All winter I've been buying girly goodies & clothing at Walmart while in male mode & have become very handy at using the self check-out lanes.....till yesterday. Along with a few needed items I picked up a few bottles of nail color that caught my eye yesterday. After running all of my purchases through the scanner I came to my last little bottle of nail polish and it wouldn't scan. By now a small line has started for form behind me. Dang! Of course a nearby sales assiciate noticed I was having an issue and here she comes! Dang again! She tried a few times and ended up entering the code manually. It was a little stressful at first, but all was good and she returned to her post. I did not make eye contact with the folks behing me & just headed out after paying. Wew! Afterward I realized it wasn't such a big deal, but felt it was at the time. Just thought I'd share.
