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Thread: Crossdressing is DANGEROUS

  1. #1
    Complex Lolita...
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    Crossdressing is DANGEROUS

    Crossdressing is definitely dangerous, in more ways than you may think…

    Recently I picked up a rather malicious virus on my computer, the third major event of this nature in the past five years. I had to take my laptop to Wichita for emergency repairs, since I couldn’t even get IN to my computer. I didn’t have my laptop for four days, an interminable time when so many things are going on, and so many important things are pending. For one thing, I couldn’t visit this site as I like to (dressed), but I was able to view things and post, meekly, using my sister’s computer in her room. Ah, technology…

    What does this have to do with crossdressing? Well, all three times that my computer became infected was the result of Freddy looking up something about crossdressing, usually searching around for a decent story or two – you know, for inspiration. I should stay here and twiddle my thumbs, I suppose, but there are precious little “happy” MtF CD stories to be found in these here confines. So, I venture forth, in search of imaginative fun, not really the truth, but a reasonable facsimile. A happier crossdressing world, where boys can be girls, must be out there somewhere, right?

    Apparently not. Oh, I’ve been looking ever since I logged on to the Internet many years ago, in fact the very first thing I looked up online was crossdressing ANYTHING. At that time I was in a dark CD wilderness, and I needed to shed some light on my own existence. Way back then, when I fancied myself as an innocent girl (still do), I found some really beautiful stories about crossdressing. This was very reassuring at the time, and it propelled me along on my continuing journey. Although I’m not really going anywhere specific, the journey is endlessly fascinating, so I keep going. Based on these early online experiences, I keep looking for some GOOD stuff…

    Unfortunately, they (whoever they are) have prepared a trap for me, and if I go a little too far I will fall into it. I seek “vanilla,” and I get poison in return. Every time I’ve been trapped, for lack of a better word, I was in the process of looking at something beautiful or innocent. Trust me. Right after that, the world came crashing down. This amazes me. What is so awful about MtF crossdressing? Has some societal watchdog decided to punish all who dare to even think about such delights? Why else would I be ensnared by my own curiosity? Am I being punished?

    I mean, I have to wade through nearly the entire lexicon of human depravity to come upon the pretty flower of MtF crossdressing (in my view), only to see it crushed under the boot of public opinion. It’s an adult “thing,” I suppose, but can’t we secede from the nation of Pornographia, at least long enough to enjoy our frilly panties? We largely closeted types aren’t hurting anybody with our precious daydreaming, so can we please be allowed to think our girly thoughts in peace? I may be perverted, in the eyes of others, but I assure you that my chosen perversion is healthy and natural

    This most recent event (with the virus) was so damning and so malicious that it shook me up for days. Looking at the screen of my laptop, and reading the words put there for my displeasure, I was thinking that I must be a criminal of some kind – what I had been looking at (which was benign in the extreme) must have been created for sick minds, or worse. I half-expected the doorbell to ring, and maybe field some questions from the police, or get some unwelcome phone calls from people in authority. Do I hide my CD stuff? I DID! I assume no one cares about my porn stash, but how do I explain my CD closet? Oh, I was worried for a while, but that was whole point of this “attack.” Breathe deeply, Freddy…

    Anyway, I drove to Wichita with my computer, got it fixed, and (thankfully) all is well. However, I’m left with this nagging feeling that MtF crossdressing is a dangerous enterprise, no matter what angle you may approach it from. It’s even dangerous, and costly, when you’re nosing around looking for something beautiful, but I guess few people see the beauty in what we (or some of us) do. There must be others who see things the way I do, and ignore all the ugliness, but is it necessary to set up minefields around our imagination, and funnel us into approved pursuits? I know it’s dangerous out there, no matter what we MtF crossdressers do. Even a person like me, with no SO, no sexual identity crisis, and no brakes on my imagination, is subject to extortion from those who have no imagination at all…

    Crossdressing is dangerous. I get it. I’ll be keeping a low profile from now on…

  2. #2
    Senior Member Deedee Skyblue's Avatar
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    Freddy, does your internet service provider include computer protection as part of their services? You should make sure you use something or other!

    It's not wrong... but it is forbidden!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Robin777's Avatar
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    Do you have a strong firewall on your computer and a high rated antivirus? I use free Zone Alarm for a firewall and free Avira for antivirus. Avast is another highly rated free antivirus by Consumer Reports.

  4. #4
    Banned Read only
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    Freddie, I'm appalled that you got a virus from visiting the nasties. The nasties are definitely dangerous to your health and the computer also. Just saying

    Oh Freddie, I had you on a pedestal and now, you have toppled. You dirty girl.
    Last edited by MysticLady; 10-14-2013 at 07:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Valley Girl Michelle789's Avatar
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    Freddy, the nasties will give you a virus, guaranteed. Going to legit CD or TG websites, like this one, will not. Perhaps it's time to see a gender therapist, and maybe some computer virus protection software.
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  6. #6
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    There is a lot of crap out there, and mixed in with the crap there is some genuinely malicious stuff. I don't go anywhere my anti virus program ranks as authentically threat.
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    Eleanor Roosevelt

  7. #7
    Aspiring Member
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    So far, having a Mac instead of a PC, my laptop seems to be clean. Emphasis on seems. OTOH, who knows what nasties are lurking beneath the surface of my benign Mac.

    Heavens to murgatroid, did I just give away that I... Oh well, as it is said: "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere."

    Been to lots of places


  8. #8
    Aspiring Member Steph_CD_62's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin777 View Post
    Do you have a strong firewall on your computer and a high rated antivirus? I use free Zone Alarm for a firewall and free Avira for antivirus. Avast is another highly rated free antivirus by Consumer Reports.

    I use Avast and I have never had any problems. What couple virus that tried to attack my computer, Avast stopped them.

  9. #9
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michelle789
    Freddy, the nasties will give you a virus, guaranteed. Going to legit CD or TG websites, like this one, will not. Perhaps it's time to see a gender therapist, and maybe some computer virus protection software.
    I have excellent anti-virus protection, but, at the time of this attack, it had not been thoroughly updated. My bad, I suppose, but I usually receive a warning that something isn’t right. I know enough to not go near TG “nasties,” but when the cutsies are actually nasties I become profoundly disheartened. The thing that bothers me is that I've looked at oceans of stuff that would make the Marquis de Sade blush, but looking at crossdressing is what gets me in hot water...

    You hit the nail on the head – this is a “legit” TG website… I’ll skip the gender therapist, thanks…

  10. #10
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    In order to troll nefarious sites that ofer pirated programs I use a "dirty" computer.
    I have to switch anti virus off, get the info and then clean it all up before I use it again.

    The most dangerous part about CDing for me is having a stuck zipper on occasions.
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  11. #11
    Platinum Member Eryn's Avatar
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    Freddy, you might consider an OS like Linux that is less virus-prone for your surfing needs. The vast majority of viruses target vulnerabilities in Windows, so if you're running something else they have nothing to infect.

    I find that using Linux is preferable to paying protection money to anti-virus companies whose products always seem to be one step behind the bad guys. I've had more problems caused by anti-virus software on Windows machines than I have ever had with viruses.

    With Linux, zero problems.
    "These girls have the most beautiful dresses. And so do I! How about that!" [Kaylee, in Firefly] [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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  12. #12
    Senior Member jjjjohanne's Avatar
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    I found using a tool that disables scripts on your browser is handy. Of course, if you turn on scripts to see some content on a web page, you might be turning on a virus... I try to turn on nothing unless I need it and then I only turn on the least I can get away with.

    There is a tool called the Trinity Rescue Kit that you can boot to a CD and then scan your computer for viruses without ever booting to your infected hard drive. You have to be able to turn on the network card in Linux (or at least you used to have to). That is a useful tool for cleaning up.

  13. #13
    Member Cheryl123's Avatar
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    Every girl should have the right to visit those nasty CD sites without fear, so dry those tears and follow Aunt Cheryl's advise. Get yourself an old laptop (the cheaper the better) and used it to surf to those dark, dangerous (and exciting!) places. When the virii attack, as they surely will, nuke the hard drive, reload the OS, and contunue on you merry way. Works for this veteran traveller to forbidden worlds.

  14. #14
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    Sorry to hear that, be careful.

  15. #15
    Super Moderator Jeri Ann's Avatar
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    Sounds to me like the virus that locks your computer with an F.B.I. warning on the screen. This one, or any other one can be easily removed by yourself. Just do this.

    1. Shut down your computer.

    2. Turn computer on while holding down F8 key until screen lights up. This will start computer in safe mode.

    3. After boot up and you see options, use down arrow key to go to safe mode with command prompt. Click enter.

    4. When you get a blinking cursor type in: rstrui.exe and hit enter. You will be given the option of restoring to a previous date.

    5. Select any date prior to the infection, usually the last critical update. Your computer will reboot and the infection will be gone.

    This always works with Windows systems. Don't know about Mac. Hope this helps in the future. Be careful. Knowing this may tempt you to boldly go into
    dangerous territory. It's probably only a matter of time before the CD police that have been watching you catch on and this procedure doesn't work anymore.

    With love,

  16. #16
    Silver Member linda allen's Avatar
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    Anti virus software in vital in keeping computers running. I don't understand the thrill some people get from writing viruses that mess up stranger's computers, but these folks are out there so protect yourself.
    [SIGPIC] 0356[/SIGPIC]Linda

  17. #17
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    It sounds to me like you got the "FBI Child Pornography Ransomware" virus. I deal with it all the time. It's a tough nut to crack, requiring a reboot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt. It's nothing that you did personally; viruses like these sniff you out, determine vulnerability, and then indiscriminately zap you. The best program to get rid of this stuff is Malwarebytes. It's free, and it works very well.

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  18. #18
    Senior Member Krististeph's Avatar
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    A friend in CO got a version of this, she was looking for videos on line apparently. L was not compute literate, but I gather her version was "Interpol", not FBI (far as I know, InterPol has no enforcement authority what so ever), requiring her to wire a $250 fine to somewhere in Europe, and it had a countdown timer on the screen as well. Thankfully she spent the $ on getting the laptop fixed instead.

    Makes me wonder if the true origin of the virus is not somebody working at one of the computer repair places...

    I actually picked up a small mobile laptop just for writing and such, and should i think to venture into what might look like a shady area of the web, I use that, since everything I use it for is moved offline anyway. Still not as useful...

    Oh well, that's one thing school is good for- keeps me occupied enough that I do not have time for too much exploring.

  19. #19
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by texgirl
    Sounds to me like the virus that locks your computer with an F.B.I. warning on the screen. This one, or any other one can be easily removed by yourself. Just do this…
    Quote Originally Posted by TGMarla
    It sounds to me like you got the "FBI Child Pornography Ransomware" virus.
    Yeah, that’s exactly it… Thanks for the advice, Jeri!

    Apparently Freddy has some explaining to do…

    Quote Originally Posted by Krististeph
    Makes me wonder if the true origin of the virus is not somebody working at one of the computer repair places...
    I was wondering that, too. It was a quick fix and they seemed to be waiting for me. At times like this I worry about my files of CD stuff on the computer, plus other…er…unmentionables

  20. #20
    Silver Member Debra Russell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TGMarla View Post
    It sounds to me like you got the "FBI Child Pornography Ransomware" virus. I deal with it all the time. It's a tough nut to crack, requiring a reboot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt. It's nothing that you did personally; viruses like these sniff you out, determine vulnerability, and then indiscriminately zap you. The best program to get rid of this stuff is Malwarebytes. It's free, and it works very well.

    Keep on keepin' on!
    ...and this virus keeps getting smarter ! I have gotten it many times; I'am lucky I have a techie that works for me and after a few times learned to deal with it my self. It also attacked our home computer when my grandson was downloading music---nasty bugg as are the the bast#$ds than sent it to us.........................Debra

  21. #21
    New Member gillathome's Avatar
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    if you're having regular problems, you can use a 'Virtual PC' for browsing, depending on what operating system you are using.

    it basically acts as a separate computer, living inside yours - you set it up as a fresh computer, then I would take a copy of the virtual hard disk file.
    if it gets infected, then you can just delete the virtual hard disk and copy your safe one back again - no nasty complicated virus removal needed.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Deedee Skyblue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frédérique View Post
    but when the cutsies are actually nasties I become profoundly disheartened.
    I find the whole virus thing disheartening. It is hard to believe that some people get their jollies by making life miserable for other people.

    It's not wrong... but it is forbidden!

  23. #23
    Junior Member
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    Malawarebytes Anti-Malware software is the industry leader for dealing with threats such as this. The free version will do what is needed but does not provide continuous coverage. I have attached a link but in a discussion like this, I realize folks are reluctant to click on a link. :-) You can Google "malwarebytes"

  24. #24
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Now you know where the name "Twisted Sister" came from my friend.
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  25. #25
    Senior Member Emma England's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eryn View Post
    Freddy, you might consider an OS like Linux that is less virus-prone for your surfing needs. The vast majority of viruses target vulnerabilities in Windows, so if you're running something else they have nothing to infect.

    I find that using Linux is preferable to paying protection money to anti-virus companies whose products always seem to be one step behind the bad guys. I've had more problems caused by anti-virus software on Windows machines than I have ever had with viruses.

    With Linux, zero problems.
    I agree.

    I also use Linux Mint. In 3 years, I have not had one virus, and my pc has never crashed in this time either.
    It is faster than Windows, and best of all it is free to download.

    Mint is one the the Linux variations that is similar to Windows, so it is easy for newcomers to learn.
    Whenever I have worn a skirt in male mode, there have never been any issues at all.

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