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Thread: Bathroom bills and other laws , discussion thread

  1. #76
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Poor hot house flowers. And yet I doubt they are upset over foul language on TV or violence in the city (near where they live)
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    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  2. #77
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
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    Trevor Noah, the current host of Comedy Central's The Daily Show and heir to John Stewart absolutely nailed the absurdity of the Great Bathroom Bill debate in a recent broadcast:

    Absolutely brilliant, and this segment should be made compulsory viewing for all of the legislators still attempting to either pass or defend these odious bills. The Cartesian logic by which Noah makes his points and systematically demolishes the arguments of the "haters" should have them hanging their heads in shame for even thinking of going down this road in the first place.

  3. #78
    Gone to live my life
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    Sorry Robin,

    This is the same argument that haters use to discriminate against trans folk. The YouTube video is pure hyperbole and has no fact. It talks about one woman getting a group together to protest because there are 209 registered sex offenders in the area. My question is . . . how many of those registered sex offenders are men who prey on young boys . . . going to keep them out of the men's bathroom? To be honest I get seriously tired of people using terms like pervert, peeping tom and sex offenders and pairing those words with the trans community. It is like some "seven degrees of field of dreams" moment where if you say it enough people believe it . . . trans equals perverts. That is all this video does . . . drums up images of creeping men lurking in the ladies room and then says "transgender rights". It is just an excuse to discriminate against the trans community.

    Goodness women are more likely to be harassed or assaulted by a man they know in a social setting then by some dude lurking in the bathroom. Should we enact laws which say that men and women cannot socialize because men are incapable of controlling their libido? So where do you suggest I as a trans woman go pee . . . the men's room? I suppose I could stand a chance of getting out with my skin in tact but what about the 13 year old trans girl . . . who is protecting her? Oh . . . I guess that doesn't matter to the idiot who made the You Tube video because the safety of .03% of the population doesn't matter . . . very nice.


  4. #79
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    With reference to Lisa's comment at #56 there has never been any concrete manner to bar a man from entering a woman's restroom or locker room to assault a woman or girl. Washington State has had anti discrimination/hate crime law in place since 2005. I live in the most populated area of Washington State. I can recall one instance of a pervert masquerading as a woman to gain access to a women's restroom to "up skirt" females using the facility. He was caught and busted. That about it for the last ten plus years. On the other hand there have been numerous cases of perverts concealing cameras in shopping bags and going up escalators behind women to take pictures. There have been many cases of coaches and others installing cameras in drill holes in the walls of locker rooms.

    When this became an issue in North Carolina and elsewhere the troops were mobilized in Washington to modify the law as it relates to bathrooms and locker rooms. The proposed law never made it our of committee during the "regular session," but, the proponents said they'll be back next session.

    And, how will they protect our little boys from the perverts in the men's room? I have it on good authority from my wife there are no urinals in the ladies' room. It seems women have the privacy of a locked stall, while men shake it at a urinal or line up at a trough in the bathrooms at a sports arena or bar.

    Unfortunately, I think this is going to be a big campaign issue this election, and, will divert attention away from issues that have a very wide consequence.
    Last edited by Stephanie47; 07-19-2016 at 11:32 AM. Reason: spelling

  5. #80
    Woman first, Trans second
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post
    I am going to reference you to the sticky about definitions; Your thinking not only is wrong, it divides us into smaller marginalized parts. Now let's ask the question "How in real life, do you tell a crossdresser from a TS (NOt transgender they are all in that boat?) You see your OWN prejudices are showing. You make an assumption before you know any facts. The articles posted were after tyhe facts hd been established, these me were criminals, perverts who used the guise to get what they wanted.

    I am amazed here how many crossdressers don't see that a law against one section of is a law against all of us. Partly because crossdressers know they could in teory fade away to being "just men" so they feel that the law would not impact them.

    The point I am making about the quote is if we don't get OUR own language together, how in the hell can we communicate with those who aren't in our circle. All the infighting I get to see going on in this forum is frustrating. So many want to play the game but don't want to follow the rule.

    THe "Rub" as you call it is that not this community stood up to the media or the police and said "Listen...don't lump us with them, they are not US." Again, a bank robber isn't always blue collar low paid worker. Every minority had a hill like this to climb. How did they? They educated and informed. WE don't we hide. (excluding thos who cannot hide). There's the rub, we are not self supporting, we are in fact self destructive. Not caring is as bad as promoting wrong.

    Stand up
    Lori, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here - I'm getting mixed messages, and I'm not sure I agree with your viewpoint here.
    Coming out is like discovering that you've been drowning your whole life after actually breathing air for the first time.

  6. #81
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    OK, as many of you know I've been watching way too much you tube lately and realizing the importance of knowing your enemy I've seen a few 'NC supporting' ones as well, to better understand their POV. That said, don't bring a bag of pollen for 'show and tell' to a hayfever support group, we can analyze it just fine on paper (I tossed out the bag of pollen BTW, sure it did have a small flower in it but for the most part, yah it was kinda...phlegm inducing) 😳

    Now I've snuck out of the bad guys secret lair and reflecting, I know an LGBT inclusive law won't cause any harm to anyone (that's just crazy brainwashing paranoia, like the WBC, yah look that one up on you tube for a laugh 😂 )

    All that said though, I did keep that small flower from the bag of pollen I tossed out earlier, it reminds ME at least that no matter how nuts the law makers are, I can still 'think' that in their minds it's not about's no solution but it helps ME deal with it 😐

  7. #82
    Lisa_vin lisa_vin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saikotsu View Post
    I'd like to point out that Lisa said they were posting the definitions from GLAAD to demonstrate how it can be a source of confusion in this issue.

    To your other point, Lorileah, I agree. I think it's important to take on an educator role in this sort of thing. People fear the unknown. So long as we aren't known, we WILL be feared. But if we can educate people, show them that we have much more in common than not, maybe people won't fear us as much. There will always be people who won't try to meet us halfway. Who will hate us. Just as there will always be sickos victimizing others. We can't educate everybody, and we can't stop all the criminals. But we can make a difference if we try. If not us, then who?
    Thank you very much Saikotsu! That is exactly what I was doing so thank you kindly for understanding. I've seen "GLAAD" referred to in numerous articles and even on TV over the last few years as THE reference site for trying to gain education for an "understanding" of the trans community. I've even seen it in referred to in "Dear Abby" columns in the newspaper in the past.

    You know what friends, I am NOT a hater! Why are others on here so fast to attack ME when all I have provided IS food for thought on this subject. Read and digest what I said THOROUGHLY.....DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! I don't need an "education" on definitions! These are not MY feelings, beliefs or understandings and I NEVER ONCE said they were. Y'all wanted a "discussion" on this subject and, quite frankly, ya' got one! I was merely pointing out some of the sources of misunderstanding and explaining WHY there is such discourse over this subject. I've heard some of this same hater crap from members within my own family and friends. (For purposes of further understanding, I am not "OUT" to anyone in my family or circle of friends except for my wife who is strictly's a tough crowd!). Lashing out at someone simply because you fail to read or understand what that person really said makes "the lasher" no better than those who attack our community relentlessly from the outside who don't bother to "gain an education" before inserting their foot into their mouth! Stop wearing your feelings on your sleeves and toughen up!

    So damn, people.......CALM DOWN!

    BTW......I went ahead and "italicized" the statements from the GLAAD website so people could understand that these were not MY statements or feelings!
    Last edited by lisa_vin; 06-04-2016 at 02:40 PM.

  8. #83
    Adyson Saikotsu's Avatar
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    You're welcome, Lisa.

    Let's all try to take a deep breath here ladies and gentlemen. Its a contentious issue and upsetting for sure, but if we lose our heads we only make things worse.

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisa_vin View Post
    So damn, people.......CALM DOWN!
    "Welcome To The Jungle!" - Guns N Roses...


  10. #85
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
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    "Just Pee!" - the cast of the Broadway version of "Kinky Boots" provides their spin on the great Bathroom Bills controversy with a new twist to their signature song...

  11. #86
    Lisa_vin lisa_vin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatlander_48 View Post
    "Welcome To The Jungle!" - Guns N Roses...

    Great song DeeAnn!

  12. #87
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    I don't see why it should be a issue issues like this is the brean child of small minded morons. I don't see it as a big deal.HUGS.
    Last edited by Angie G; 06-04-2016 at 03:40 PM.

  13. #88
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisa_vin View Post
    T I've seen "GLAAD" referred to in numerous articles and even on TV over the last few years as THE reference site for trying to gain education for an "understanding" of the trans community. I've even seen it in referred to in "Dear Abby" columns in the newspaper in the past.
    I appreciate what you are saying but that IS the issue in the world right now. WE can't can't even agree on definitions. BTW GLADD is just an organization and they don't speak for the whole LGBT world. The word "transgender according to Human Rights Campaign
    Transgender | An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Being transgender does not imply any specific sexual orientation. Therefore, transgender people may identify as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc.
    It does include Transsexuals but it covers everyone here. Thus when we talk we need to define the usage. It confuses the lay people when we flip back and forth and even here we have a number of people who believe that if they are referred to as transgender they think it means transsexual.

    The dictionary even has this
    Transgender is a less clinical term, referring more to gender identity and gender expression than to sexual orientation or physical sex characteristics. It is also a more general and inclusive term: a transgender person may be gay, transsexual, transvestite, or even genderqueer.
    Again the point is to have everyone use the same terminology so that we aren't mixing messages. Some crossdressers here feel that any law that is applied to the TG community doesn't effect them. So when one person says "This is a transgender issue" they think that in the big scheme of things the CDs and gender-queer aren't going to be effected.

    On this site we have definitions (not that most people follow them) up in the stickies. When you speak, especially to people in your sphere, it helps to all have the same point of reference (thus why medical and law use doesn't change). It was "hater" speech, it was trying to get everyone here to use the same terms in the same context. Sorry you took it so personal. Honestly I think this section has remained calm.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
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    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  14. #89
    Lisa_vin lisa_vin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post
    I appreciate what you are saying but that IS the issue in the world right now. WE can't can't even agree on definitions. BTW GLADD is just an organization and they don't speak for the whole LGBT world. The word "transgender according to Human Rights Campaign
    It does include Transsexuals but it covers everyone here. Thus when we talk we need to define the usage. It confuses the lay people when we flip back and forth and even here we have a number of people who believe that if they are referred to as transgender they think it means transsexual.

    The dictionary even has this

    Again the point is to have everyone use the same terminology so that we aren't mixing messages. Some crossdressers here feel that any law that is applied to the TG community doesn't effect them. So when one person says "This is a transgender issue" they think that in the big scheme of things the CDs and gender-queer aren't going to be effected.

    On this site we have definitions (not that most people follow them) up in the stickies. When you speak, especially to people in your sphere, it helps to all have the same point of reference (thus why medical and law use doesn't change). It was "hater" speech, it was trying to get everyone here to use the same terms in the same context. Sorry you took it so personal. Honestly I think this section has remained calm.
    Hi Lorileah!

    Sorry for any misunderstanding. I was merely in a "sharing and explanation" mode......specific events, websites, etc......and when it seemed as if it was being implied that these were MY stances, thoughts or ideas and that I was wrong about everything, I became a little defensive. I'll be more careful in the future to be understood as to WHERE what I say comes from.

    No worries!

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post
    Every one of those links were not a a person claiming to be crossgender. You comparison is like when a guy in a monkey mask robs a bank...he wasn't a monkey So these examples are not really true.
    Sorry Lorileah - you can't have it both ways. Each of those people were transgender individuals, by your own definition - crossdressers. These examples are definitely "really true" examples of transgender individuals - crossdressers - arrested in women's rest rooms dressed and presenting as female. Unfortunately we have seen examples of voyeurism in this forum and it does exist to some degree in crossdressing and thus in the transgender community. And crossdressers who are voyeurs have just as much right to every linger in ladies rooms as any other member of our transgender community - by definition.

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    I was in an older restaurant in DC which converted both rest rooms to "gender neutral". It was not a very efficient system because they eliminated urinals from the former men's rest room which reduced capacity significantly. An elderly woman also complained to the restaurant owner that there was now always urine on the toilets and on the floors in both bathrooms which was disgusting to her. It was, however, rather meaningless due to the single capacity both rest rooms had.

    But for those who really think that gender-neutral bathrooms are the solution, let me ask what protection is there from the "bathroom bullies" who will follow a transgender person into open-gender bathrooms simply to harass them? Guess what - the comfort or security you used to have using the ladies room would no longer exist. Is that really progress?

  16. #91
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    They were transgender? OK let me refer you to a book, "Black like me" he wasn't black but presented as such. Didn't make him black. There have been other examples of this in other situations. THese MEN dressed to break a law. They didn't identify as being TG in any form except when they were caught. If those men had dressed as police, would they then be police? Yes I can have it both ways. One member here years ago said "just because you have frosting on your head doesn't make you a cupcake" If a man wears a mask to rob a bank does not make him the Lone Ranger.

    Why would single room restrooms be meaningless? It seems a very good solution to me. You have a room to yourself, you have a door that locks, you can feel safe. Why would that be meaningless? Because it doesn't open up a large room to everyone? This isn't "separate but equal". This is "Everyone has the same opportunity" . Seems logical in this day. No one gets, more. No one gets less. And no one gets to be concerned who else in there with them. I think for a small venue, this is an ideal situation.

    Comfort and security to...? There was never security. The doors swung no matter who was in there. It was "Perceived" security. Still is. There are laws supposedly protecting everyone from attacks in these rooms, and the old saying goes, one could walk right through that piece of paper and do your damage.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
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    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  17. #92
    Woman first, Trans second
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    Quote Originally Posted by heatherdress View Post
    But really, how can you not see that if all public rest room facilities are genderless, those of us who feel comfortable using ladies rooms - as we always have without difficulty - will no longer have the comfort of a female environment when we are dressed as females. There will very definitely be more occasions of uncomfortable exchanges when jerk guys can harass those of us who look like men in a dress when we have to use the bathroom.
    I'm sorry, but why do you need the "comfort of a female environment" just because you're wearing stereotypically women's clothing?

    You need a safe bathroom, not the female environment.
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  18. #93
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    for the same reason a man in a monkey mask robbing a bank isn't a monkey. Wearing certain head gear doesn't make you part of a religion when you do it to commit a crime (do you know my family?...they think it does) Dressing to commit a crime and SOLELY for that purpose (and so far none of what you point out have been Transgender in real life at all) does not make you transgender. You have to look at INTENT. It makes you an opportunistic criminal (refer to Aurora shooter, he wasn't the Joker). None of the links has shown that these men crossdressed for any reason than to commit a crime. You can defend them all you want. But they dressed to commit the crime, not because they are transgender. Besides every link you posted was for bank robbery. Shall we make it illegal for transpeople to bank? (or men in certain clothes that aren't three piece suits?) And even if we agree they are, so WHAT? They are criminals, you cannot paint a whole society (i.e. race, gender, religion) for the actions of the few. Think about it. Since men known to women are the most likely to sexually assault a woman, you can't ban ALL men who know women. Your argument is spurious and unfounded. Again, I will refer to every stereotypic reason that anyone has ever used to marginalize every minority in history. Segregation laws have been effect in the US for 50 years.

    Weak and false argument on your part.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
    Chief Joseph
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    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  19. #94
    Member JayeLefaye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post

    Some crossdressers here feel that any law that is applied to the TG community doesn't effect them. So when one person says "This is a transgender issue" they think that in the big scheme of things the CDs and gender-queer aren't going to be effected....

    ...Honestly I think this section has remained calm.
    "Some crossdressers here feel that any law that is applied to the TG community doesn't effect them"...Then those crossdressers are being a tad narrow-minded/short-sighted. As a human, any law that negatively affects someone, ANYONE, also affects me. It's sad if that's not the way someone, Cis or otherwise thinks.

    "...Honestly I think this section has remained calm"....Thankfully, I believe that I agree. Especially considering the sensitivity of this discussion.

    Thanks for starting this thread, Lorileah!

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  20. #95
    Rachel Rachelakld's Avatar
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    did you guys PANIC when Gays started getting rights, about how your young boys would be molested in toilets and then they would grow up gay....

    Apart from a famous singer trying to hook up with an undercover policeman, nothing news worthy happened. I think the actual fallout from gay rights is extremely small.

    Personally I think people just like to think the worse of everyone else - it makes them feel better about themselves.
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  21. #96
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Using the word haters may be a bit too much. Are there people we hate, on the right? I dare say there are a lot. Hate is such a hot button word, implies blood thirsty murderous monster people. i would simply say the opposition . There are people with young girls, who do not want men coming into locker rooms, changing, and showing their genitals around girls. Can you blame them for caution!

  22. #97
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Yeah, I can. Especially when the threat is virtually non-existent. Those young girls are in more danger from an uncle or a neighbor or ex-boyfriend.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
    Chief Joseph
    Nez Perce

    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  23. #98
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    Hi Heatherdress

    I would suggest that members of the transgender community are no more likely to be criminals than any other group in society.

    On a side note "Prostitution" is not a crime in every country.

    I have also been in places where the bathroom is unisex. This means everyone, Male, Female & TG/CD all use the stalls provided.

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  24. #99
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    I have always used the bathroom associated with my appearance. If I am dressed as a female, I use the Ladies bathroom. I have never had an issue doing this. One issue that does trouble me is the feelings from the general community regarding this issue. Many lump us in with pediphiles! I thought that the world was changing and we would be more accepted, but I guess not.
    Love, Sabrina

  25. #100
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    When I am dressed as a woman I used the ladies room.

    I am a very passable woman and have developed many feminine traits and gestures.

    I have never had any trouble.

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