I haven't posted on here in a long time and I've deleted my phot since. I'm going through a hard time. I need friends to take to. I feel alone. I don't know what to do. After almost 2 years of not dressing, I was able to finally retrieve my things (wig, clothes, make up) from a storage locker. I had the best time dressing up and chatting online with people. However, that is all because I was living in my apartment alone, my roommate has been out of town all summer. Recently he told me he was returning this week so out of haste and fear I threw out my stuff and donated what I could to Goodwill. I just got off the phone with him earlier today and told me he was actually returning in 2 weeks.. I feel so dumb and angry at myself. I feel like a part of me is missing right now. But I guess it's for the best as I am rooming with 2 people next year and the chance of being able to sneak around both of them is going to be difficult. I just wanted to vent I guess. Thanks for reading my whining and complaining. I just hate where I'm at right now.