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Thread: Two brilliant days with my wonderful SO

  1. #1
    Junior Member Melanie B's Avatar
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    Aug 2014

    Two brilliant days with my wonderful SO

    It's just over three weeks since I came out to my SO.
    She took it amazingly well, and a few days later she asked to see some photos of me.
    And then she said she'd like to meet the me (as Mel).
    This week, I was able to take a couple of days off work, so we agreed that on Day One, Mel would "come to lunch".
    But when Mel was ready, my SO was still struggling to ice a birthday cake for one of our kids. So Mel ended up getting covered in icing sugar and cocoa powder, by decorating a cake.
    It was brilliant -- far better than making small-talk over lunch, and the perfect start to a lovely, lovely day.
    Day Two was even better. As soon as the kids had gone off to school, I got dressed and the SO and I went shopping together -- clothes and make-up for me, and a purse for her. We got waylaid by a sales girl who insisted on demonstrating beauty products on both of us in the middle of a busy shopping centre (I guess the girl took one look at me and thought "ugly old bat needs all the help she can get!") , and had a coffee break in Costa Coffee.
    SO wore the trousers (literally) and did all the driving, but she also helped me with the choice of make-up and peeked in through the curtains of the fitting room to OK the skirt and top.
    And she says she's looking forward to Mel's next "visit" later this month.
    I can't believe I'm this lucky.

  2. #2
    Rachel Rachelakld's Avatar
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    What a great outing
    See all my photos, read many stories of my outings and my early days at

  3. #3
    its important mykell's Avatar
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    congratulations mel,
    give the mrs. a big ole squezzy group ,
    bet you feel like your in heaven right now....
    i dressed like a girl and i liked it! crossdressing...theirs an app for that

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    If you don't already know, that SO of yours is a real gem. Treat her well. I am lucky too, but it took far longer than three short weeks to get to where my wife and I are. After the rough spots, things are better than ever. Sadly, many have much more tragic tales. We both need to be very appreciative of our good fortune.


  5. #5
    Aspiring Member Sarah Beth's Avatar
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    I am happy that things have gone so well for you. Sounds like you had a wonderful couple of days.
    "It takes all kinds of kinds" Miranda Lambert
    Now some point a finger and let ignorance linger
    If they'd look in the mirror they'd find.
    That ever since the beginning to keep the world spinning
    It takes all kinds of kinds.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Mel, I am truly happy for & proud of you. You are so blessed... And you are aware & appreciative of that blessing. Have as much fun as both of you can . Much peace, mel

  7. #7
    Silver Member justmetoo's Avatar
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    You have an awesome wife! Thanks for sharing your story. Brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.

  8. #8
    Member JayeLefaye's Avatar
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    Congratulations on the coming out & going out Mel!! It takes a lot of courage to "tell", and a very special SO to handle it so well. So well done! on the both of you!!

    I'm also delighted to hear that it will be a few weeks before Mel makes another appearance, because that shows that you're keeping things in perspective and giving her time to adjust without any blasted "fog" clouding things up.

    Teo quick questions, if you're inclined to answer: I see that you only joined here last August. How much of an impact has the Forum had on your decision to come out? And is there anything specifically that you learned here that helped form that idea? Just curious:-)

    I came out to my now spouse on our first real date, so I am always amazed by those who are brave enough to do it after having been together for a while. Very proud of the both of you!!!

    Satchel was right, something is gaining on me...And God bless the creator of e-cigs!

  9. #9
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing -. You do have great SO

  10. #10
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

    "If you truly care about me you should damn well want for me what I want for myself" - Michael Westen (Burn Notice)

    -.-. --.-/-.-. --.-/-.-. -../ Persephone™ and Persephone™ are trademarks of Persephone herself, accept no substitutes. The terms "en femme" and "en drab" originated with Marcia Sampson/Staylace (OBM).

  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    Mel wonderful story, thanks for sharing it.
    Give you wife a big hug.

  12. #12
    Junior Member Melanie B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayeLefaye View Post
    Teo quick questions, if you're inclined to answer: I see that you only joined here last August. How much of an impact has the Forum had on your decision to come out? And is there anything specifically that you learned here that helped form that idea? Just curious:-)
    In july, I had a week away, and spent a lot of time by myself. During that week, I pretty much made up my mind that the urge to dress had come back so strongly that I was going to have to tell, so I joined an on-line support group (this one) and a face-to-face group and started seeing a counsellor to help me come to terms and understand my CDing and to decide whether, when, and how to tell.
    I got a lot of useful (but often contradictory) advice, and had decided that I was definitely going to tell, but that there were one or two other issues that I needed to resolve first.
    Then I came home from work one Monday evening, to find that my SO had found a pair of very large high-heeled shoes.It wasn't how I planned it... but the all the advice (from all sources) certainly helped!

  13. #13
    Member Martina's Avatar
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    What a wonderfull start to coming out to your wife I am so pleased for you both and hope that your acceptance continues.

    The girl my Mother longed for trapped inside a boys body If she had only known I was there.

  14. #14
    Gone to live my life
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    Hi Melanie,

    What a great story and what a great SO. My advice though is still go slowly as sometimes acceptance can do a complete 180 if things progress too quickly on this front. My advice, just keep the communication open and you will be fine. Enjoy your next Mel day.



  15. #15
    Silver Member Tina B.'s Avatar
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    Mel, life can be so good can't it! I love shopping with my wife, she sees things on a hanger and can tell if they will look good on, I have to see it on before I can tell. Besides, she always finds the things I missed and points them out to me.
    Only trouble we have is she is trying to find things for me, while I'm always looking for things that please her, so we usually spend more than we had planned on spending.
    Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will.

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member
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    Great news, Mel!! Sounds like more fun in the future! Flowers to your SO for being so understanding!

  17. #17
    Junior Member
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    Good that you have ground work laid for your response to her discovery. Likely it helped smooth the road a bit.


  18. #18
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    It is good tosee you advancing so well.
    Just keep a cool head and enjoy life for what it is.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  19. #19
    Senior Member MissTee's Avatar
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    Great outcome, Mel. It's not many of us that get that kind of acceptance. If I can add to what others have already said, don't let CD-ing become an overwhelming topic. Let it be like a spice in an already great recipe, something that adds a variety without overpowering the main dish -- your relationship.

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