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Thread: Do you think this gives us a bad reputation...does it offend you ?

  1. #26
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    I was not offended, and did not think it pertained to my crossdressing in any way.

    However, my wife had issues with it in the movie, and would reference it in her mind.

    Most movies that include CDs relegate the CD to a lower lifestyle, such as prostitution. Thus many link CDs to being gay or prostitution based on the perceptions derived from the movies. That I find offensive.

  2. #27
    Silver Member LilSissyStevie's Avatar
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    There have been a number of real life serial killers that cross dressed. It's just a fact. For example: Jerry Brudos, BTK & John Wayne Gacy. The Buffalo Bill character in SOTL was loosely based on the crimes of Ed Gein who also inspired the movie Psycho.

  3. #28
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    A lot of good replies here. I do not think that that portrayal did much, if any, harm to us as a minority group. The vast majority of people have a level of knowledge and common sense that will let them see the uniqueness of someone's presentation, whether as a CD, drag queen, gender queer, nude man on the street, or whatever to be able to realize that that individual does not represent the whole. Yes, some may walk away with a negative opinion, but I believe that would be the minority. I often wonder why women do not get all upset at MtF crossdressers in the best presentations and mannerisms and public interactions because they think that we are demeaning to women in general. They don't because to them it is no big deal and they have basic common sense.

    If we go back and see how gays have been and continue to be portrayed on television and the movies we will see what are path will probably be. Initially, they were the flaming gays, ultra feminine with bent wrists and exaggerated mannerisms. They were the comic element in many shows. Now, we are seeing more real life roles and characters where though they are gay, they are just one other aspect of our society and world that we live in. That being said, just look at the current very popular sitcom, "Modern Family", where they have a little bit of everything. The two gay roles still portray the more feminine side of gays in mannerisms, voice inflections and reaction to everyday issues and non-issues. Those characters only portray one of the smaller segments of the gay population.

    So, over time as us TG's (umbrella terminology) become more common place in our media driven world, we will also see more demanding and serious roles. I am more than just happy to see us there at all. By being there the rest of the world is learning that we really do exist. Maybe it is only one side of us, but when you see Chandler's MtF Dad/Mom show up at his wedding as the woman that she is, even with the humor, it was a legitimate role. Transamerica was a good movie totally dedicated to a trans woman. More are out there like that and more will definitely come. While humor may not portray us in the best of light, it does not necessarily portray us in the worst either. The same happened for the gay community where they went from that super femme male to "Broke Back Mountain" seriousness.

  4. #29
    Member dragdoll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell on Heels View Post
    How do you feel about seeing the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Seeing that as a teenager really made me
    rethink my CD'ing, and quite possibly was responsible for putting it into remission for many years.
    Hahaha why is that? If anything, that movie inspired me to CD more.

    Quote Originally Posted by mariehart View Post
    If you ask me it's movies like Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire that annoy the hell out of me. I absolutely detest both of them.
    Yep. If any movies made me want to rethink my CD'ing, its movies like these.

    I also agree on what was said about movies like To Wong Foo, Priscilla..., anything with Ru Paul. It's embarrassing.
    Last edited by dragdoll; 12-12-2013 at 05:17 PM.

  5. #30
    Brandy 4476
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    I live at the corner of nowhere and BFE lol
    I think people are scared of what they dont understand or dont have the guts to do themselves !

  6. #31
    Full Geek Status Adriana Moretti's Avatar
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    I find all of this VERY interesting....great points made all around !

  7. #32
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Am Paula View Post
    I certainly hope your talking about the mayor of my city. If it was found that Rob ford was a serial killer or a CD, it would be no surprise.
    Actually, I wasn't. I was referring to San Diego. Your mayor's no angel, but I wouldn't call him creepy. And I wasn't connecting serial killers with any mayor. Just that both and others can be creepy. And not all killers are creepy. Ted Bundy was so successful because he was charming, not creepy. Of course, what he did was creepy.

  8. #33
    Member Valarie's Avatar
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    Adriana, great post. I have been thinking a lot about this, how we are viewed because of the media. Definitely when I saw the movie as a kid I was really confused. I already had feelings that what I was doing was not right, when I saw "it puts the lotion on the skin!" I was even more confused. We make assumptions about how people should be because of film and television. A good is example comes from my students, I am a T.A. and a lot tell me that they based college on what they saw on tv and movies, and when they joined sororities, and frat and saw that people did not get drunk and crazy every weekend, but volunteered in the community and had high GPAs they were confused.

    It is up to us to shatter those preconceived notions of what a CD/TS/TG person should be like. I happen to love Tim Curry as a sweet transvestite so I was a little conflicted like you. When we come out to people and in public they may think we are some kind of "weirdo" but after awhile they see we are just normal people. Actually I have a bigger problem with Tyler Perry in a dress because he is an awful comedian.
    "Understanding is the first step toward acceptance." Albus Dumbledore

  9. #34
    Member JessMe's Avatar
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    Overall, I would say that the representation of gender variant people in the media is negative to one degree or another.'s almost always the punchline to a bad joke (the "OMG, SHE was a HE!" thing.) And in the rare instance of the story that's NOT a complete joke, it's almost always a gg or genetic male playing the tg/cd/ts/gq role... we have a lonnng way to go.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessMe View Post
    it's almost always a gg or genetic male playing the tg/cd/ts/gq role... we have a lonnng way to go.
    For people who don't understand why that's a big problem, just think of this question: "Why don't they use white actors in blackface to play African Americans?"

  11. #36
    Senior Member robindee36's Avatar
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    This gratuitous portrayal of a mad rapist - murderer - cannibal whatever is no more a reflection on us than Anthony Perkins dressing up in psycho. Personally, I read nothing into this movie scene.

    On the other hand, I thing the hair is a bit wild, the makeup needs some attention and the chest development......well its interesting

    Some things in media are intentionally directed toward us. Some are innocent allusions that deserve no more attention and thought than the superficial role they play in a much larger endeavor, like a movie.

    No harm - no foul.

    Hugs, Robin

  12. #37
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    I don't think its really all that big of a deal. There are close minded people and open minded people. There have been all kinds of "negative" representations of us from the killer in Silence of Lambs, to the killer in Psycho, to the over-the-top gender-benders on Jerry Springer. For a lot of people, the only transgenders that a lot of people have ever seen are the ones on Jerry Springer and in the movies like Silence of the Lambs. I do NOT think that people seeing transgenders in positive ways is going to change the way that "close minded" people think of us. They see us a freaks and they always will. Part of it is probably from their upbringing, some could be due to their religious beliefs, some could be because they don't want to "lose face" with their friends and peers. You're never going to change these people. Just pick for friends the ones who have open minds and who are allies. Why concern yourself with the other ones?

  13. #38
    Member JessMe's Avatar
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    Hear me out: I LOVE music of all kinds... including some that would embarrass almost anyone else in my age group (I'm 30, for the record.) ...any of you ever hear of Charley Pride? ...He made country music at a time when that just wasn't something "colored" people did. Catch was that almost nobody knew that he wasn't white... until he walked on stage after a couple successful songs. There was awkward silence, followed by "Hello, I'm Charley Pride", and a standing ovation from a crowd that had just been godsmacked. ...the point of the story is... there is a certain opinion, a lack of education, and a general distrust of anyone different by the more "mainstream" society... until that point, most of them had never seen a real live black guy that could sing beautiful country music. ...until there is a representative from our community that refuses to be typecast or made a mockery, there won't be many who have to take a deep breath and really think about us on a human level.

  14. #39
    Gone to live my life
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    Hey JessMe,

    I was raised on country music and "Charlie Pride" we had an 8 Track ... yup an 8 track (so how old does that make me).



  15. #40
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    Unfortunately, I think this is close to what Joe average might actually think (maybe without the murdering). So in that way, perpetuating any stereotype is not good for any cross dresser.

    When was the last time anyone saw a cross dresser portrayed in a remotely positive way? Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire were not cross dressers. They dressed for a job, not as a part of themselves. I've never seen it.

  16. #41
    Member Valarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenniferathome View Post

    When was the last time anyone saw a cross dresser portrayed in a remotely positive way? Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire were not cross dressers. They dressed for a job, not as a part of themselves. I've never seen it.
    A friend and I have been working on that. We have a novel that we have been writing for a few years, one of the characters is a badass TG space pirate that has a very real love story with a F to M character that is tasteful, and not a joke or derogatory in anyway.
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  17. #42
    Queen of the Faery Realms Bethany_Anne_Fae's Avatar
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    Yes and no, that scenario is an extreme case to be sure. What I DO know is, is that when I go to the club I can't dance to the song that is playing in that scene because it disturbed me so.

    (Formerly known everywhere as Lady Zarabeth

  18. #43
    Maryland Girl looking Wildside_md's Avatar
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    Yea it is a classic movie but I think most people see it for the plot mechanism it is and not representative of our community. Those who do would have something else to demonize us with.

  19. #44
    Banned Spammer
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    The only part of SOL's was the disturbing scene where H L peels that other mans face off himself.The serial killer tranny didn't.
    Rocky Horror I find quite repulsive for some reason and I have never been to see the movie.Just caught clips on YT.

  20. #45
    Aspiring Member NancyJ's Avatar
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    That is the only movie I've ever walked out of. Was watching it with my wife and felt a rush of shame as though crossdressing was somehow correlated with such brutality and sickness. I knew that it wasn't, but it still touched off my shame about Nancy, which 20or so years ago when that movie came out I was much more filled with about my dressing. I was at the movie with my wife and underdressed with panties, garter belt, and stockings (she knew), and I felt sick to my stomach and asked if we could leave. So, I don't know about society's view, but it triggered shame in me. Still haven't watched that entire movie. Nancy

  21. #46
    Worlds Prettiest Dad!!! Jocelyn Quivers's Avatar
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    Back in the day when that movie first came out I got lot's of mileage out of that character in justifying the desire to cure myself and be normal all male with no gender issues. "Don't wear women's clothing you don't want to be like Buffalo Bill do you?" "Be strong, be a man!" Now I have no real opinion on the character, other than if it comes up as representation of TG people during normal conversation, I will explain why he does not, while walking that fine line without losing my cool and outing myself for now.

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  22. #47
    Platinum Member Eryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenniferathome View Post
    When was the last time anyone saw a cross dresser portrayed in a remotely positive way? Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire were not cross dressers. They dressed for a job, not as a part of themselves. I've never seen it.
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  23. #48
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenniferathome View Post
    Unfortunately, I think this is close to what Joe average might actually think (maybe without the murdering). So in that way, perpetuating any stereotype is not good for any cross dresser.

    When was the last time anyone saw a cross dresser portrayed in a remotely positive way? Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire were not cross dressers. They dressed for a job, not as a part of themselves. I've never seen it.
    Let's see. There was that funny and serious at times TV attorney show, Boston Common, or something like that with William Shatner, and they had a crossdressing attorney, Glee has a black MtF transsexual, And there have been several cameo roles of crossdressers in other TV programs and movies. It is not as rare as you may think. It is also not a real common occurrence either. However, in the last 7 years since I started all this, there has been a large increase from what was on before that time. It is growing in mainstream media. I read an article about how different news agencies were trying to train or set guidelines for their staff on how to refer to all of us, primarily transsexuals. We really have come a long way and have much further to go. The only way to educate people is to get out in the real world and be ourselves as we interact with others, for "us" to get more mainstream media attention in sitcoms, serious programs and movies.

    Sometimes we will be portrayed accurately and other times not. However, with more exposure people will start to realize that we are just another variant of themselves. maybe weird to them, but not that much different from all the other variant people out in the real world. From all the unfortunate harassment situations, beatings and killings that happen to us transgenders, the general public are starting to see the horror and injustice of how we are treated. We need as much exposure as we can get because of the long haul that is what will help other get to know us and hopefully tolerate and accept us.

  24. #49
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    The scene didn't create out image to society, it reflected one 1990s version. Sure some people may have based their view of us based on that film, but I suspect that most people realized it was a fictional character.

    Batman movies haven't changed my opinion of billionaires very much either.
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  25. #50
    Silver Member Tina_gm's Avatar
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    The way in which we are potrayed by the media and the entertainment industry in general does us harm. It is a big reason why so many people have the attitude about CDing that they do. They do not see any positive image or story about CDing to compare to, thus, the general population develops a negative attitude about CDing. It is why so many of us are in the closet. It is why so many of us either have wives or GF'swho struggle with it, or have not told them at all.

    100 years ago, (random number) it was believed that black people were not capable of being as smart as white people. come to find out they are as capable if given the same opportunities for education. The same holds true for CDers in society as being considered to be sane decent people capable of good relationships. That we are not all gay or would be gay, that we are not all oversexed or that we have distorted views etc etc.
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