There is currently another thread going and I no longer wish to hijack that thread regarding the subtopic that occurred, so I thought I would bring that discussion here. This is the bit that I wish to respond to:

Quote Originally Posted by Krisi View Post

The facts are, you can have breast implants, you can get a vagina, get your body hair removed and several other things done, but your internal organs will still be male and your DNA will still be male. You will still have a male build and size. These are facts, they cannot be changed. You can live as a woman and you can dream you are a woman but you are sill male medically and biologically.

Again, facts.

I remember growing up and being a naive child who thought, sure the world is an easily defined place; you are male if you have a penis, you are female if you have a vagina, and there is nothing else. But now, after a bit a enlightenment, I see the world differently, and understand that things are not so easily defined. So far, what I see is that through attempting to define either male or female, the best that we can come up with is a definition for a typical male or female. The problem arises that inevitably some people are excluded when definitions are attempted. I often think of this issue as a bell curve. Most definitions do fine defining those who live in the middle of the bell curve. Which accurately defines those people, but tends to exclude those who live at either end of that curve. And by doing so, you are denying them their reality.

I think of all of the differing forms in which humanity can take; people who are born with a physical intersex condition, people who are born female and suddenly start developing secondary male sexual characteristics at puberty, the various ways in which chromosomes can be combined. And these are the things I can come up with quickly this morning. For far better reading about this issue than what I can post, I suggest reading Jack Molay's post.

But furthermore, beyond these facts, I do think that posts of some people's opinions are particularly cruel and I see no reason for them occurring here. I really wish that all people could see past their own narrow minded visions of the world and see the reality that is already in front of them.

So.... the real question here is, can you define what it is to be male or female, without excluding anyone who personally identifies with that gender? Because I can't, and I'd love to be enlightened by anyone who thinks they can.