When I was recently writing my post about the many 'upgrades' I have made to my dressing routine, something struck me kind of funny.

While I have never had any desire to under-dress, I think I realized why it is I feel I wasn't interested. I think it comes from the fact that there are quite a few things that I have done (in my efforts to improve my female image) that probably nullify any desire to under-dress. These things are exactly some of the changes I mentioned. For example, I keep my legs shaved, all the time. And hide them from everyone. This is kinda like under-dressing...I mean, I'm not wearing anything, but the simple act of keeping them smooth, keeps my inner girl happy. I also pluck my eyebrows (can't hide those obviously), I keep my fingernails at a length that is definitely longer than average for a guy (sometimes I even buff them to a nice shine). I have both ears pierced. I also paint my toenails from time to time, again keeping them hidden from the view of others...

I feel that maybe all of these things put together might give me the same kind of satisfaction that others get from under-dressing. Make any sense??

All I can say is.....Hmph!