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Thread: Just checking in on the singles with no SO's.. I had a rare date.

  1. #1
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Just checking in on the singles with no SO's.. I had a rare date.

    I know we singles withe no wives, or So's are very few on here, to my surprise. Just checking to see how you singles are doing. I actually had a platonic date with an older GG last Sunday. We went to a museum, that features many dinosaurs, and animals, and geology. I was in guy mode, as she does not accept CDing men. She is also a hoarder, sadly, and talks fast, non stop, to wear i have a hard time speaking. I had not had a date in 6 years. Going to the museum, i was also checking to see if it would be a nice place to go as Alice. It was crowded, and I would get a lot of attention if i went! I still may try it, say, on a weekday. The GG and i have some things in common, but not enough, and she is older than me, and was married for a very short time, like weeks or months only. More and more, i can understand why some men go overseas, like the Philippines, or S. America , to find SO's. I am amazed how few singles are on this site, and how many have supportive mates. For single Cders, or even non Cders, i have had a number of baby boomer women tell me, that "men are not needed anymore. Who needs them?"
    Last edited by Alice Torn; 03-17-2016 at 01:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Lisa Allisa's Avatar
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    Confirmed and happy bachelor here. I have a few female friends purely platonic, some know of my fluidity so I guess they all do, they all know of each other. I have found that over the years companionship is not that important anymore, sort of a loner I guess, just something I can't explain. I used up all my wild oats a long time ago I guess. There were times when my CDing was a deal breaker, their loss. I am learning to be more comfortable with crowds, in either gender mode I am expressing, it was and still is a hard row to hoe. I do enjoy the company of women much more now, but my male self also enjoys the comradeship of male co-workers in the work place, it seems I've lost some of my more male interests at home. I don't believe it is a hopeless and hapless situation, just a more difficult situation to find a supportive SO. As we age finding some who want to commit after all the years of freedom gets more difficult and of course we fight that prejudice that has set in to people of a more advanced age. Oh to be 30 yrs. younger and out as I am now with the more accepting attitudes of today.
    "you are a strange species and there are many out there;shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you ,you are at your best when things are at their worst" ...[ Starman]
    It may of course be a bit disturbing to sense that one is really not so firmly anchored to the gender one was born into.

  3. #3
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    Platonic dates can be nice - i have a few GG friends and I enjoy their company and conversation (interestingly enough we support each other when life is tough)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Krististeph's Avatar
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    Hi Alice, was that the museum of natural history in Chicago? What an awesome place to go on a date! Every time we go there- my soul is stirred. Understanding that we are ultimately a small fraction of history, of time and of accomplishment.

    I love the American Indian lodge. Dozens of couples. All together. And transgendered people viewed as shamans of a sort- two spirited. It really feels comfortable there. I'm sure it is just a projected feeling... but to be tg and accepted as just another variant.

    We still all have a heck of a lot to learn, evidently.

  5. #5
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Kristi, It was the Burpee museum of natural history in Rockford Illinois. one of the few interesting places in rockford! Allisa, I am not as desperate now, as i was , from age 18 to 55, to find a mate, or at least a dating life. I am a loner, pretty much, and content with pets.But, there always is a little hole in the soul, that would like a special someone, like it or not, but reality, health problems, and death shoot it down.

  6. #6
    Member MissVirginia-Mae's Avatar
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    Hi Sis
    I am single and would love someday to meet someone but they would have to be accepting of my lifestyle and the fact I will be 24/7 soon as Miss Virginia-Mae.
    Not that many people out there that would accept that prob.
    At least you got out and had a good time.
    Sorry that she wouldnt shut up for 2 minutes

  7. #7
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Miss Virginia, it was rather boring, sadly. she is another baby boomer GG, that believes that women do not need men anymore, whether CD or non CD. But, she at least let me take her to the museum. No hugs though. I could tell she was not open to a hug.

  8. #8
    Aspiring Member Georgette_USA's Avatar
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    As a single with NO SO at the moment. I did have one for 38 years, she died recently so still adjusting. We were never married so not a widow. We are/were both MtF Post-TS. Same sex partners come to their own ways to talk about relationships.

    I am a baby boomer, don't like the term GG, and believe that a woman doesn't NEED a man or woman. I would love to have someone to share life with. Whether it be a CD or TG/TS or non-Trans. Don't believe we should limit ourselves but be open to all possibilities. Unless we are young and want children, see too many say they want a GG. I may well stay single and not a SO. But I am not ready to give up.

    Maybe there is a reason that some men NEED to go overseas. As some US women don't want to just be beholden to a man.

  9. #9
    New Member Dree Yer Ane Weird's Avatar
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    Single, no SO and not really looking. Too antisocial and too easily bored. Don't get me wrong, i like people but in small doses. Course now I've said that i could be tempting fate

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member MissDanielle's Avatar
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    I'm single, likely bi but would prefer a lesbian relationship. Even if I never touch hormones, the reality is that I am a woman at heart. I hope to find the right girl who is open and understanding that she's getting me for a wife and not a husband.
    I'm a nice Jewish girl.

    I'm not a girl, Not yet a woman.

  11. #11
    Member StephanieJ's Avatar
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    A Soutnern Belle from Southern Utah
    Sworn single here.

    I've been divorced for about three years with no desire to date - ever! It's hard to stave off all of the well wishers who want to set me up with someone. I guess in guy mode I seem like quite a catch, but after a few dates I usually end up telling women that I'm transgender and they bolt. Part of me thinks that I do it as a defense mechanism just to scare them away because I really don't feel like I want to date until my kids are all out of the house.

    Like you I had a date last week with an older woman in my neighborhood. She actually asked me out so we went to lunch and it was VERY awkward. She was a wonderful woman but we just couldn't seem to get the conversation flowing. Looks like I've dodged another potential relationship. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to do a third date and pull my usual coming out trick. I've done if enough times it's getting to the point that my good friends all suspect that I'm gay... Little do they know how close they are, I'm just a little farther down the LGBT line.

  12. #12
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Been married twice and been in other relationships in the past and I will probably remain single from here on out.
    Occasionally I will do the date thing with some GG friends if they want to go do something and not be alone.
    Dates with guys don't happen all that often but I enjoy it when it does happen.
    Finding the right guy might change my mind about being a couple.

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member OCCarly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alice Torn View Post
    I know we singles withe no wives, or So's are very few on here, to my surprise. Just checking to see how you singles are doing. I actually had a platonic date with an older GG last Sunday. We went to a museum, that features many dinosaurs, and animals, and geology. I was in guy mode, as she does not accept CDing men. She is also a hoarder, sadly, and talks fast, non stop, to wear i have a hard time speaking. I had not had a date in 6 years. Going to the museum, i was also checking to see if it would be a nice place to go as Alice. It was crowded, and I would get a lot of attention if i went! I still may try it, say, on a weekday. The GG and i have some things in common, but not enough, and she is older than me, and was married for a very short time, like weeks or months only. More and more, i can understand why some men go overseas, like the Philippines, or S. America , to find SO's. I am amazed how few singles are on this site, and how many have supportive mates. For single Cders, or even non Cders, i have had a number of baby boomer women tell me, that "men are not needed anymore. Who needs them?"
    Going to the Philippines can lead to a very, very good outcome if you are very, very careful. That is what I did, back in 1999, and we are still married, I am out to her, and we are happy.

    The Philippines as a society is far more tolerant of LGBT folks than America, and some of the biggest media stars in the Philippines are gay or gender nonconforming. In fact, there is a telenovela on Philippine network GMA right now called "Destiny Rose" with a transgender heroine (albeit she is played very effectively by a male actor). Here is a link to actor Ken Chan's twitter page, showing Destiny:

    The one problem is, if a Filipino girl learns you are a crossdresser or transgender, she will assume that you are interested in men, and that part may take some explaining.
    Carries a spray bottle of "pink fog" around with her in her purse at all times.

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member Georgina's Avatar
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    I have been single all of my 63 years and I am happy. I live alone and can dress as I wish in my leisure time. I get the impression, from a lot of discussions here, that a marriage is based on the woman's rules. Alice, as far as women's views about needing men go, I think they will be in for a shock. In my view the world is already overpopulated and any measures to alleviate this are already too late. When it is eventually sorted out the measures probably will be drastic and child bearers will not be in demand. This is only my view and I have no idea about a solution. At my age I am too set in my ways to change, so I am not looking for a wife.

  15. #15
    Junior Member Amalie's Avatar
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    Although not very old yet, so far I've managed to stayed single at least, and even if it may be lonely at times I'm not sure I want to sacrifice the freedom I have for a relationship..
    Even if I would my CD'ing would have be out on the table and accepted as well which doesn't really make things much easier..

    But I guess we'll see if I ever meet the right one..

  16. #16
    Gold Member
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    I am a widower, My lovly wife passed on about 3 years ago. She was OK with
    my dressing, as long as I did not leave the house; A rule I could live with.
    I have dated a few times, and at my age...69... most women want a "Sugar Daddy"
    I do not need a nag who wants to spend my money.
    So I spend it on myself, at the Lane Bryant Store.

  17. #17
    Junior Member RylieM's Avatar
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    Single here myself so your deftly not alone. I refuse to date due to my living situation and because I cannot afford to pay at least my own way in dates I haven't had a gf in at least 6 years and it really doesn't bother me much altho I do hope someday I can find someone but if I do she must accept me for who I am a crossdresser that identifies as trans but hasn't taken the next step and not sure if transitioning is right for me. I was raised that the guy has to pay, has to open doors, has to pull out and push in a chair for a lady, ect real old school family values I still see my dad doing this stuff for my mother a lot.

  18. #18
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    Young and single here - I am unwilling to take on the commitment of an SO (and consequently being someone's SO) till I'm done with my studies and possess a decent level of financial stability. How accepting the other party might be of my CDing is a huge can of worms as it is as I would rather not have to keep it to myself physically. But that said I don't feel I am in a position to expect anything.
    Last edited by Lily Catherine; 03-17-2016 at 09:00 PM.

  19. #19
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Good for u, Alice. At least you're still out there trying. I gave up my online dating membership because I wasn't using it. The women interested in me r too old. Many don't look like females any more. And, the baggage!
    Of course, I have plenty of my own!

    Guess I'm stuck with Sherry. Oh well!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  20. #20
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Georgina, At almost 62, i don't think i am up to bringing more people into this over crowded world. I am too low income to be a sugar daddy, or sugar TG lady, too. Pretty much content to just be with my cats. I am in the autumn of life, anyway, but there is a part of me that is starved for closeness. But, iam picky, and like the women i mentioned, i don't need anyone. Cats are fine.
    Last edited by Alice Torn; 03-18-2016 at 08:59 AM.

  21. #21
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    Alice, your date experience made me laugh. The part about her being a hoarder and talking fast had me ROTF. But, I'm sorry it didn't turn out better for you.

    Yes, single baby boomers rarely have time for a relationship, myself included. I've gone through some changes since my wife left me in 2004. I've met lots of women that I found attractive, and had a good conversation started with, but then they mention something about their husband! Then there are some that I like talking to but don't attract me enough on the physical level.

    I'm also afraid that any relationship that might develop will end up with someone being hurt (like all of the rest I've been in). It's so wonderful to be in love but I'm not very good at being monogamous. And being single is much better than living with the wrong person. Yeah, I have trust issues too since my ex turned out to be deceptive.

    Living alone with a dog and a closet full of wigs, shoes and dresses! I'm selfish I guess.
    "You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through", Stevie Wonder

  22. #22
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Ressie, The lady is a nice person, but we could only be very platonic once in a while friends. More and more, older Americans are turning to pets for companionship. i can't handle the stress and conflict of relationships, and one date in six years is about all for me.

  23. #23
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    I've always been single. It's been rather nice, i'd say, though I couldn't speak for what not being single is like so there is this doubt that I'm missing out. When I think about trying to get in a relationship I'm usually also questioning why I want to. I have plenty of incredibly close friends who provide any companionship I need, and as an asexual I dont have much interest in anything besides that companionship. Then again, maybe the actual fairy tale styled romance stuff is a real thing and the companionship of great friends and a great girlfriend are two wholly different things. I'm young, what would I know?

    You say there is an attitude of "men ... pft, who needs 'em?" but here I am wondering if any SO is needed. Perhaps wanted, at times, but not needed. With many of the posts in this thread detailing happy single lives, perhaps I'm a little more confident in this attitude.

  24. #24
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I am asexual, too, Andar. I think it is only about companionship occasionally with me

    Andar, I should say i have never had full sex in person with anyone. I don't really need it. i think i just don't have any close friends in the area i live in. I lived in the Seattle area for 29 yrs, and had friends there. But, here in farming/small town Illinois, not so easy to make friends to spend time with. i mainly just talk with cashiers, and my VA therapist, and psychiatrist, and doctor, or go to an occasional 12 step group. I really do not NEED a wife or SO, but, would like to get together once in a while. My cats are my roommates, my best friends. I don't want to have sex with a woman friend, either, just hugs is fine. My sex is SOLO, with my dressing sometimes, not every time.

  25. #25
    Senior Member Ceera's Avatar
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    Single, no SO here. Widowed after a 30-year straight marriage. I'm pansexual, though I generally prefer genetic girl as partners. Guys and other trans girls (or trans guys) are okay too, as far as I am concerned - just less interesting to me than GGs are.

    I recently went on a platonic dinner date with a GG who is half my age, and gender fluid, like me. She does a full male presentation when participating in a historical reenactment group that we both belong to, and she wears her hair short in a 'boy cut' and tends to dress male when out socially. She first met me while I was in male mode, but she only started interacting with me socially after we met again while I was in full female mode as Ceera, and I was in full girl mode for our date. It was nice to go on a date as a girl, with a genetic girl who likes me in my female mode. Neither of us is eager to leap onto a 'relationship', but we do plan to see each other more, and agree that there is at least some possibility that a closer relationship might develop.

    That girl and a second GG both indicated, at a recent speed dating event for LGBTQ ladies that we all attended, that they would be wiling to try going out on dates with me. But the one time so far that I asked the second girl out to dinner, she already had plans for that night.

    I haven't been trying very hard yet to find someone to go on dates with. When I go out socially as Ceera, I usually attend events with the LGBTQ Ladies' happy hour group that I met those two girls in. Most of the ladies in that group are lesbians who love interacting with me socially, and will happily chat and dance with me, but who aren't interested in dating a transgender girl like me. And that is fine with me. When I go out on my own, it's usually to a gay club where I don't have to worry too much about someone getting interested in me and then being offended when they realize I am transgender. Some of the guys and girls there do flirt with me, but nothing has developed from that recently. The guy that doe my acrylic nails has been flirting with me a bit, and I think he might want to ask me out, but he hasn't asked yet.

    So... nothing frequent, but some promising nibbles, I guess.

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