okay this sounds odd perhaps, so the context is i've been in ladies clothing ONLY for months now, and today, on a whim I went out in drab (at least on the outer layer, there's only so far back i can go!). A number of things that I noted from the supermarket:

1. My SO says afterwards she felt more relaxed/comfortable because she was not on the look-out for how other people were judging me - she's glad of a break from the relentless CD (ok, i got the message).

2. in the ladies clothing section (well, we had to go there for some slippers for her, honest gov'), another couple were there, and the old male-to-male "we're uncomfortable here cos we're 'real men' thing" happened in a glance/look.

3. the checkout lady did not give me the time of day, very clearly being in drab puts me out of the club.

4. it seems to be easier for the mainstream for me to be out in drab, so i have more empathy for their discomfort when i'm in drag, now.

5. I did change immediately I got home, into my nice new short skirt and a couple of tops that'll do very well indeed!

So balance might be the order of the day, moving forward.
