Hello - I'm new here and not sure if this is even one of the sections that the SO (I'm the wife of the CD) can post on but I felt compelled to share.

If this was happening in our home - I would thing the scenarios could have been one of two things

1- I bought them for me and wanted to wear them for him but maybe I chickened out
in which case you bringing it up before I was comfortable may cause an issue.

2- I bought them for you as a peace offering in letting you know I was trying to be ok with everything but again - maybe I chickened out

In both cases I would thing that bringing it up would show you don't trust her - as you said your snooping a bit - give her time to work up the courage to do this - in either case you come out the winner and after all wouldn't you LOVE it more if she did it on her OWN time instead of you calling her out on it and forcing it into the light?

Just my take on the situation - hope you didn't mind me chiming in! I really hope she shares them with you - either as a surprise for you or for herself to surprise you! Think how excited you would be when you realize she reached that milestone on her own accord!

Best wishes,
