorts, and saving the skirts for special occasions such as parties or dances.

    Within weeks after taking this advice, I found that I was able to pass much more easily, often being completely unnoticed as anything other than a middle-aged woman shopping in a mall. I began wearing more of the women's clothing in boy mode, including pants, shoes with 2 inch chunk heels, and even women's jackets, usually after work. After "Flying Pretty" a few times and passing OK, I would just ditch my baggy man's shirt after work, and put on a pair of earrings.

    Eventually, the lines became so blurry that I would go to the airport dressed for comfort, wearing a camisole and jacket, with hair I started growing out (I agreed to have it shaved for Saint Baldrick's and donate the hair to locks of love if my wife raises at least $3000 for her own head shave - so the pledgers have to pay even if she doesn't make the target). I was quite surprised when I got to the security gate and the TSA person said "I can help you Miss", then showed my male ID and he did the double take and waved me through (apparently, there are lots of people "flying pretty" these days). My most recent pass this morning, with no make-up, no wig, no bra, and tennis shoes - the TSA officer took my driver's license, looked at me, looked at the license, back and forth about 5 times, convinced I had just given him the wrong ID. His jaw dropped, and he just said "go ahead Ma'am".

    I've reached the point where it's more of a scene when I use the men's room (have to sit these days), than when I use the ladies.

    I still dress male at work, because we haven't worked out the details yet, but even when I'm wearing my baggy men's shirts, men will hold the door for me and say "go ahead ma'am".

    I personally am pretty casual about dressing, and don't really shoot to be anything like a model. So what kind of look are you girls trying to get?
    These days I try to dress situation appropriate. If it's warm, I can wear shorts and tennis shoes with a women's blouse and a padded bra, with or without a wig, and pretty much be accepted by men and women as a woman. If it's cold, I'll wear leggings and boots, or slacks with 2 inch heels, and a woman's sweater. I had large forms, but they added to much weight to the luggage, so I started using smaller forms, which actually makes it EASIER to pass. A 40B padded bra with the "chicken cutlets" pads available in most department stores, can give enough breast to pass without so much that people stare, look more carefully, and under deeper scrutiny, realize that they are breast forms being worn by a man.

    Remember, the goal of a cross-dresser is often to get affirmation. They may just admire themselves in a mirror, or post picture of themselves on a site like this, or go to a party or charity event dressed to the nines. People know she's a male, but are blown away at how beautiful she appears, even though it's obvious that she's male.

    The goal of a transsexual getting RLE is to blend so completely that nobody notices them at all, even in the ladies room. A transsexual knows they are ready for the next steps, such as hormones and surgical measures, when they can go anywhere, any time, and even be in a waiting line, use the ladies room, and no one ever realizes she still has a "cockette" between her legs.

    The biggest concern for a transsexual is when they are read in the lady's room. This is a situation that can go sour very quickly if not handled quickly. Even in states where transsexuals are protected (can't be denied use of either men's or women's rooms), if a woman clocks you in the women's room, she could call security, get violent, or even stir up several other women to violence.

    The only thing more challenging is when you start to head for the men's room because you think you DON'T pass, and someone shouts out "Ma'am, that's the wrong one". If you don't switch direction and take their correction, you can almost COUNT on having at least half dozen gawkers checking you out on your way out. If everybody is sober, it's not that serious, but if you have a lot of drunks, they can revert to the same kind of attacks they would use when they were kids in elementary school or middle school.

    If you really want to talk about blending strategies, you might want to check out the transsexual forum.
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  12. #62
    Just A Girl Next Door
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    I always try to blend in though I tend to favor turtlenecks and skirts. In general, the more that's covered, the better I look.

    The nice part about being middle-aged is that I think this does let me blend in pretty well, as long as the skirts are long enough. One thing is that I do try to dress age-appropriate. It's fun and tempting to go for younger but it's also hard to blend in that way. Most GGs approaching 50 have learned what works for them...or they look awful and attract unwanted attention if they haven't.

    I've been going out dressed a few times a month for several years now and kind of gauge how others react to particular outfits. I've had to toss a couple outfits, or keep them restricted to indoors, but I have several that seem to work for me. Overall I seem to pass the eye test. My voice often gives me away but most people I end up talking to are nice by that time even if they figure me out. And if not, I just get the heck out of there!

  13. #63
    Member cassexy's Avatar
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    well i dress like a real woman, i have more womens dressess and i have a large collections of bras , panties, skirts, inner skirts, chudidars and sarees and blouses than i have men dressess. i also wear wigs and make up

  14. #64
    Awakening AshleyScott's Avatar
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    No, not really

    Mes amis, bonjour from France...

    I don't try to dress like a real woman - but I do like a lot of what a real woman gets to wear.

    I like to see a woman who can carry off a mini skirt, tights and heels, without looking like a sl.ut. So that's what I often wear - and friends agree, I've got the legs for it

    I like to see a woman that looks good in well fitting jeans and flats, or shorts and sandals - so that's for me.

    A slim girl on the beach in her sexy bikini is A "WOW!". The pool attendants (all females) at my public swimming pool often comment on how nice I look, they also give little kisses hello "petite bisous" - but I only ever wear the bikini bottoms.

    I have a male torso and I'm fairly well muscled (plenty of yoga) - not like a body builder, just well toned. I am always well tucked.

    I guess above the waist I'm more masculine, but below I'm more feminine (in appearance).

    My only concession to make-up is to get a pedicure once a month and paint my toe nails.

    I've played some femal parts in amateur dramatics. The audience may see me as that female, but beneath that wig I always see me looking back in the mirror. So my balding head stays that way.

    I was at a swingers night club the other week. Chatting with a couple and another male, the male of the couple suddenly said to me "Do you know... we've been chatting for half an hour and I've only just noticed you're wearing a skirt".

    So I don't try to pass. I'm a hetero-sexual male that likes to wear female attire, at home and in public. I don't dress up and I don't dress down - I wear what I like,

    Does that make sense FelicityMay ?
    Last edited by AshleyScott; 06-18-2013 at 03:09 AM. Reason: grammar

  15. #65
    Andrew in drag FelicityMay's Avatar
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    yea I see what you mean...
    the great thing about cross dressing, or even any hobbies in life, you can do it whatever way pleases you the most! and you shouldn't let others tell you otherwise! do what makes you happy

  16. #66
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    Hmmm. Are "real" women defined by their casual or conservative clothes and makeup? CDers didn't invent six inch heels, short skirts, or heavy makeup. "Real" women did, and some CDers like the look, on GG's and themselves.
    I went to my bank yesterday. The CSR was a young, slim, attractive blonde wearing minimal makeup, nice pants, a cute top, and killer high heels. She was no hooker. Many women wear heavy makeup, and aren't hookers. And what's wrong with short skirts for showing off nice legs? Is it OK for me to call your wife or daughter a hooker because she wears high heels or short skirts? Why must some CDers do it to others?
    CDers can fool themselves into thinking they're women because they dress like "real" women, but are just men in dresses....I mean, flats, jeans, and a cute top. Of course the matter is entirely different for TS's. Duh. This is about CDing.
    I guess people will continue, as long as they're allowed, to make themselves feel better by putting others down by referring to their own style as classy and conservative while less conservative dressers are called trashy hookers. For a group of people wanting acceptance for their choices (to dress like women), there sure seems like a lot of intolerance for style choices of other CDers. So I'll play along: if you want to look like an old granny by wearing long dresses, flats, and no makeup, go for it. Some of us like to glam it up.

  17. #67
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    yes to the b est of my knows

  18. #68
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    As a closet cd, I prefer the ultra fem look that most GGs, or cds for that matter, would not be caught dead in!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jennialy View Post
    I dress like most gg's I see around here, jeans n tshirt.
    Comfy n easy.
    This is what I will never understand. If you are going to do that, then why bother to cd? Just go out in drab anyway.
    Last edited by Shelly Preston; 06-18-2013 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Merged - Please use the multi quote button

  19. #69
    Queen of the Faery Realms Bethany_Anne_Fae's Avatar
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    Hmmmm... well... I guess I fall into the not so normal category. I'm exploring new looks all the time as I get older and the luster of "pretty" wears off. I'm very eclectic/Stevie Nicks in style and have found several nice looks in that vein that can go anywhere. Clubbing is another matter though as I tend to seriously goth/steampunk myself up for a night of fun. Like others have stated, I try to dress for the occasion as much as possible, but I am definitely not a jeans n t-shirt sorta girl Whatever makes one comfortable is what matters.

    (Formerly known everywhere as Lady Zarabeth

  20. #70
    Member Carla4Guage's Avatar
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    When my goal is to go out, I dress as I see other women my age dress. As a play on words, dressing seldom includes a dress. Let's face it women don't seem to wear them often. I will wear a dress if going out at night, but even then I'm aware that I am the exception and try not to go overboard. I leave the fancy tights, short skirts and sexy things for my own pleasure at home, I can be just as "kinky" as I want, but in the privacy of my own home I am not degrading women and not attracting unwanted attention.


  21. #71
    Lady in Being (7/20/17) AmyGaleRT's Avatar
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    I don't have any ladies' pants yet, though I know it's a look I'll have to master. But I do have many casual dresses and skirt/top combinations, and those tend to be what I wear when going out. I don't wear the really fancy clothes except on special occasions, like PrideFest last weekend...and even then, once I got home, I changed to a more-casual dress to go out later. I don't go for really short skirts or tops that show a lot of skin, and, with the warm weather, I've been omitting pantyhose and going out bare-legged. So I'm maybe a couple of notches above average, but not too far out there.

    - Amy
    Amy Gale Ruth Bowersox (nee Tapie) - "Be who you are, and be it in style!"
    Member, Board of Trustees, Gender Identity Center of Colorado
    aka Amelia Storm - Ms. Majestic Hearts of All Colorado 2018-2019, Miss Majestic Hearts of All Colorado 2015-2016

  22. #72
    Making a life for Tina! suchacutie's Avatar
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    Hmmm, let's all remember that women DO usually dress appropriately if they have any fashion sense at all, and most do. They would no sooner wear a dazzling gown to Walmart or ripped jeans to an evening's elegant symphony concert (ok, so some are inept, but we'll leave them out of this conversation).

    So, my first point is that women have fashion sense and I attempt to fall into that category: not overdressing to the mall and not underdressing to a "dressy" event. There is nothing wrong with looking "professional" when walking through the mall or heading out to a restaurant for lunch, so a conservative skirt or dress is just fine. After all, how many times have you seen professional women at lunch dressed in a skirt or dress? I certainly have. I would wear jeans to Dunkin Donuts, but a skirt or dress works at Starbucks at lunchtime!

    The second point is that some of our wardrobe is dictated by covering up the male "clues". We can't really go out without some makeup, but we need to know when enough is enough. That's where we run into difficulty, and that's where a loving spouse or girlfriend is incredibly helpful as one developes a fashion sense.

    "Dressing like a woman" is not something simple to define, but in public it is something that makes me much more comfortable.

    Home alone: anything I feel like is totally appropriate!

  23. #73
    Silver Member Jilmac's Avatar
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    I've never been an over the top dresser, and I've been told by sevearl GGs that I blend in well.
    Luv and Jill

    Straight, into Fantasy Land

  24. #74
    Junior Member terri_sandal's Avatar
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    I always have tried to dress so sa to blend in ,that way no one gives a second look

  25. #75
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    I use to love to dress very curvy and feminine.
    But I have gone thru 2 different changes.
    I next moved to just wanting to blend in as a girl.

    Now I am not do not are that much ... I just want to feel like I am a girl.
    I wear my attached forms, so I feel like I have breasts, wear a corset - so the corset changes my walk and feel in clothes and I wear control top panties so I look/feel smooth down their.

    I just want to feel like I have a feminine body.

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