After forty years of marriage, the wife has finally pulled the plug. No, being a CD wasn't the only thing - but a main contributor. We are trying to get through this on as friendly of terms, but there are always spots of anger that jump in. She moved out a month ago and the divorce will be final in a few weeks.
With that being said.. my reason for posting is that we have two couples that are joint good friends. We will both stay friends with them and are not letting them get involved for that reason. But I do fear at some point in the future when the girls go out drinking my wife may let it slip that I am a CD. I hold these friendships in too high a regard to not be honest with them. If they find out this way it would certainly change the dynamics. It may anyway - no, not "may" but WILL change the dynamics. But if it does to the extent that I am no longer friends at least I will know in my heart I did come forward first and not continue to hide it from them.
So.. how to best approach them? I was thinking of tell them that I want an evening of their time and sit and explain. I know that in the past there have been people that gave spouses and friends letters explaining things. And these had very good info. I really don't feel like the letter thing - I'm more of a sit and explain type of person. But the info these letters had would be helpful. Any ideas on where these were located? Or any ideas how to approach them?
Usually I am level headed and can think these things out on my own, but I'm not really 100% these days.