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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #1
    Member Petra1's Avatar
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    What would you do?

    Well, I'm really thinking it's time for me to purge. I'll tell you why.

    I've posted here before about how I like to dress at my early Sunday morning job. That job is located in an office building. Yesterday morning, I decided to go downstairs to the lobby and walk around. As I was about to call for the elevator, I saw the back entrance door start to open. I made a beeline for the stairs and ran all the way up to my floor. I know I was spotted running, but my face wasn't seen. I am, however, bald and I wasn't wearing a wig.

    This is the second time in two weeks that something made me run for the stairs. The first time was because I thought I heard the door unlocking. Last week, though, I was wearing pants, ladies' shoes and my "C" cup water balloons. This week I was wearing a skirt, same shoes and my "DD" cup balloons. I had also disconnected the cameras into our suite during this time.

    What I am worried about is that this may be the same person who may have seen me last week. If it is, it's possible that they may report to security the two instances occuring two weeks in a row. Not too many people work in this building that early on a Sunday morning. And the building requires an issued ID to gain entrance. So, it wouldn't be too hard to narrow it down.

    I'm also worried about the fact that I work for my best friend at this job. Nobody outside my wife knows I crossdress.

    This obviously affected my day yesterday. It even affected my sleep.

    Again, what would you do?

    Thank you in advance for reading and for your opinions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Smile What would you do

    If I were you, I wouldn't purge my femme items if you enjoy crossdressing and if the wife is comfortable with it. As for going to the office on Sunday dressed, I would cool my heels for awhile and in a round about way try to find out who else is working on a Sunday. You coud just wear your bra under your drab clothes or take your clothes with you and change in the office and keep to the office if you feel comfortable that way. In other words if you do no want to get caught, do not take the chances that you are presently taking. Best wishes and the best of luck to you.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
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    ok you dress at work , twice you almost got busted ... your wife knows you dress. .... boss / freind dose not ... should you purge??? what would i do ??

    wow ok simple i would think yes think we should all try that every now and then ... see theise posts are so silly ... watch all the people come to tell you tell your freind and go out crossdressing with him ... and what ever ...

    yes think ... some of theise things are so silly lets see busted at work and possably fired , purgeing ... you and the "ballons"need to think ... you already know the answer......

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member Noel Chimes's Avatar
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    What to do?

    Let's stop and think a minute. Pulling the plug on security devices, not a good idea. Lucky break that you heard the door unlocking. And now someone may have caught sight of you racing up the stairs. Don't you think it's time to ease up on dressing at work for a bit? I understand your love to show your femme side, however losing your job for tampering with security equipment is NOT worth it.
    As far as finding out who is lurking about the building, that may be a problem without revealing your secret idenity. So put your glasses back on "Clark Kent" and put the tights back in your cape before Perry White calls you into his office.
    And it won't be to take a letter.
    If the clothes make the man then the makeup makes the woman.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Annaliese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petra1
    Well, I'm really thinking it's time for me to purge. I'll tell you why.

    I've posted here before about how I like to dress at my early Sunday morning job. That job is located in an office building. Yesterday morning, I decided to go downstairs to the lobby and walk around. As I was about to call for the elevator, I saw the back entrance door start to open. I made a beeline for the stairs and ran all the way up to my floor. I know I was spotted running, but my face wasn't seen. I am, however, bald and I wasn't wearing a wig.

    This is the second time in two weeks that something made me run for the stairs. The first time was because I thought I heard the door unlocking. Last week, though, I was wearing pants, ladies' shoes and my "C" cup water balloons. This week I was wearing a skirt, same shoes and my "DD" cup balloons. I had also disconnected the cameras into our suite during this time.

    What I am worried about is that this may be the same person who may have seen me last week. If it is, it's possible that they may report to security the two instances occuring two weeks in a row. Not too many people work in this building that early on a Sunday morning. And the building requires an issued ID to gain entrance. So, it wouldn't be too hard to narrow it down.

    I'm also worried about the fact that I work for my best friend at this job. Nobody outside my wife knows I crossdress.

    This obviously affected my day yesterday. It even affected my sleep.

    Again, what would you do?

    Thank you in advance for reading and for your opinions.

    There is an old saying don't stink up where you are. Don't dress at work where you can get caught, dress under your drab I ware a sports bra and panties under my clothes every day.
    Your wife know, so you don't have to dress at work, when I get home from work I take off my clothes and put on skirt and a blouse and some heel and am that way tell I go to bed.
    And If you purge now you will just have to replace every thing any way I dont know how much I purge a way over the years but it is in the thousands.
    It not something you can stop it is how you are I dont know any one that has stop.

    Good luck

    Last edited by Annaliese; 03-06-2006 at 07:51 AM.

  6. #6
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    I'd curtail the Sunday morning outtings for a while and get a wig that way at least you will appear fem from a distance. And hey, running the stairs can't hurt you girlish figure!!! Heheheheh

    Love Karen
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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  7. #7
    2006 Member Victoria-Marie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petra1
    I've posted here before about how I like to dress at my early Sunday morning job. That job is located in an office building. Yesterday morning, I decided to go downstairs to the lobby and walk around. As I was about to call for the elevator, I saw the back entrance door start to open. I made a beeline for the stairs and ran all the way up to my floor. I know I was spotted running, but my face wasn't seen. I am, however, bald and I wasn't wearing a wig.
    As you have posted in another thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Petra1
    My CD dreams usually involve me "thisclose" to being caught, and usually only wearing bra & panties. I spend most of the dream trying to outrun everyone.
    So, it seems that your CD dreams were almost fullfilled.
    -- Victoria-Marie

  8. #8
    Gold Member Jasmine Ellis's Avatar
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    DON'T PURGE DEAR, Don't go to work with skirts, high heels, + tops, wear underwear yes under your male clothes. BUT DO NOT PURGE, Why, you'll only come back then buy more clothes after hun.
    Love as always Jasminexxxxxxxx

  9. #9
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    I wouldn't wouldn't wouldn't wouldn't dress at work. That's a clear sign that this thing is being an uncontrollable obsession with you. It's reckless and rather stupid to do, as well. No offense, but you really need to shake yourself. You don't need a purge, you need a little common sense.

    Any money found in the laundry is MINE!

    "This is no social crisis....this is me having fun!"

  10. #10
    Member Petra1's Avatar
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    All of you have brought up points that I have already thought of myself. I agree with all of you. I'm going to have to exert some will power when I get up at 3:30 in the morning, and NOT go for Petra's clothes.
    Last edited by GypsyKaren; 03-06-2006 at 09:17 AM.

  11. #11
    That's right, I did it Sharon's Avatar
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    It sounds to me like you experienced what you were looking for.

  12. #12
    Rainbow Rennie Butterfly Bill's Avatar
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    Any reason you can't come out to your friend? (You may ultimately be able to walk around in any office lobby anywhere at any time of day, even without a wig.)

  13. #13
    Girl about Town Jodie_Lynn's Avatar
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    I presume, Petra, you have some overwhelming reason why you can't dress at home, even though your wife knows?

    Or is it the fact that you have an exhibitionist streak in you, and your sexual fantasies involve being 'found out' and humiliated?

    As others have pointed out,
    A - you don't squat where you eat
    B - Don't tamper with company property.

    You do realize that when you disconnect the security devices, the lapse shows up, right? And, that you Boss/friend WON'T be thinking "oh, he must be a crossdresser". Nope, He will be thinking that you are involved in some kind of illegal activity.

    If this isn't just a put up story to help you get your jollies, I would strongly, STRONGLY suggest that you leave Petra at home. She doesn't belong in your office.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharon
    It sounds to me like you experienced what you were looking for.
    I agree - sounds like something in you is hoping to get caught.

    That's a scary place to be.

    ALSO: I used to work at an office where there were visible security cameras in the upper corners of the rooms. Turns out those visible cameras were the fake decoys. We had a robbery and the thieves wearing masks went up and covered all of the visible camera lens with rags - then they took off their masks - it was people who worked there - but the real, hidden cameras recorded the whole thing and they were arrested the next day.
    So, unless you really know everything that is going on at your office, I wouldnt assume that you actually have disconnected all of the security devices. Be careful.

  15. #15
    Wife's best friend Jenny Beth's Avatar
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    There's no point repeating what's already been said. You have no choice but to leave your femme side at home.....but I think you already knew that.

  16. #16
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    Common sense should dictate here. If you need a job so that you can afford to live, as 99% of us do, then do your job, and leave the dressing for another time.

    if your urge to dress is so strong you would risk loosing your job and damaging your relationship with your wife as well, perhaps you should seek out some counselling as well. This isn't a healthy attitude towards dressing.


  17. #17
    good friend BAD enemy Anita's Avatar
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    what you reap so shall thy sow

  18. #18
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    What good would purging do now?

    You can stop doing it at work, but purging isn't going to solve anything.

    Make sure you don't have anything that can be found at work.

    What would I do?

    Well, I was caught at work. She had no problem with it, so I continued. She thought it was cool.

    When our office moved, I stopped.
    Last edited by DonnaT; 03-06-2006 at 05:48 PM.

  19. #19
    Member Petra1's Avatar
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    I hear loud and clear what everyone has said. Believe me, all this has gone through my head more than once. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has said to themselves, "This is not healthy and I will regret it later," but does the deed anyway. i.e. smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc. There have been many times I told myself, "Not this week," but sure enough, when I'm getting ready for work, I head straight for Petra's drawer. As I said earlier, I need more will power. I will definitely work on that.

    Do I have a desire to get caught? No. If I do, it's subconscious. What I do have a desire to do is go through normal everyday activities as Petra. The urge is not so strong, however, that I would consider SRS. It's more about experiencing and experimenting. What did happen though, is that I got comfortable and it made me careless. So, as Frank N. Furter would say, "You better wise up, Janet Weiss."

    Why dress at work? It's the only day of the week, right now, that allows me to do so. (My Sunday job is one of four part-time jobs that I work for extra money. I don't need the job to survive. My full-time job is changing at the end of the month. I'll be able to use some Saturday mornings when the wife is at work.) I'm cutting down on Petra time at home, because even though she knows, accepts & tolerates, my wife doesn't want to see me dressed "all the time." So, being a good husband, I attempt to respect her wishes.

    Plus, at 3:30 Sunday morning, most people are sleeping. I have a better chance of not being caught. Right? (HA!)

    As for the cameras, I know they're real. The monitors are accessible. I know what happens when you disconnect a camera. But, I do believe they're not being recorded. My boss couldn't even tell me if they were being used anymore, and he's been there for 5 years.

    Thank you all for figuratively slapping me in the face and giving me a wake up call. I've always believed in learning from your mistakes. I hope I have this time. I also hope that somebody in the future reading this learns from my mistakes, too.

    I haven't heard anything yet, today. I will wait the week to see what transpires, and I'll start laying low.

    Thanks again.

  20. #20
    Jenn Caine PTPJen's Avatar
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    RE: Stuff

    To me it sounds like you like the thrill of possibly getting caught, and that's what you should be concered about. I understand when I was a tennager everyone drinked beer , I drank it and hated it but the rush we got when we were able to pull off not getting caught was discussion for weeks.

    This however is your job, you food and livelyhood, and if you want to play the game do it someplace else where it won't impact you or your family.

    As for purging, having done this everal times, I alway regreatt wheter weeks, months or years all the stuff I bought and threw away, it isn't going to go away, you will always bus stuff so throwing awy money is what you are doing so Don't!! Jenn

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