..... tell your wife about this site. And, show her your online identity and let her read all of your postings here?

My wife and I went out and had a wonderful dinner after an unusually stress filled day for both of us. It was fueled by generous indulgences of alcoholic beverages but, not enough to impair driving or anything. Our discussions lead to the known fact that her widowed former husband was bi-sexual and she had to get her head around that. Also, she was very accepting of her coveted gay friends, many being very long term. She mentioned her stress of coping with a transgender husband. Whoa! Her words! And that's music in a DADT environment. She even mentioned that she noticed the picture of me in my maid's dress on my desk. See profile picture. I mentioned that I would clean house all weekend if I could dress up as that sexey maid in the picture. Response, NFW! I very lovingly responded that I just love her dearly and I just had this other beautiful world where I explore and experience the femininity that I saw my sisters embrace. I told her that I am very confidently ensconced in my male existence and the gbending was my other fabulous universe.

So, I'm on the verge of just lovingly inviting her into my gentle beautiful world of being Carla.

Would you show it all to your wife?

Hey Honey. This crossdressing thing? It's just more of the beautiful me!