So, the past few days I've been passing as a guy, you know, holding doors open, deepening my voice, getting a lot of 'sir's at stores...I even went and bought a suit.

Then today happened.

I went to go walk my dog and this little kid and two teenagers were fighting with foam swords in the park. I wandered over and asked the little kid if I could try and he said sure and explained the rules.

Then yelled, "Hey, this girl wants to play too!" I winced a little but let it pass and fought against the two teenagers and beat them both. Then one of them goes "Wow! You have really good defense for a girl!!" right as a neighbor that knows my girl name showed up and started calling me by it -_-;

As I walked back I looked in the reflection in the windows and my silhouette just looked so...girly. I've just been kinda down ever since. And my monthly started today!!! I tried so hard not to look female today too...

It just feels like the whole world has made it its special mission to remind me that I'm biologically a girl

Does anyone else have these days?