Sorry If I seem to ramble on. Last night I was laying and bed and I started talking to my wife about this (fetish, to me its a fetish). Anyways like I said before my wife likes when I wear panties. So I was starting to think I was making progress and especially with the hints she always dropped. Like how when I was at Kohl's she said "thats something you would wear" something along those lines. I just kind of nodded yes.

Anyways last night I had starting talking about this fetish style and I was asking basically were her boundaries are. I am happy I asked because my ideas of her boundaries and her boundaries were not at the same place. I figured all the hints she dropped and the fact she liked me in panties I thougt she would be more accepting. So basically I found out that she doesn't really mind it, but it's a huge turn off for her. She said even the thought of me in a dress or a wig would creep her out so much that she would be turned off, where she wouldn't be able to get the image out of her head.

Then she told me that how she wasn't attracted to women, and I tried saying without making it look like I really wanted to say that "I still have the male parts" and it didn't work. Then she threw the example of how if she suddenly became a lumber jack, how I would feel. Good point I guess.

So my dilema is would you throw away the extra stuff around the house or wear behind her back. I will probably get rid of the stuff just because if she saw it it will cause a lot of problems. I am confused of how she threw a few hints that she might be open to it and then was completely opposite. I am happy becasue she is with me on another fetish I have and that is the Adult baby fetish. We have a lot of fun with that and I should just take what I get.