Hello all,

After 40+ years I have an SO that accepts me completely. I have no intention to transition. I have a packed closet, we shop together, we communicate about what we like and want. I'm hetero and love being in both worlds. I dress very normal, I've seemed to grow out of the miniskirt phase

So many of you wish and hope you could have my situation. But guess what? I spend most of my time kicking my own butt trying to figure out why and wondering why "it" won't go away. And at the same time loving it. ARRRGGGH! I get it, just get over it and enjoy it! I could dress every moment that I want, but don't. She's never led me to believe it bothers her at all, says she loves it. But I still worry about her. And having said all this, feel stupid about it and I should just embrace it and enjoy my life. ARRRGGGHH. So, umm, help!
